
  • 网络models of National College Entrance Examination
  1. 析3+X高考模式之功效

    The Effects of " 3 + X " Mode of University Entrance Examination

  2. 国外高考模式比较研究

    The Overseas College Entrance Examination Pattern Comparison Studies

  3. 自1977年以来,我国一直努力探讨高考模式改革问题。

    Since 1977 , our country has been efforts to explore the pattern of the reform of college entrance examination .

  4. 面对新高考模式的几点思考&从2000年高考文科综合能力测试卷谈起

    What to Do for the New Model of National Entrance Exam to University : Reflection on the Year 2000 Comprehensive Exam Paper for Liberal Arts

  5. 然后指出了3+X+1高考模式产生的背景&新课程改革,分析了新课程改革的涵义、原因、方向及目标。

    Secondly , it pointed out new curriculum reform , the background of building college enterance exam and analyzed its defination , reason and direction as well as targets .

  6. 这就是素质教育下的高考模式,我们只能去适应这一潮流,适者生存,不适者淘汰。

    This is the mode of the college entrance examination under quality education , of which the tide can only be adapted in order to exist , otherwise one will be washed out .

  7. 课程的综合化发展,3+X高考模式的设立,对综合能力的考查,对中学教育现代模式是一次极大冲击。

    With the comprehensive development of the courses together with the 3 + x pattern of the college entrance exam which is focused on checking the students ' ability , middle school teaching style is faced with a great challenge .

  8. 与此相应的三轮高考复习模式可达到这一要求,即:历史阶段式、专题式和问题式三轮复习模式。

    Accordingly , the three-circle review model can meet the needs of this requirements .

  9. 为了能更好的培养学生的能力品质,提高复习效率,使学生的智慧得到充分发挥,优化高考复习模式是至关重要的。

    It is important to normalize the reviewing mould in order to foster students ' competent quality and improve students ' intelligence .

  10. 高考录取模式是高考招生录取制度的一部分,如何改进高考录取模式为当前的热门话题,引起社会各界的广泛关注。

    College Admission Mode is one part of system of higher education enrollment . How to improve CAM becomes the current topic , which gives rise to social extensive attentions .

  11. 在此基础上试图构建一种理想的高考作文命题模式,从而解放学生的写作困境,促进中学作文教学乃至中学语文教育的健康良性发展。

    On that basic we attempt to construct an ideal model for the College Entrance Exams composition testing , so as to release the students from their writing predicament and promote the development of the middle-school composition teaching and Chinese language education healthily and positively .

  12. 现有的认知诊断应用研究大多集中在小规模领域,本文以2010年某省高考理科数学试卷为例,进行高考生能力掌握模式的诊断,尝试在大规模考试中进行认知诊断技术应用研究。

    Previous cognitive diagnosis application research mostly focus on small sizes fields . This paper attempts to go on the application research of cognitive diagnosis technology in large scale examinations .

  13. 实验的比例和考查内容。通过分析,看出了高考试卷题目类型的变化发展和当前我省实行的3+X高考模式下的理科综合能力测试的特点;

    The proportion of experiment and test content .

  14. 高考志愿填报中的偏好与公平研究&我国高考全志愿填报模式设计

    Study on the preference and fairness in the application for college entrance & Complete applying model designing in China 's college entrance examination