
zhōng guó rén mín jiě fàng jūn
  • the Chinese People's Liberation Army;the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army
中国人民解放军 [zhōng guó rén mín jiě fàng jūn]
  • [the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army] 中华人民共和国的武装力量,由中华人民共和国中央军事委员会领导

中国人民解放军[zhōng guó rén mín jiě fàng jūn]
  1. 中国人民解放军(PLA)退役上校岳刚表示,这次美国军舰遭受到的攻击是很好的广告。

    The attack on the US warships was good advertising , said Col Yue Gang , a retired officer in the People 's Liberation Army .

  2. 091型潜艇(北约代号汉级潜艇)是中国人民解放军海军的第一代核动力攻击潜艇(SSN),共制造了5艘,全配备于青岛北海舰队。

    Type 091 Han Class ( SSN ) submarines are first - generation nuclear-powered submarines of Chinese navy . All five units of this class were deployed with the North Sea Fleet of Qingdao .

  3. 张建少将这次带领中国人民解放军南部战区的士兵们参加演习。

    Major General Zhang Jian with PLA Southern Theater Command headed the Chinese side during the drills .

  4. 中国人民解放军东部战区司令部也警告美国,应停止事态升级。

    The People 's Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command also warns the United States that it should stop escalation .

  5. 4年后,她加入了中国人民解放军文艺团,成为了一名女高音演唱家。她拥有民族声乐硕士学位,现任中国人民解放军艺术学院院长,少将军衔。

    Four years later , she joined the arts troupe of the People 's Liberation Army as a soprano .

  6. 他表示,中国人民解放军将采取一切必要措施坚定捍卫国家主权和领土完整。

    He says the People 's Liberation Army will take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity .

  7. 中国人民解放军南部战区组织海空兵力对美国军舰进行跟踪监视、查证识别,并对其警告驱离。

    The PLA Southern Theater Command deployed air and navy forces to monitor and verify the ship , and warned it to leave .

  8. 来自河南的宁泽涛曾是河南省游泳队的一员,2007年,他加入了中国人民解放军海军游泳队。

    From Henan province , he moved to the swimming team of the People 's Liberation Navy from his provincial swimming team in 2007 .

  9. 中国人民解放军领导人星期天在北京对记者发表讲话,并强调说,部队官兵们面临很多困难,而且在和普通老百姓一起努力。

    People 's Liberation Army leaders spoke to reporters in Beijing Sunday , and emphasized that soldiers are facing hardships and working together with ordinary Chinese people .

  10. 中国人民解放军副职领导人形容这个举动与日本政府决定“购买”钓鱼岛的目的一样。

    The deputy head of the PLA has described the move as the equivalent of the Japanese government 's decision to " purchase " the Diaoyu Islands .

  11. 据美国司法部说,最初几批直-10武装直升机是在2009年和2010年交付中国人民解放军的。

    Initial batches of the Z-10 helicopter were delivered to the People 's Liberation Army of China in 2009 and 2010 , according to the Justice Department .

  12. 中国人民解放军说,在服役后,辽宁号将继续为科学研究目的服务,同时也将服务于军事训练项目。

    The People 's Liberation Army says after being commissioned , the Liaoning will continue to serve for scientific research purposes , as well as military training .

  13. 1976年,莫言加入中国人民解放军,历任班长、图书管理员、教员、干事等职。

    In 1976 , Mo joined the PLA ( China 's People 's Liberation Army ) and held the posts of monitor , librarian , teacher and secretary 。

  14. 中国人民解放军副总参谋长戚建国在新加坡举行的香格里拉对话会发表以上讲话。

    Qi Jianguo , deputy chief of general staff of the People 's Liberation Army ( PLA ) of China said this at the 12th Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore .

  15. 中国人民解放军南部战区的200多名战士和美国陆军太平洋战区部队及其海岸警卫队参加了此次为期一周的演习。

    More than 200 soldiers from the People 's Liberation Army Southern Theater Command and the U.S. Army Pacific Command and Coast Guard have participated in the week-long exercise .

  16. 包括至少2500名中国人民解放军官兵在内的7000名营救人员在鲁甸县昭通区附近的受灾区进行工作,在废墟中搜救幸存者,治疗伤员。

    Around 7000 rescuers , including at least 2500 PLA officers and soldiers , are at work in the quake zone near Zhaotong City in Ludian County , searching through rubble and helping the injured .

  17. 中国人民解放军东部战区司令部发言人表示,中国密切关注美国军舰穿越海峡的情况,并随时准备应对一切威胁和挑衅。

    A spokesman of the People 's Liberation Army 's Eastern Theater Command says China has closely followed a U.S. warship 's journey through the Straits and stands ready to deal with all threats and provocations .

  18. 周五,中国人民解放军空军发言人表示,当日,中国空军识别查证了进入中国东海防空识别区的外国军机。

    The People 's Liberation Army Air Force on Friday identified and verified foreign military planes entering China 's recently established East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone , according to a spokesman for the force .

  19. 1983年11月21日,由中国人民解放军国防科技大学研制成功的中国第一台亿次巨型计算机——“银河-I”计算机在长沙通过国家鉴定。

    On November 21 , 1981 , " Yinhe I " supercomputer , with a performance of 100 million Flops , was successfully developed by National University of Defense Technology and got by state verification in Changsha .

  20. 《红海行动》的故事改编自2015年的一次撤离行动,当时中国人民解放军海军向饱受战争蹂躏的也门派遣了一艘军舰,并重新安置了近600名中国公民。

    The story of " Operation Red Sea " was adapted from an evacuation operation carried out in 2015 , when the People 's Liberation Army Navy sent a warship to war-battered Yemen and relocated nearly 600 Chinese citizens .

  21. 在其提交给美国国会的、关于中国人民解放军的年度报告中,五角大楼对来自中国的网络间谍活动威胁给予了新的强调。这个问题已成为美方向中方发出的高层抱怨的主题。

    In its annual report to Congress on the People 's Liberation Army , the Pentagon gives new emphasis to the threat of cyber espionage from China , an issue that has been the subject of top-level complaints to Beijing by Washington .

  22. 根据中国人民解放军的新闻门户网站,士兵们已训练了会爬到树上拆除鸟窝的猕猴,一只猴子每天能拆除6-8个鸟窝。

    Soldiers have trained the monkeys , according to the official People 's Liberation Army-run news portal , to scamper up trees and rip down the birds ' nests , with one monkey able to destroy six to eight birds ' nests per day .

  23. 尽管在包括英国在内的其他市场获得了成功,由于美国政治家和安全官员对华为创始人任正非军方背景的担忧,华为在美国已经挣扎了数年。任正非以前是中国人民解放军的一名军官。

    Despite its success in other markets , including the UK , Huawei has struggled in the US for years because of concerns among politicians and security officials about the military background of its founder Ren Zhengfei , a former People 's Liberation Army officer .

  24. 之后电影就闪回到1946年的中国——这个闪回的原因直到最后播放片尾字幕时才说明——当时有一支中国人民解放军的小分队正在剿匪。

    The movie then flashes back - for reasons not clarified until a closing-credits sequence - to 1946 China , where a squad of the Communist People 's Liberation Army works to root out bandits .

  25. 中国表示,美国军用飞机进入禁飞区是“赤裸裸的挑衅行为”。据报道,这架飞机周二进入了中国人民解放军北部战区实弹演习禁飞区。

    China says the entry of a U.S. military plane in a no-fly zone is " purely provocative . " The plane reportedly entered airspace used for live-fire exercises by the Northern Theater of the People 's Liberation Army on Tuesday .