
zhōnɡ ɡuó wén xué
  • Chinese literature
  1. 他在那所大学里担任中国文学教授。

    He filled the chair of Chinese literature at the university .

  2. 这篇课文是根据《中国文学》上登载的一篇故事改编的。

    This text is adapted from a story in Chinese literature .

  3. 《红楼梦》在中国文学史上占有重要位置。

    A dream of Red Mansions occupies an important place in the history of Chinese literature .

  4. 还值得一提的是,中国文学的四大经典名著中有三部写于明朝。参考译文:

    What ’ s more , three of the four classical novels are written in the Ming dynasty .

  5. 批评化不是中国文学理论的出路&对文学理论研究一种走向的价值审视

    Literary Criticism : A Wrong Way Out for Chinese Literary Theory

  6. 略论留学生对中国文学发展的贡献

    On the Contributions of the Returned Students to Chinese Literature Development

  7. 世俗化语境与世纪末中国文学

    Secular Context and the End-of - the - Century Chinese Literature

  8. 二十世纪中国文学史研究与中国社会

    Research in Chinese Literature in the 20th Century and Chinese Community

  9. 教英语(数学,生物,中国文学,地理)

    Teach English ( maths , biology , Chinese literature , geography )

  10. 但在这短短的一百多年中,中国文学翻译却得到了蓬勃发展。

    In this period , Chinese literary translation boomed quickly .

  11. 怀古是中国文学的传统题材。

    Meditating on the past is a traditional topic in Chinese literature .

  12. 中国文学史新变的三个视点

    Three New Reforming Aspects on the History of Chinese Literature

  13. 科学认知与人文理解交错中的中国文学写实主义

    Chinese Literature Realism Interlocked with Scientific Knowledge and Humanistic Understanding

  14. 中国文学中精灵形象的演变与发展

    The Evolution of Spirit Images in Chinese Literature Return of the Fairy

  15. 为转型时期的中国文学正名

    Promoting the Term " Chinese Literature in Transformational Period "

  16. 先锋意识在当代中国文学中的变异

    The Variation of Avant-Garde Consciousness in Chinese Contemporary Literature

  17. 世界文学背景中的中国文学选择

    Chinese literary choice in the background of world literature

  18. 中国文学批评的自戕与重构

    Suicide and Reconstruction of China 's Literary Criticism Theory

  19. 中国文学是由汉族文学和少数民族文学共同构成的。

    The Chinese literature consists of ethnic Han literature and ethnic minorities literature .

  20. 古代中国文学教育的价值与意义

    Importance and Significance of Classical Chinese Literature Education

  21. 人性在中国文学中的流变

    Change of Humanity in Ch in ese Literature

  22. 论中国文学批评视野中的现代转型

    On the Modern Transformation of Chinese Literary Criticism

  23. 《中国文学编年史》抽样分析

    Sampling Analysis of A Chronicle of Chinese Literature

  24. 许多外国人正在学习中国文学。

    Many foreigners are studying Chinese literature .

  25. 南诏大理文学是中国文学的组成部分之一,理应在中国文学研究领域占有一席之地。

    It is a component of the Chinese literature and is well worth delving into .

  26. 陈映真的艺术特质在根本上是在中国文学传统的基础上对西方文学精神和技巧的融汇。

    Chen Ying-zhen 's artistic properties are the blending of Sino-Western literature spirit and techniques .

  27. 中国文学的现代转型及其意义

    Modernization of Chinese Literature and Its Significance

  28. 该书在中国文学史研究方面达到了一个新的境界。

    The book has reached a new dimension concerning the research of Chinese literary history .

  29. 他善于比喻,富于变化,含蓄蕴藉,生动活泼,是中国文学史上的语言大师。

    That is why he is regarded as a linguistic master in Chinese literary history .

  30. 在中国文学史上,汉代的赋家是第一批有意识地追求文章华丽的群体。

    In Chinese literature , composers of Fu are the first to pursue consciously splendor .