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  • plastic surgery
  1. 整形外科手术导致他完全毁容了。

    He has been left hideously disfigured by plastic surgery .

  2. 鞍鼻是可以通过整形外科手术治好的。

    A saddled nose can be fixed through plastic surgery .

  3. 整形外科学多媒体CAI课件制作的体会

    Experience in Making Multimedia CAI Courseware for Plastic Surgery

  4. 方法:对102例在中国医学科学院整形外科医院颅颌面中心行下颌角截骨整形的患者做三维CT检查,并对其颅面结构进行三维立体测量。

    Methods 102 cases of prominent mandibular angle patients who had mandibular angle osteotomy in Plastic Surgery Hospital were examined by three-dimension CT and three-dimension cephalometry were carried out .

  5. 国际美容整形外科学会(InternationalSocietyofAestheticPlasticSurgery)最近的一份研究显示,韩国是全球人均整容手术率最高的国家。

    A recent study by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery estimated that South Korea had the highest rate of cosmetic surgery per capita of any country in the world .

  6. 北京大学整形外科主任,领导该手术团队的刘忠军博士表示3D打印技术为人工植入物开辟出一条崭新的途径。

    The director of orthopedics at Beijing University , who led the surgical team , Dr. Liu Zhongjun , said 3-D printing has a huge advantage for artificial implants .

  7. 吴博士是位于SantaMonica加州大学洛杉矶分校和整形外科医院的小儿科主任。

    Dennis Woo , chair of pediatrics at Santa Monica-UCLA and Orthopaedic Hospital in Santa Monica , Calif.

  8. 加入WTO与工科院校实验教学改革&开展跨专业课外实验选修制度整形外科热点:病理性瘢痕相关基因的实验研究

    Study on the Relationship Between Entering WTO and Innovation of Experimental Teaching in Engineering Academies ; Plastic surgery focus : experimental researches on the related genes of pathological scars

  9. 上海时光整形外科医院(shanghaitimeplasticsurgeryhospital)的廖玉华医生表示,业务量自去年年底以来增加了40%,全球经济危机并未阻碍这一趋势,反而起到了推波助澜的作用。

    At the Shanghai time plastic surgery hospital , Dr Liao Yuhua says business is up 40 per cent since the end of last year not despite the global economic crisis , but because of it .

  10. 瑞芬太尼和咪唑安定联合TCI在整形外科局麻手术中的应用

    Combined TCI application of remifentanil and midazolam in plastic surgery by local anesthesia

  11. 通过总结整形外科学多媒体CAI课件制作的实践经验,探讨适合医学多媒体CAI课件制作的方法。

    This paper intends to explore a proper method for making multimedia CAI courseware by reviewing our practice experience in composing multimedia CAI courseware for plastic surgery .

  12. 目的总结42例择期整形外科手术病人应用喉罩气道(LMA)的临床体会。

    Objective To summarize the laryngeal mask airway application in 42 cases of plastic surgery patient .

  13. 磷酸钙骨水泥(CPC)以其良好的生物相容性、骨诱导性及可降解性被广泛应用于牙科、整形外科及骨重建手术中的骨替代领域。

    Calcium Phosphate Cement ( CPC ) is widely used as bone substitutes in dentistry , orthopedics and reconstructive surgery , because of its biocompatibility , osteoconductivity and biodegradability .

  14. 根据这个研究,65%的整形外科护士和58%的ICU护士在她们的职业生涯中都患有轻微的低位背痛。

    According to the study , 65 per cent of orthopedic nurses and58 per cent of ICU nurses develop debilitating low back pain at some point in their careers .

  15. 但结果母亲Constance将这笔钱用作自己的整形外科费用。

    But as it turns out , her mother Constance had been putting the money toward other bills plastic surgery bills .

  16. Ascher综合征的整形外科治疗

    Plastic surgical treatment in 16 cases of Ascher 's syndrome

  17. 谷歌(Google)负责搜索产品和用户体体验的副总裁玛丽莎•梅耶尔(MarissaMayer)和克里夫兰市医院整形外科研究主任玛丽亚•西姆诺维(MariaSiemionow)主持了此次讨论。

    The discussion was led by Marissa Mayer , vice president search products and user experience for Google ( GOOG ) , and Maria Siemionow , director , plastic surgery research at Cleveland Clinic .

  18. 实施该手术的俄亥俄州克利夫兰诊所整形外科研究所主任MariaSiemionow博士在星期三的新闻发布会上说。

    Maria Siemionow , director of plastic surgery research at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio , where the operation was performed , told a news conference on Wednesday .

  19. 据CNET报道,整形外科医务人员表示现在越来越多的病人想要进行面部整形,他们认为之所以会出现这种现象,是因为受到当下社交媒体和愈演愈烈的全民自拍风潮的影响。

    Plastic surgeons say they 're seeing more patients who want facial surgery , and they attribute the rise to social media and the growing " selfie " trend .

  20. 国立关节炎、肌与骨及皮肤疾病研究所的整形外科的资金来源于成果转化中心(CORT),这种形式的资助还是第一次。

    The award is the first of its kind , a Center of Research Translation ( CORT ) grant in orthopaedics from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases .

  21. 尽管韩国人可以说是全球最热衷于整容的,国际美容整形外科学会(InternationalSocietyofAestheticPlasticSurgeons)的数据显示,韩国人均整容手术数量在全球排第一,但整形医生说,嘴巴周围的区域相对来说尚未开发。

    Though South Koreans are some of the most avid users of plastic surgery in the world - the country has the world 's highest number of cosmetic surgery procedures per capita , according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons - the area around the mouth was relatively unexplored , the surgeons say .

  22. 方法对妇产科意外流产的不同妊娠期胎儿和整形外科手术过程中作为供皮区的成人正常皮肤标本,应用免疫组织化学技术观察EGFR与FGFR2的变化。

    Methods The skin samples of fetal and adult were taken from abortive fetus of obstetrics unit and donor site of plastic operation patients in our burn unit , respectively . EGFR and FGFR-2 were used as the biochemical markers for reparative cells .

  23. 这项研究在网络版《JAMA面部整形外科》杂志上发表,并且只调查了年轻的白人女性。研究人员表示,该结论并不一定适用于男性或其他种族。

    The study , published online in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery journal looked only at young white women and researchers said the finding was not necessarily applicable to men , or other ethnicities .

  24. 国际美容整形外科学会(ISAPS)于7月31日公布的全球行业数据报告显示,2013年有2786名德国男性接受了生殖器增大手术。

    German men went under the knife for 2786 penile enlargement surgeries in 2013 , according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ( ISAPS ) , which today released its 2014 global stats report .

  25. 美国美容整形外科学会(ASAPS)的数据显示,2013年美国人在美容整形方面的支出超过了120亿美元,比2012年增长了12%,其中约50亿美元花在非手术整形上。

    In 2013 , Americans spent more than $ 12 billion on cosmetic procedures , according to ASAPS , the American-focused version of ISAPS . That was up 12 % from 2012 . Some $ 5 billion of that was on non-surgical work .

  26. 急诊应用整形外科技术治疗面部软组织创伤

    Application of plastic surgical technique in emergency facial soft tissue injury

  27. 腹部术后切口慢性窦道的整形外科治疗

    Application of plastic surgical techniques for chronic sinus of abdominal incision

  28. 肿胀麻醉应用于整形外科手术的临床观察

    Tumescent Anesthesia Used in Orthopedic Surgery Under Local Anesthesia Clinical Observation

  29. 开胸术后胸骨骨髓炎、肋软骨炎的整形外科治疗

    Surgery for osteomyelitis of sternum and costal chondritis due to thoracotomy

  30. 《实用美容整形外科杂志》(1999-2003年)载文分析

    Analysis on papers of Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery