
  1. 她在这些讨论中提供的专家建议很有助益。

    Her specialist input to the discussions has been very useful .

  2. 大多数专家建议在这样的情况下要谨慎从事。

    Most experts counsel caution in such cases .

  3. 你还会获得有关如何保持良好发质的专家建议。

    You 'll also get expert advice on keeping your hair in good condition

  4. 睡眠专家建议的睡眠时间为7至9个小时,因此过半数的美国成年人每晚都没有睡够就不足为奇了。

    It 's no surprise , then , that more than half of American adults don 't get the 7 to 9 hours of shut-eye every night as recommended by sleep experts .

  5. 一些食品公司为减少加工食品中的卡路里含量做了一些半心半意的尝试,并大肆宣传。但是标准的美国饮食仍然与几乎每个专家建议我们吃的健康的植物性食物截然相反。

    There have been half-hearted but well-publicized efforts by some food companies to reduce calories in their processed foods , but the Standard American Diet is still the polar opposite of the healthy , mostly plant-based diet that just about every expert says we should be eating .

  6. 专家建议只在卧室睡觉。

    Experts suggest using the bedroom for sleep only .

  7. 营养专家建议我们每天至少吃五种不同的蔬菜和水果。

    Experts in nutrition suggest that we should eat at least five different kinds of vegetables and fruit a day .

  8. 专家建议,最好在比较安静的时候购物,比如周一或周二。

    Experts suggest it 's better to shop when it 's quieter , on a Monday or a Tuesday for example .

  9. 三维打印技术发展迅速。许多专家建议中学应该应用三维打印技术。

    The 3-D printing technology is developing fast . Many experts suggest that it should be introduced to more middle school students .

  10. 专家建议人们根据自己的脸型来选择太阳镜。Square方脸如果你长了一张方脸,时尚专家丹尼斯·考德威尔建议你选择圆框太阳镜。

    If you have a square face , style expert Denise Caldwell suggests looking for round frames .

  11. 因此,许多专家建议只要把多余的牙膏(泡沫)吐掉即可。

    Instead , many experts recommend simply spitting out excess toothpaste .

  12. 对此,心理专家建议不应盲目攀比徒增压力。

    To this , the psychological expert suggests that we should avoid increasing the pressure by comparing with others blindly .

  13. 专家建议每周至少用吸尘器吸尘两次,并每年至少对地毯进行一次专业清洁,以避免细菌、霉菌和酵母菌的滋生。

    Experts recommend vacuuming at least twice a week and having carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year to avoid growing levels of bacteria , mould and yeast .

  14. 员工在生日或者庆祝日给大家带零食,这被称为办公室的“蛋糕文化”。然而专家建议,这种办公室文化正成为日常的健康危害,应该被制止。

    Office " cake culture " in which staff bring in treats for birthdays and celebrations is becoming a daily health hazard and should be stopped , experts have advised .

  15. 周二,一批专家建议美国食品与药品管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration,简称FDA)批准一种预防心肌梗死的强效新药。

    An expert group recommended on Tuesday that the Food and Drug Administration approve a powerful new drug to protect against heart attacks .

  16. 完善的专家建议程序不仅可以调优特定的SQL语句,还可以推荐能够改善完整DB2SQL工作负载的整体性能的调优行为。

    Comprehensive expert advisors not only tune that particular SQL statement , they also recommend tuning activities that improve the overall performance of an entire DB2 SQL workload .

  17. DDD专家建议,对随用说话的任何批改都应当导致对模型的批改。

    DDD experts suggest that any change to the ubiquitous language should result in a change to the model .

  18. 专家建议水煮肉,烹调肉食时注意经常翻炒,或者用微波炉煮肉,可以减少对HCA的接触。

    To cut HCA exposure , experts suggest marinating meat , frequently flipping it while cooking , or microwaving it .

  19. 新生儿护理方面的专家建议到最好的避免SIDS的方法是总是让宝宝仰面躺在床上。

    Experts in newborn care say the best way to protect your baby from SIDS is to always put her down to sleep on her back .

  20. 这正是OptimQueryTuner的目标,它能够提供专家建议来帮助开发人员编写更高效的SQL,或者至少使开发人员拥有足够的信息来向DBA询问新索引或统计数据。

    This is the goal of Optim Query Tuner , which can provide expert advice to help developers write more efficient SQL , or at least have enough information in hand to ask for new indexes or statistics from the DBA .

  21. 专家建议,应加大对男男性接触者的宣传教育力度。

    Experts suggest , should increase MSM 's propaganda and education .

  22. 专家建议父母接受相应的训练来应付自闭症。

    The experts advise parents to receive training for dealing with autism .

  23. 专家建议早点让幼猫使用带有金枪鱼汁的牙刷。

    Experts recommend starting early with kittens and a tuna-juice soaked brush .

  24. 专家建议个人每天应从脂肪吸取多少百分比的卡路里?

    What is the recommended percentage of daily caloric intake from fat ?

  25. 面向对象的设计专家建议我们对接口进行编程。

    Object-oriented design experts advise us to program to interfaces .

  26. 但是健康专家建议蘑菇应该烹制后食用。

    But health experts recommend mushrooms should be eaten cooked .

  27. 职业专家建议,宁可过于谨慎也不要粗心。

    Career experts suggest erring on the side of caution .

  28. 你认为专家建议人们在这种情形下应该干什么?

    What do you think experts advise people to do in this situation ?

  29. 孩子们一个上午的钠摄入量就已是专家建议的三倍。

    Kids get 3 times the recommended daily allowance of sodium before noon !

  30. 专家建议在动物住处的上方安装亮灯。

    The experts also suggest using lights above places where animals are kept .