
zhěng shù
  • integer;whole number;integer (inntegral,whole) number;integral number;round number
整数 [zhěng shù]
  • [integer (inntegral,whole) number] 任意自然数(如1,2,3,4,5)以及它们的负数或0

整数[zhěng shù]
  1. startlevel定义为非负整数。

    A start level is defined as a non-negative integer .

  2. 分正整数n为K个部分的分拆数

    The number of partitions of the integer n divided into k parts

  3. 凑个整数——就四十块钱吧。

    Make it a round figure ─ say forty dollars .

  4. 两千是个不错的整数——记下吧。

    Two thousand is a nice round number ─ put that down .

  5. 你欠我27元?凑到30吧,讨个整数好记。

    You owe me 27 dollars ? Make it 30 , that 's a good round number .

  6. 我们得把小数四舍五入成整数。

    We needed to do decimals to round up and round down numbers

  7. 100万英镑看起来是一个比较合适的整数。

    A million pounds seemed a suitably round number .

  8. 然后,分数被乘以100,取整为最接近的半数或整数。

    The fraction was then multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest half or whole number

  9. 钱都存入小组的集体基金,到今年夏天基金的整数已经达到了18,000英镑。

    The money goes into the team pool , which this summer , in round figures , has now reached £ 18,000 .

  10. n为所要求的非整数分频值。

    N is the desired noninteger frequency divider .

  11. 把零去了,就要个整数。

    Round off that fraction to a whole number .

  12. 设a、b是给定的非零整数。

    Let a , b be fixed nonzero integers .

  13. 连续二整数不是同一奇素数P之费马解的定理

    The theorem of Fermat solution , two consecutive integers not a same odd prime number p

  14. 且n为固定正整数,则R为交换的。

    And n is a fixed positive integer , then R is commutative .

  15. 关于整数n的k次补数

    On the k - Power Complement of Integer n

  16. 整数距离图G(D(m,3))的点线性荫度

    The vertex linear arboricity of the integer distance graph

  17. 此处n是一个整数。

    Where n is an integer .

  18. 本例首先演示了range方法,它创建一个包含一系列整数的新list。

    This example first demonstrates the range method , which creates a new list that contains a series of integers .

  19. 描述了一种演化agent模型,并用这种模型来处理整数线性规划问题。

    This paper presents an evolutionary agent model and used it to deal with the problem of integer linear programming .

  20. q-正整数是指一个q-多项式关于q的系数都是正整数。

    G-Positive integers is defined as the coefficient of a q-polynomials is non-negative .

  21. 用VB实现任意位数大整数的四则运算

    The Realization of Four Arithmetic Operations of Large Integer with Visual Basic

  22. 实际上,作为一个内置的类型,整数用不加任何修饰的阿拉伯数字表示,而不使用大写的类型初始器(比如LONG)。

    In particular , as a built-in , integers are represented with bare digits , rather than with a capitalized type initializer ( for example , LONG ) .

  23. 基于CPLD的任意整数半整数分频器设计

    Arbitrary Integral or Half-integral Frequency Division Designed with CPLD

  24. 一种基于纯整数运算的Log-MAPTurbo编译码器FPGA实现

    FPGA implementation for Log-MAP Turbo Decoding Based on Pure Integer Arithmetic

  25. 调用range方法的一般形式是提供单个值,用作整数list的上限。

    The general form for calling the range method is to supply a single value , used as the upper limit for the list of integers .

  26. DCT变换采取基于FFT(FastFouriertransform)的快速算法,所以,首先寻找整数FFT变换。

    DCT is based on FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform ), so integers FFT transform must be structured firstly .

  27. 一种用于GPS整周模糊度OTF求解的整数白化滤波改进算法

    A New Method for GPS Ambiguity Resolution on-the-Fly Using Integer Whitening Filter Search

  28. 半整数分频器的VHDL设计

    The design of half integer frequency divider with VHDL

  29. 设G是一个图,k(?)2是一个整数,若对于图G的任一条边e,G-e都存在一个分数k-因子,则称G是一个分数k-消去图。

    A graph G is fractional k-deleted if there exists a fractional k-factor after deleting any edge of G.

  30. 一种类DCT的8×8整数变换

    A DCT-like 8 × 8 Integer Transform