
fàng rè
  • exothermic;exothermal;heat release;thermopositive
放热[fàng rè]
  1. 基于BP神经网络的小缸径直喷式柴油机放热规律的研究

    Research on Heat Release Law of Small Direct Injection Diesel Engine Based on BP Neural Network

  2. 喷油提前角延迟,则NOx生成物降低,放热率也有所降低。

    Injection delay results in reduction of NOx and rate of heat release .

  3. 四冲程汽油机CAI燃烧放热率模型研究

    Study on CAI Combustion Heat Release Model in 4 - Stroke Gasoline Engine

  4. 给出了气敏元件反应放热率Prea的公式,并由此给出在闭室测试中气体浓度C随时间变化的微分方程。

    From the formula of reaction exothermic rate , the differential equation of C ( t ) in the closed chamber test is given .

  5. 从差热分析曲线可看到,随着B,Bi的掺入,在478℃附近出现了不同的放热峰。

    A new exothermal peak is found on DTA cure at nearly 478 ℃ when bismuth and boron are added .

  6. DSC分析发现紫胶硬树脂改性酚醛树脂的放热反应温度更低一些。

    The DSC analysis discovers that the modification of PF resin with hard resin cure faster than general PF .

  7. 确定了反应的机理,氢氧自由基与乙醛作用主要有六条通道,生成与实验相吻合的CH3CO自由基,反应是放热的。

    The mechanism of the reaction studied was confirmed and it showed the main six reaction channels .

  8. 根据燃烧难易程度可将吸附炭分为低温型和高温型两种,前者燃烧放热集中在350°C左右,后者在480°C左右。

    According to burning difficulty degree , it was divided into two types including high temperature type burning mainly at 480 ° C and low temperature type burning mainly at 350 ° C.

  9. 这种细粒土级分的DTa曲线接近340℃处有一个很大的放热峰。

    The DTA curve of the fine clay fraction exhibits a major exotherm near 340 ℃ .

  10. 结果表明化合反应是一种放热反应,放热量受Al含量、加热速度、粉末颗粒尺寸、压制密度等因素的影响。

    The results showed that the heat of synthesis reaction is affected by Al content , heat rate , powder size , compacts density and so on .

  11. 催化剂具有扭曲的椅式构型,与硼烷在N原子处配位形成加合物,反应是放热的。

    The catalyst is a twisted chair structure and reacts with borane at the N site of the catalyst to form catalyst borane adduct . The formation reaction is exothermic .

  12. 热压榨方式有利于保持草莓的Vc含量;利用LPG发动机实测示功图,计算出在柴油机中燃烧液化石油气的燃烧放热规律。

    Making use of the indicator diagrams , this paper computes the heat release rate of burning LPG in a diesel engine .

  13. 通过大量试验数据分析,提出了适用于四冲程汽油机可控自燃(ControlledAutoIgnition,CAI)燃烧的放热率模型。

    In this paper , a model for predicting heat release of the Controlled Auto Ignition ( CAI ) combustion was proposed based on in-cylinder pressure data .

  14. Ni在Ti-C-Ni体系中参与了放热反应。

    Ni participates in the exothermic reaction of Ti-C-Ni system .

  15. 本文利用奇异理论和突变理论,分析了单颗粒催化剂上n级不可逆放热反应体系多定态解的结构。

    By using the singularity theory and catastrophe theory , the multiple steady state structure of n or - der irreversible reaction which takes place on a single catalytic pellet was analysed .

  16. 采用示差扫描量热法(DSC)对螺环原碳酸酯膨胀单体(SOC)/双酚A型环氧树脂(EP)体系的固化行为、放热峰进行了分析;

    Curing behaviors and exothermic peaks of spiro orthocarbonate / epoxy resin system were discussed by DSC ( differential scanning calorimetry ) .

  17. CSTR中三变量连续放热化学反应模型的非线性分析

    The Non-linear Analysis of the Chemical Reaction Models of Three-variable Consecutive Exothermal Reactions in CSTR

  18. 并结合分段韦伯函数,对不同EGR率的HCCI放热率进行模拟研究。

    The HCCI heat release curves in different EGR ratio are simulated with Partition Webie Function .

  19. 虽然PBT、PET在共混体系中各自形成晶区,但熔体降温结晶过程中只能观察到一个结晶放热峰。

    Although PBT 、 PET crystallized separately in their own cells , only one exothermal peak could be found in the crystallization of the blends .

  20. 卵石层储热周期为10h、放热周期为24h。

    Heat storage period of the gravel layer was 10 hours and its radia-tion period was 24 hours .

  21. 结果:总有效率和2年生存率放热化疗组为71%和54%,放热疗组为74%和61%,单放组为52%和41%,χ2检验P>0.05。

    Results : The effective rate and survival rate of 2 years in radio-thermo-chemotherapy group were respectively 71 % and 54 % , the radio-thermotherapy group 74 % and 61 % , the radio-therapy group 52 % and 41 % .

  22. 直接从传热系数K的测定值中将气侧放热系数αc分离出来,从而避免了测量平直波纹翅片平均壁温的困难。

    Air side heat transfer coefficient is directly separated from experimental data of overall heat transfer coefficient K , therefore , the difficulty of measuring the mean wall surface temperature of flat wavy fins has been avoided .

  23. 利用Si、C、Ti体系的放热反应得到SiC/TiC复相陶瓷,其中Ti+C含量要大于25%,否则燃烧反应无法完全进行。

    SiC / TiC composite was gained by combustion reaction of Si , C and Ti system where the content of Ti + C should be larger than 25 % to achieve complete combustion reaction .

  24. 试验结果表明,铝熔体与SiO2颗粒能发生放热反应,从而制备出Al/Al2O3颗粒原位复合材料。

    Experiments show that , an exothermic reaction between aluminum melt and granular SiO2 takes place , thus , Al / Al2O3 granular composite material in situ is prepared .

  25. 用线性最小二乘法、迭代法以及二分法与最小二乘法相结合的方法,以积分方程、微分方程和放热速率方程拟合DSC数据。

    The DSC data obtained are fitted to the integral , differential and exothermic rate equations by linear least-squares , iterative , combined dichotomous and least-squares methods , respectively .

  26. 第三类是风化煤HA,它在高温放热效应前有一组较小的中温放热效应,其平均反应热为2.0~2.3千卡/克。

    For the third kind which is from weathered coal before high-temp . exothermal effect there is also one smallish mid-temp . exothermal effect , average is 2.0 ~ 2.3 Kcal / g.

  27. 指出采用TPO法和TGA法测定时,受到反应放热和残留催化剂的影响,测定结果误差大;

    Due to the influence of exothermic reaction process and remaining catalyst , the analytical error of TPO and TGA would be greater .

  28. 计算表明,在光诱导电荷分离之后的返回电子转移处于高放热的Marcus反转区。

    It has been found that the return ET after the photoinduced charge separation is in the highly exoenergic Marcus inverted region .

  29. DME比例加大,着火始点提前,放热率峰值上升,燃烧持续期缩短。

    While the proportion of DME increased , the ignition time advanced , the peak heat release rate increased , and the combustion duration decreased .

  30. SDS结合纤维素酶的亲和力较弱,为较小的放热反应,并伴随着一定程度的熵增,为焓和熵共同驱动的反应,而且存在着显著的焓-熵补偿作用。

    The binding of SDS to cellulase is driven by a favorable entropy increase with a less favorable enthalpy decrease , and shows strong enthalpy-entropy compensation and weak affinity .