
  • 网络BOOKS
  1. 那个三岁的小孩不仅会读书还会写字。

    The three-year-old child can not only read but also write .

  2. 问:“理查德•布兰森会读书写字吗?”

    Q : " Can Richard Branson read and write ? "

  3. 我从没上过学?但是你会读书和写字。

    You never went to school ? But you can read and write .

  4. 只认定会读书就一定是好孩子的榜样。

    Smart kids must be good , they say .

  5. 他们当中没有几个是会读书写字的。

    Few of them could read or write .

  6. 但我在飞机上也不太愿意工作,我会读书。

    But on planes , I also like to not work . I read .

  7. 我每天晚上都会读书,阅读向我展开了整个世界。

    Each night I would read , and reading opened up the world to me .

  8. 如果南希三岁大的弟弟会读书,那他一定是个早熟的小孩。

    If Nancy 's three-year-old brother can read , he must be a precocious child .

  9. 超过20%的人表示每周会读书10小时以上。

    More than 20 % reported reading books for more than 10 hours a week .

  10. 她会读书写字。

    She can read and write .

  11. 会读书思索的人不会感到长夜无聊或者生活乏味。

    He that can read and meditate will not find his evenings long or life tedious .

  12. 当我空闲的时候,我会读书来消磨时间。

    While waiting for my turn to do something , I often read to kill time .

  13. adj.早熟的如果南茜三岁大的弟弟会读书,那他一定是个早熟的小孩,

    precocious If Nancy 's three-year-old brother can read , he must be a precocious child .

  14. 找到她时,她说她会读书、写字、唱歌。

    When she is asked to do the job , she says she can read , write and sing .

  15. 他觉得尼日利亚人会读书、想读书,但前提是这些书价格不能太昂贵,并且要普及到人民大众。

    He felt that people who could read , would read , if you made literature affordable and available to them .

  16. 到学校上学的人是我,会读书写字的人是我,聪明伶俐的也是我。

    I was the one who went to school , the one who could read , write . I was the smart one .

  17. 在高中一年级物理试教中,对A层次的内容,采取了指导阅读的教学方法,达到使学生会读书的目的;

    In physical teaching in the first grade senior high school . the teaching method of guided reading was adopted to the content of A grade in order to cultivate students ' ability to study independently .

  18. 自上世纪20年代以来,读书会、读书俱乐部、文学午餐会等活动时不时在Foyles书店举行。

    The readings , book clubs , literary lunches and events have been happening here since the 1920s .

  19. 大概我会继续读书。

    Maybe I 'll catch up with my reading .

  20. 同时,你可能会从读书中获益良多。

    In the meantime , you might get a lot out of reading .

  21. 这一片空间用来举办各种活动,包括图书签售会、读书会和展览。

    The space throws various events , including book signings , readings and exhibitions .

  22. 如今的研究表明,沮丧也会妨碍读书的时间。

    The current study suggests that being depressed may also preclude time spent reading .

  23. 我会用功读书。

    I will study every hard .

  24. 她们会一起读书的。

    They will read together .

  25. 我快乐时会选择读书,因为读书可以将我的快乐延续。

    I choose to read when I feel happy because it somehow extends my sense of happiness .

  26. 其实就算你不在,我也会来读书的

    In fact , if you weren 't here , I 'd come here anyway to read my books .

  27. 是的,中国人会通过读书来使银行账户充实,但是却没有让自己全面地丰盈起来。

    Yes , people do read in China to enrich their bank accounts , but not to enrich themselves holistically .

  28. 高校作为社会中的一部分也不例外,如老乡会、读书会、发明创造小组等。

    Colleges and universities as part of the society not an exception , such as fellow book clubs , inventions group .

  29. 爸爸,我会认真读书。我一定会听话了。我再也不说谎了。

    Dad , I will be take earnestly on study , I promise I 'll never lied and I will be a good child .

  30. 我痛苦时会选择读书,因为读书会让我的痛苦变得更加深沉并最终将其转化为我人生大课堂中一些有意义的东西。

    I choose to read when I am suffering from the pain because it helps me understand my pain on a deeper level and eventually transforms my pain into something meaning in my life .