
huì yì jì lù
  • conference records;minutes of a conference;minute
  1. 她把会议记录交给我审阅。

    She gave me the minutes of the meeting to read and check .

  2. 上次会议记录方面有无尚待解决的事项?

    Are there any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting ?

  3. 谁来做会议记录?

    Who is going to take the minutes ?

  4. 你不必把那一点记入会议记录。

    You don 't need to minute that .

  5. 请仔细查阅会议记录。

    Please read through the minutes of the meeting .

  6. 例句1.随信附上昨天的会议记录。

    Please find enclosed the meeting minutes from yesterday .

  7. 利用事件记录在基于Web的群组编辑系统中实现会议记录

    Session Recording Based on the Event Logging Realized in the Web Group Edit

  8. n.副本,誊本俱乐部的秘书准备了很多份会议记录的副本。

    transcript The club 's secretary prepared several transcripts of minutes of the meeting .

  9. 因此,欧洲央行应效仿美联储(fed)和英国央行(bankofengland),每月公布一次会议记录摘要。

    For all these reasons , the ECB should follow the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England and publish a monthly summary of what was discussed in its meetings .

  10. 我采用了一个系统的流程,我会翻阅过去八个季度的SEC(美国证券交易委员会)文件以及电话会议记录。

    I employ a methodical process whereby I flip through the past eight quarters of SEC filings and conference call transcripts .

  11. 因此,政策制定者的声明往往非常悦耳,但现实则不那么甜蜜,正如最近公布出来的2009年美联储(Fed)会议记录所示。

    Policy makers ' statements therefore tend to be saccharine but , as shown by recently released transcripts of 2009 Federal Reserve meetings , reality is less sweet .

  12. 投资者在一场美国国债拍卖会上接受了史上最低的10年期国债收益率,稍后,美联储(Fed)公布的会议记录显示,美联储倾向于更多的货币宽松。

    Investors accepted the lowest yields ever for 10-year paper in a US Treasury auction shortly before the release of Federal Reserve minutes showing a bias towards more monetary easing .

  13. 在SEC还原的电话会议记录中,销售人员向潜在投资者承诺每年最高可达40%的回报,还可以在即将进行的公开发售中获得股份。

    The SEC recovered transcripts of conference calls in which salesmen promised prospective investors annual returns of up to40 % , plus a stake in an upcoming public offering .

  14. 此次会议记录的措辞似乎表明,美联储的进一步行动仍取决于未来的经济数据,但FOMC强烈倾向于在必要时推出更多举措。

    The language of the minutes suggest that further Fed action still depends on future economic data but there is a strong bias on the FOMC towards doing more if necessary .

  15. 一位成员被指定做会议记录。

    One of the members was assigned to take the minutes .

  16. 委员会已正式认可了会议记录。

    The Committee has officially approved the minutes of the meeting .

  17. 请在会议记录上签字。

    Please sign your name to the minutes of the meeting .

  18. 董事长省去了读会议记录的手续或做法。

    The chairman dispensed with the formality of read the minute .

  19. 会议记录员在会议上通常只是配角。

    Usually the minute-taker only plays a supporting role in the meeting .

  20. 会议记录已被人擅自改动。

    The records of the meeting had been tampered with .

  21. 他们的会议记录详尽地登载在会刊中。

    The minutes of their meeting were fully transcribed in the bulletin .

  22. 有备忘录,会议记录,官方档案,口头讨论的手记。

    Minutes of meetings , official flies , notes of verbal discussions .

  23. 董事长对审计员的评论记入了会议记录。

    The chairman 's remarks about the auditor was minuted .

  24. 会议记录还有待整理成文。

    The minutes of the meeting have yet to be written up .

  25. 会议记录应归档保存。

    Minutes of the meetings shall be placed on file .

  26. 他仔细阅读上次会议记录。

    He carefully read the proceedings from the last meetings .

  27. 我得用英语写大量的报告和会议记录。

    I have to write lots of reports and minutes in English .

  28. 你把它放在会议记录本里作为一个法律依据吗?

    Do you put it in the minute book as an exhibit ?

  29. 起草单位应当就论证会制作会议记录。

    The drafting unit shall make the minutes of the demonstration meeting .

  30. 刚刚开会的会议记录可以影印给大家一人一份吗?

    Could you please give everyone a copy of the meeting minutes ?