
  • 网络overall design;Integrated Design;holistic design;total design
  1. 介绍了基于FPGA的太阳能真空集热管磁控溅射镀膜机控制系统的整体设计和工程实现过程。

    This paper introduces an integrated design and implementation of the SCS control system based on FPGA .

  2. 本文分析了国内外心电监测仪发展及应用状况,鉴于现在社区医疗的需求,结合心电信号的特点,设计了基于嵌入式Web服务器心电监测系统的整体设计方案。

    The integrated design strategy of ECG monitoring system based on embedded web server were given , in view of the demand of current community medicine , combined with the characteristics of the ECG .

  3. 酒店整体设计新颖,风格别致,功能齐全,无论是主题建筑,还是装饰装修,都构思巧妙,气势宏大。

    Integral designed with novelty , delicate style and comprehensive function , the hotel and considerably grandiosity .

  4. 提出了三端口以太网接口模块IP核的整体设计方案;

    The paper presents the whole design for IP core of tri-port Ethernet interface module ;

  5. GUI系统的整体设计涉及到GUI技术的各个方面。

    The design of GUI system involves most respects of GUI technology .

  6. 主要包括控制程序整体设计,模块化PLC控制程序编写,基于工业以太网的上下位机通讯程序编写。

    Mainly includes the control program design , modular PLC control system programming , upper and lower communication programming based on Industrial Ethernet .

  7. 在对以上几方面进行认真分析和研究后,本文完成了CCD摄像机整体设计内容,论证了各个器件选择的合理性以及该摄像机方案的可行性。

    After analyzing and researching of these points , the paper finished the full design of this system and discussing the justification and the feasibility .

  8. 许多开发人员更喜欢Eclipse,因为它易于使用。这是由细节和整体设计方面的许多因素所造成的结果,这些因素结合在一起,就能立刻让您想起你所需要的工具。

    Many programmers prefer Eclipse because of its ease of use ; the overall design of Eclipse keep the tools you need immediately at your fingertips .

  9. 论文的最后部分对以DSP为核心、能够实现上述解调方法的软件无线电实验系统的整体设计方案和其中的一些关键技术进行了讨论。

    In the end , the paper discusses the whole design scheme of software radio experiment system based on DSP for the above demodulation method and some pivotal technology included .

  10. 采用可视化的编程工具Delphi和Oracle数据库相结合的方法,通过模块化思想实现了软件的整体设计。

    The design of the overall unity software is realized using modular ideology ; it combined visual programming tools Delphi and the Oracle database method .

  11. 网站整体设计采用Struts框架,持久层实现采用Hibernate框架。

    The website overall design make use of the Struts frame , the persistence layer implementation make use of the Hibernate frame .

  12. 基于以上研究,根据供电公司需求给出电力物流管理信息系统整体设计方案;对方案进行分层设计,并从实际应用上探讨了提高EJB性能的几种设计模式。

    Based on the research , the overall design of Logistics Management Information System of power supply is developed to solve the existing problem .

  13. 基于此依据,本文从产品的整体设计与开发流程出发,构建了基于用户体验及SOA的互联网产品模型。

    According to what states above , the thesis constructs an Internet product model based on user experience and SOA from the perspective of the overall design and development process .

  14. 本课题采用面向对象的软件思想,利用统一建模语言(UML)对软件系统进行分析与整体设计。

    The project adopted the System Modeling method based on Object Oriented Technique ( OOT ), and the system analysing and designing with United Modeling Language ( UML ) .

  15. 根据ATM系统的特点及金融交易的特殊要求,对ATM系统的硬件及软件结构进行了整体设计。

    Based on the characteristics of ATM system and the special requirement of financial transaction , an overall design of hardware and software structure of ATM was made .

  16. 文章详细介绍了系统需求分析、系统整体设计方案和设计细节。对一些系统实现的关键技术细节,主要针对系统利用Page页基类扩展技术、系统的安全性设计和系统性能优化做了详细的阐述。

    The thesis introduces need analysis , overall design project and some details of the cooperative management and explains in detail the technique aimed at the extended technology of Page base class , system safety and system performance optimization .

  17. 实现时,软件整体设计采用一种四层(JAVAapplet客户层、通信管理器层、本地服务层、应用服务器(含数据库服务器)层)结构设计方法。

    The system uses a four layer design framework ( Java Applet client layer , communication manager layer , local service layer , Application & RTP server with database server layer ) .

  18. 布图规划和布局是VLSI物理设计中的早期阶段,其结果不但直接影响VLSI的整体设计质量,而且会对后续的布线设计产生决定性的影响。

    As the early stage of VLSI physical design , floorplan / placement not only determines performance of a circuit directly , but also influences the following routing stage greatly .

  19. 本次设计的器件为一款性能优良的表面栅SIT,适合在音频小功率领域应用,整体设计和制作均达到了国际先进水平。

    The device we designed is an excellent surface gate SIT , and is suitable for the usage in the field of low-power audio applications , the overall design and manufacture technology have reached the international advanced level .

  20. 文中对角色分配进行研究,提出了一种基于Play策略并与区域相关的角色分配方案,并阐述了决策系统下角色分配的整体设计。实现了动态灵活的分配机制。

    Action implementation and so on . To research into role assignment in this paper , promote a role assignment scheme correlated with area based on play tactics , and expatiate on the whole design of role assignment in strategy system , achieving dynamic and agile assignment mechanism .

  21. 文章首先介绍了MPEG系列标准本身的特性,主要介绍了MPEG-1,MPEG-2和MPEG-4。随后给出了一个基于Internet的MPEG传输结构的整体设计。

    Firstly , it provides the characteristics of MPEG Standards , including MPEG-1 , MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 . Then we outline the whole design of the transport system for MPEG over the Internet .

  22. 对IDC的安全风险、安全需求进行分析,提出IDC网络安全整体设计方案,并对主流安全产品提供选型参考。

    Analyzing the security risks and requirements of IDC , putting forward an overall design scheme for IDC network security and suggesting the selection of mainstream product for security consideration .

  23. 本文在全面考虑了气动标记打印机的工作特性和系统需求后,提出了上位机控制的以单片机和FPGA为驱动核心的标记打印机的整体设计方案。

    This article had been comprehensively considering after the air operated mark printer operational factor and the system demand , proposed on the position machine control take the monolithic integrated circuit and FPGA as the actuation core mark printer overall design plan .

  24. 介绍了基于DVB-C标准的并行数据广播接收卡的整体设计及实现。其中着重于硬件部分的设计。

    This paper introduces the entire design and realization of the parallel data broadcast receiving-card based on DVB-C standard , emphasizing on the realization of hardware .

  25. ODSTAR是一项对有杆泵采油系统进行整体设计、优化、诊断,并可预计油井产量的技术。

    A software , RODSTAR , can be used to design , optimize and diagnose rod pumping units , and predict well production as well .

  26. 农副产品批发电子交易结算系统(STA)在系统结构上采用整体设计、多子系统实现的灵活方式。

    Agricultural and sideline products wholesale electronic trading settlement system ( STA ) utilizes the overall design in the system structure , and multi-subsystem operations in a flexible manner .

  27. 本文首先通过对国内外水产养殖环境监控研究现状的分析,提出了本课题的整体设计方案,确立了以溶解氧、pH值、温度为监控系统的主要监控对象。

    First of all , this paper put forward the whole devise project after the analyze of latest research all over the world and the structure introduction of the environment in aquaculture . In the system , the main monitoring objects are dissolved oxygen , pH and temperature .

  28. 文中介绍了COFDM的技术原理、主要优点及存在的不足,重点讨论了基于COFDM技术的清晰视频传输系统的整体设计。

    After briefly introducing COFDM technology theories , its major advantages and shortcomings , this thesis focuses on the whole design of COFDM-based clear video transmission system .

  29. 本论文从系统设计的角度介绍了E1/VC-4映射解映射系统的整体设计方案,并进行了功能划分和模块划分。

    This thesis introduces the whole design scheme of E1 / VC-4 mapping / demapping system , and also shows the division of function and module .

  30. 文中详细的定义了三种MIMO-OFDM发射机信号设计方案,包括从整体设计思想到具体的参数配置,并在不同的信道条件下对其信号发射方案性能进行了计算机仿真验证。

    Three MIMO-OFDM transmitter signal designs are defined and well described in this dissertation , from the intention to the specific parameter configuration . The performances of the schemes are tested under different channel environments .