
  • 网络integrated science
  1. 学科交叉,知识综合,自然资源的可持续利用,社会的可持续发展,需要整合科学技术和研究力量。

    Interdiscipline , knowledge integration , sustainable resource utilization and social development need to integrate science , technology and research personnel resources .

  2. 技术创新作为一种整合科学、技术、知识与经济等要素的特殊社会经济行动,自二战以后广泛兴起到现在,已经逐渐构成了当代社会发展中的一个最基本而突出的维度。

    As a sort of special social-economical action integrating science , technology , knowledge and economy , technological innovation springed up after World War II and has become a basic and outstanding dimension in contemporary social development .

  3. 现代大学文化的历史使命之一就是修复、整合科学与人文之间的裂痕,促进科学与人文的交融发展,这也是中国创建世界一流大学一个不可或缺的文化背景。

    One of the tasks of modern college culture is to repair and integrate the fissure between science and human cultural activities and accelerate their blended development , which is an irreplaceable culture background of China ′ s creation of the top universities of the world .

  4. 介绍了'空间整合社会科学'(SISS)的概念和背景,从思想、方法、技术等方面初步讨论了SISS研究的基本思路、方法、特征与案例。

    The new concept of spatially integrated social science ( SISS ) and its background are introduced . The author discusses the fundamental thinking , research method and character and research examples of SISS from geographic thoughts , method and technology .

  5. 文化整合与科学技术的可持续发展

    Culture Combination and Sustainable Development of Science and Technology

  6. 空间整合社会科学研究初步探讨

    Preliminary Discussion on Spatially Integrated Social Science

  7. 重大科学事件借用网络这种日益成熟的媒体发布形式,整合各种科学信息资源,建立互动通道,为公众理解科学搭建了新的平台。

    The major scientific event uses this increasingly sophisticated media forms , to integrate the scientific information resources and set up a bridge for interaction .

  8. 中国旅游规划经历了萌芽、急速发展、重新整合、科学规划等四个阶段。

    Tourism planning in China experienced four periods , including the beginning period , high speed development period , adjustment period , scientific planning period .

  9. 生物学科学探究能力的形成是建立在动作技能、认知技能与探究技能整合的科学过程技能的基础之上。

    The formation of scientific inquiring ability in the science of biology is based on the integration of motor skills , cognitive skills and inquiring skills .

  10. 教育过程要持续不断地追求教育与学生发展的和谐性,教育内容要科学地整合自然科学、人文科学、社会科学,教育方式方法要合乎人的发展规律性。

    Educational process should constantly pursue the harmony between the development of education and students . Educational contents should scientifically integrate natural science , human science , and social science .

  11. 设计创新利用交叉整合的科学方法,将知识与需求有机链接,完成从需求创意化到产品商品化的整个流程。

    Using the scientific method of cross-integration , design innovation organically integrates the knowledge and the demand , and completes the processes from demand to idea , and to the commercialization product .

  12. 本文研究在于探究区域乡村转型过程、空间特征及其形成机制,探讨传统城乡空间改造的理论与实践问题,为苏南乡村社会经济发展和城乡空间整合提供科学决策依据和理论支持。

    The thesis explores the process , characteristics and mechanism of rural area transformation , and the problems of traditional urban and rural spatial reconstruction in theory and practice , which provides scientific decision making and theoretical support .

  13. 数字地球提供了整合地球科学各分支学科的系统框架和技术平台,地学研究能够以地理空间坐标为纽带,实现数据融合和研究成果交流。

    " Digital Earth " provides a framework for integrating all of sub-disciplines of geosciences by some integrated tech-systems . The research work of geosciences can realize data integration and achievements communication through the link of the geo-spatial coordinates .

  14. 同时需要认真借鉴和整合社会科学的新理论,积极回应全球化给人类政治组织和政治结构带来的巨大变革,积极参与当前的重大理论争论。

    At the same time , we need to learn from and integrate new social science theories and actively respond to the great changes in political organization and structure brought about by globalization , while actively participating in the great theoretical debates of today .

  15. 大力推进文化资源的优化整合、科学保护和有效开发,坚持整合方略、保护方略和开发方略的统一,从而促进我国文化资源优势向文化产业优势和新经济优势的转变。

    Promoting better conformity , scientific preservation and effective development of cultural resources , adhering to the unification of general plans of conformity , preservation and development will promote the transition from China 's advantages of cultural resources into the advantages of both cultural industry and new economy .

  16. “混饨分化整合”是科学发展的路径。

    From chaos to differentiation to integration is the track of by scientific development .

  17. 管理文化的整合体现了科学精神与人文精神的整合。

    The conformation of management culture reflects the conformation of scientific spirit and human spirit .

  18. 以评价体系的建立作为区域基础教育资源整合工作的科学分析基础,根据区域实际情况,建立区域基础教育资源整合的调控机理。

    The foundation of evaluation system provides a scientific basis for integrating regional basic education resources .

  19. 本文采用文献分析法,介入法、观察法对资料进行系统分析整合,对科学博客进行了详细分析。

    This document analysis , intervention , observation , analysis and integration of data systems , and conducted a detailed analysis of science blog .

  20. 现代课程设计追求的方向就是力求在科学与人文间找到一个最佳的整合点,科学教育与人文教育课程整合是当代高等教育发展的必然趋势。

    The integration of science and humanities has been a focus for modern curriculum designing , which is also a coming trend in higher education development .

  21. 怎样利用现代技术加强学生科学知识和科学精神的教育,是我们在构建整合型的科学课程中要着力解决的问题。

    The key issue in constructing integrative science curriculum is how to strengthen the education of scientific knowledge and scientific spirit with the help of modern technologies .

  22. 我国的公务员管理工作要坚持把科学发展观的精神融入到公务员管理工作之中,充分挖掘整合、合理科学配置和有效开发利用人才资源。

    In the management of government employees , it is essential to adhere to blending the concept of scientific development into their management and fully excavate and assemble , scientifically deploy and efficiently develop human resources .

  23. 闽西发展红色旅游必须坚持科学发展观,加强领导,创新机制,整合资源,科学规划,打造红色旅游的知名品牌。

    To develop Red Tour , it must insist on scientific development outlook , strengthen the leadership , innovate the mechanism , conform the resource , scientifically plan , and finally make the Red Tour the well-known bran .

  24. 政府为此应采取一系列积极措施,促进科学传播产业的发展,加强科学传播教育体系的建设,这将有助于整合社会的科学传播资源。

    The government should adopt a series of aggressive measure for this , promoting science spread the development of the industry , strengthening the construction of science communication education system , this science communication resources that will contribute to the integration society .

  25. 企业还要对并购后的财务整合效果进行科学、客观的评价,及时发现问题、解决问题,确保财务整合达到预期效果。

    The enterprise also has to make a scientific , objective evaluation on the financial integration effect , so that can solve all problems when it comes out as early as possible , and make sure the financial integration achieved the desired results .

  26. 组织整合理论:系统科学研究的新领域及其进展

    Organizational Integration Theory : A New Research Filed of Systems Science

  27. 心理学有没有必要整合为统一的科学?

    Is it necessary to integrate psychology into a unifying science ?

  28. 整合信息技术优化科学课教学

    Integrating Information Technology and Optimizing Science Teaching

  29. 概念整合理论是认知科学中的一个重要理论成果。

    This paper illustrates the interpreter 's dynamic mental operation in the framework of Conceptual Blending Theory .

  30. 基于地球各分支学科的系统整合是地球系统科学演进的基本路径;

    ( 2 ) the system integration of the branches of Earth Science is the basic path of ESS development ;