
zhěng xíng
  • integer
整型[zhěng xíng]
  1. 例如,C编程语言具有整型和浮点类型。

    For example , the C programming language has integer and floating-point types .

  2. 用C语言编程求整型数规划问题

    Solving Integer Programming Problem by Programming with C language

  3. 它的默认值是Integer.MAXVALUE,将这个参数设置为比较大的值可以提高索引效率和检索速度,由于该参数的默认值是整型的最大值,所以我们一般不需要改动这个参数。

    The default value is Integer.MAX_VALUE.Large values are better for batched indexing and speedier searches .

  4. 基于频率整型的H∞主动悬架控制研究

    Study on active suspension control based on h_ ∞ Frequency-Shaping synthesis

  5. 基于可逆整型哈希函数的差分跳频G函数算法

    Differential Frequency Hopping G Function Algorithm Based on Reversible Integer Hash Function

  6. 基于整型提升小波变换的图像处理及DSP实现

    Image processing based on integral lifting scheme and its implementation by DSP

  7. 在BEGIN代码块中,我们将整型变量x初始化为零。

    In the BEGIN block , we initialize our integer variable x to zero .

  8. 本文用C语言编程来解决一类整型数规划问题,从而求出一类整型数规划问题的最优解。

    The article discusses that we can solve the problem of Integer Programming with C language to get the best solution .

  9. 那么,在一个小循环(tightloop)中,定义一个整型变量,最好类似这样

    So , the best declaration for an int variable in a tight loop would be

  10. 这种发布方法会返回一个整型消息ID。

    The publish method returns an integer message ID.

  11. 此处没有展示隐式创建Task对象,该对象用于包装从Read方法中返回的整型值。

    Not shown is the implicitly created Task object that is used to wrap the integer being returned by the Read method .

  12. 如您所见,我使用额外的整型值6来调用gets命令,并且操作运行非常顺序。

    As you can see , I used the gets command with the additional integer 6 and the operation worked perfectly .

  13. 可逆的DCT整型变换与无失真图像压缩

    Reversible DCT Mapping Integers to Integers and Lossless Image Compression

  14. 好的,呃,这段代码分配一个新的整型指针数据,这部分让x指向它。

    Okay . Well , this code allocates a new integer pointee and this part sets x to point to it .

  15. 在先前的程序中,您使用了整型和字符串数据,因此没有告诉Scheme语言正在使用的是哪种类型的数据。

    In the previous program , you used both integer and string data and never had to tell the Scheme language what type of data was being used .

  16. 根据经验,在Android设备上浮点型要比整型慢两倍。

    As a rule of thumb , floating-point is about2x slower than integer on Android devices .

  17. gets命令将返回一个额外的值&在本例中是整型值4,用于标识名称/值对。

    The gets command returned an extra value & in this case the integer value 4 , which identifies the name / value pair .

  18. Ⅳ型不整型。C(1,2)椎管的形状为圆型,向下至C6,通过半圆形逐步过渡到三角形(C6占81.31%);

    The shape of the spinal canal at C 1,2 the circular and it changed gradually from a semicircular to a triangular type at C_6 ( 81.31 % ) .

  19. 双相磷酸钙(biphasiccalciumphosphate,BCP)生物陶瓷材料在整型外科领域是一类重要的骨修复材料。

    Biphasic calcium phosphate ( BCP ) ceramic is an important bone grafting material in orthopedic field .

  20. 假设要更改已有类中一个字段的类型,例如将Person的age从整型改为短整型。

    Suppose you want to change the type of a field in an existing class , for example by changing Person 's age from an integer type to a short type ?

  21. 它会接受一个IDocument类型的参数和一个整型的position参数。

    This accepts an IDocument and a position parameter represented as an integer .

  22. PHP中的变量都是弱类型的:您可以将变量指定为整型,稍后将其指定为字符型。

    Variables in PHP are weakly typed : you can assign a variable as an integer and later as a character .

  23. 这意味着在C程序中,可以编写inti=100来创建和初始化整型变量。

    This means that in a C program , you can write int I = 100 to create and initialize an integer variable .

  24. 而这个Ruby方法能够服务于浮点型、整型、字符串型以及任何支持+方法的类型。

    This Ruby method can serve floats , integers , strings , and anything else that supports a + method .

  25. 无符号8位整数。注意整数和整型int不一样。

    BYTE An8-bit integer that is not signed .

  26. Blue包含许多内置类型,包括数字(包含整型和浮点型)、字符串、数组、函数等等。

    Blue includes a number of built-in types , including numbers ( which covers integer and floating point types ), strings , arrays , functions , and others .

  27. 在Python中,函数是一类对象,与整型变量和容器对象相同。

    In Python , a function is a first-class object , like an integer variable or a container object .

  28. 注意,我并未使用gets最近返回的整型值,并且cas命令返回EXISTS值以示失败。

    Notice that I did not use the most recent integer returned from the gets and the cas failed with a value of EXISTS being returned .

  29. 利用提升矩阵,实现了整型DCT变换,进一步提高了运算效率的同时,使信号可精确重构。

    The integer DCT was implemented by lifting matrix to promote efficiency , and the transformed signal could be reconstructed completely .

  30. Python支持不同进制的整型字符串文本&八进制、十进制(最明显的!)

    Python supports string literals of integers of different bases octal , decimal ( obviously !), and hexadecimal and now binary has been added .