
kuài jì xué
  • accounting
  1. C:我的主修科目是会计学,辅修科目是对外贸易。

    C : My major subject is accounting and my minor subjects is foreign trade .

  2. 时间很快来到1974年,沃尔茨从宾州州立大学(PennStateUniversity)毕业并取得了会计学学位。

    Fast forward to1974.Woertz graduated from Penn State University with a degree in accounting .

  3. 他正参加会计学的期末考试。

    He 's sitting his final exams in accountancy .

  4. 哈佛商学院会计学和管理学首席教授V•G•纳拉亚南将讲授财务会计课。

    V.G. Narayanan , who chairs the accounting and management faculty unit at HBS , is teaching financial accounting .

  5. 丹诺斯称顶级的MBA(培训)项目也在适应着时代变迁,尽管其核心课程如金融学、营销学以及会计学没有变。

    Danos says top MBA programs adapt to changing times , though core curriculum , like finance , marketing , and accounting remain the same .

  6. 我怀疑这件事究竟有多大影响,英格兰考文垂华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)的会计学教授克劳福德·斯宾塞(CrawfordSpence)说。

    I am skeptical as to how big a deal this really is , said Crawford Spence , an accounting professor at Warwick Business School in Coventry , England .

  7. 许多投资者不敢再碰中国企业股票,就是存在这种担忧,北京大学会计学教授保罗•吉利斯(PaulGillis)说。

    That is a concern that has many investors scared to jump back into Chinese stock , said Paul Gillis , a professor of accounting at Peking University .

  8. 伦敦帝国学院商学院(ImperialCollegeBusinessSchool)的安娜贝勒•加韦(AnnabelleGawer)教授表示:“15-20年前在比较传统的商学院教授的MBA课程可能讲一些战略、一些财务和一些会计学,这在一个不同的时代是合适的。”

    Prof Annabelle Gawer of London 's Imperial College Business School , says : " The MBA that used to be taught maybe 15-20 years ago in more traditional schools - a bit of strategy , a bit of finance , a bit of accounting - that was appropriate in a different time .

  9. 介绍了会计学模拟实习教学的背景,阐述了对目标管理与过程控制理论的看法,提出了对经济管理类实习中实施OEC工程实践的具体措施。

    This paper introduce the background of the simulative accounting practice teaching , offers the view on the theory of objective management and process control , and puts forward some concrete measures for implementing the OEC project in the practice .

  10. 对高职校会计学专业教学计划设计的思考

    Thought of the Account Teaching Scheme of High Professional Technological Education

  11. 工商管理专业会计学课群优化建设

    Optimizing Construction of Accounting Course for Commercial Management Major Driving Lessons

  12. 会计学课程体系及教学改革的探讨

    Discussion on the system of accounting course and reform in education

  13. 商誉的会计学理论思考

    The Thinking of Goodwill on the Basis of the Accounting Theory

  14. 会计学作为一门独立的学科,有其自身特有的规律。

    As an unattached subject , accounting has its own rule .

  15. 关于会计学专业创新人才培养模式的思考

    In View of Creative Talented Foster Mode in an Accounting Major

  16. 她读本科时专业是会计学。

    She majored in accounting when she was an undergraduate student .

  17. 会计哲学是一门新兴的介之于哲学与会计学之间的边缘学科。

    Accounting Philosophy is a brink subject between Philosophy and Accounting .

  18. 经济环境与政治环境对会计学的影响是巨大的。

    Economic and Political environment brings great impact on accounting .

  19. 在环境会计学理论中,环境成本问题是最核心的问题。

    Environmental cost accounting is the kernel of the environmental accounting theory .

  20. 会计信息失真一直是国内外会计学界的研究重点和热点。

    Accounting information distortion is accounting research hotspot and focus .

  21. 公司治理文化成本的会计学分析

    Analysis on the cost of corporate governance culture with accounting

  22. 金融学、会计学和管理学专业都十分热门。

    Majors like finance , accounting and management are popular .

  23. 盈余管理是目前会计学研究的核心问题之一。

    Earning management is the core issue of current study on accountancy .

  24. 成本性态分析是管理会计学特有的一种方法。

    The cost behavior analysis is a special method in Managerial Accounting .

  25. 微软弃权引发的会计学思考

    On Accounting Thinking Derived from Microsoft 's " Abandoning Stock Options "

  26. (会计学)总共的借、贷相等。

    ( accounting ) total debits and credits are equal .

  27. 会计模拟实验是会计学教育安排中的重中之重。

    The analog accounting experiment plays an important role in accounting teaching .

  28. 法务会计是会计学专业建设的新方向

    Law Accounting Is a New Direction to Build Accounting Speciality

  29. 对当代管理会计学发展方向的后现代性反思

    Meditation on " Post-modernity " of the Development of Contemporary Management Accounting

  30. 在会计学中,收益是一个永恒的主题。

    In accounting , the income is an eternal theme .