
fàng dà
  • amplify;enlarge;magnification;magnify;boost;blow up
放大 [fàng dà]
  • [enlarge;magnify;amplify] 使图像、声音、功能等变大

  • 放大照片

放大[fàng dà]
  1. 这种地貌好像可以笼住并放大声音。

    This landscape seemed to trap and amplify sounds

  2. 支付系统和ATM机的关闭(即便只是暂时的)可能放大问题。

    The closure , even temporarily , of payment systems and cash machines would amplify the problems .

  3. 你能帮我把他的脸部放大吗?

    Can you do me a blow-up of his face ?

  4. 确实需要放大镜才能欣赏到一切细微之处。

    You really need a magnifying glass to appreciate all the fine detail .

  5. 我们准备将这张照片放大。

    We 're going to have this picture enlarged .

  6. 如果你喜欢这照片,我可以给你寄一张放大的。

    If you like the picture I can send you an enlargement of it .

  7. 这个望远镜可以放大50倍。

    The telescope has a magnification of 50 .

  8. 这些昆虫是放大后加以观察的。

    The insects were examined under magnification .

  9. 这种型号的迪格斯望远镜可将图像放大11倍。

    This version of the Digges telescope magnifies images 11 times

  10. 图像被放大在了一个大屏幕上。

    The image is blown up on a large screen .

  11. 他老是记不起把自己阅读时用的放大镜放在什么地方,所以助手们会随身携带备用的。

    He misplaces his reading glasses with such regularity that aides carry extras

  12. 我们不得不放大图像的尺寸。

    We have to expand the size of the image .

  13. 放大倍数为实物大小的833,333倍。

    The magnification is 833,333 times the original size .

  14. 她的生活是她性格放大了的写照。

    Her life was her personality writ large .

  15. 音乐声通过麦克风被放大。

    The music was amplified with microphones

  16. 毛孔无须放大就可以看见。

    Pores are visible without magnification

  17. 透镜会把图片放大,就像在看巨大的电视屏幕一样。

    A lens would magnify the picture so it would be like looking at a large TV screen .

  18. 大照片常由小照片放大而成。

    An enlargement is often made from a small photograph .

  19. 本位主义是放大了的个人主义。

    Departmentalism is magnified individualism .

  20. 这台显微镜可以把细菌放大三千倍。

    This microscope can magnify bacteria three thousand times their actual size .

  21. 这是台放大很多倍的显微镜。

    This is a microscope that magnifies greatly .

  22. 这张照片放大出来很可能效果不好。

    This photograph won 't probably enlarge well .

  23. 用途:用于音频小功率放大,激励级放大及开关电路。

    Purpose : audio frequency low power amplifier , driver stage amplifier , switching applications .

  24. 他总爱放大炮。

    He brags a lot .

  25. 有可能梅里安使用了放大镜来捕捉画中所描绘的斯芬克斯飞蛾的裂舌细节。

    It 's possible Merian used a magnifying glass to capture the detail of the split tongues of sphinx moths depicted in the painting .

  26. 过度工作和精疲力竭与复原力背道而驰,而我们小时候养成的坏习惯只会在我们进入职场后不断被放大。

    Overwork and exhaustion are the opposite of resilience and the bad habits we acquire when we 're young only magnify when we hit the workforce .

  27. 从根本上来讲,这也是为什么“我们正面临巨大的结构性问题”这类论断被放大的原因:它们提供了一个对正在残害我们经济和社会的大规模失业问题袖手旁观的理由。

    And that , fundamentally , is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying : they offer a reason to do nothing about the mass unemployment that is crippling our economy and our society .

  28. 一位深思熟虑的官员把其中的一些副本转交给了公园管理部门,认为他们可能会将其放大以供其中一个游客中心展示。

    A thoughtful official passed on some of the copies to the park authorities on the assumption that they might make a nice blow-up for one of the visitors ' centers .

  29. 增益就是放大器放大信号的倍数。

    Gain is the number of times the amplifier amplifies a signal .

  30. 这样的恐慌行为放大了俄罗斯小麦出口禁令的影响效应。

    Such panicky behaviour amplifies the impact of the Russian export ban .