
  • 网络set of integer;Integer set;the set of all integers
  1. 整数集的一个分拆

    A Partition of the Set of Integers

  2. 一种新型整数集上的动态统计数据结构&Irie

    A New Type of Data Structure for Dynamic Statistics on the Integer Set & Irie

  3. 关于正整数集(a,b,k)型可加划分的一个注解

    A Note for ( a , b , k ) - Additive Partition of Positive Integers

  4. 根据不同的分组长度k构造满足2~k元置换的部分可达整数集,用以进行加解密变换。

    The partial reachable integer set is generated for 2k permutations by different extent of block and used for encryption and decryption .

  5. 描述了数学上的整数集。

    These represent elements from the mathematical set of whole numbers .

  6. 高氏整数集密度的一个定理

    A theorem on the density of sets of Gaussian integers

  7. 关于整数集分拆的一个猜测的证明

    Proof of a Conjecture on Partitions of Integer Sets

  8. 关于整数集上的和图的几个新结果

    Sum Graphs Over the Integral Set

  9. 负数概念引进后,整数集和有理数集就完整地形成了。

    With the introduction of negative numbers , the whole numbers and rational numbers became complete .

  10. 如果我们考虑整数集且用通常的乘法,我们有封闭性,可结合性,和一个单位元。

    If we consider the integers with ordinary multiplication we have closure , associativity , and identity element .

  11. 求出了状态空间为非负整数集的随机环境中广义随机游动的灭绝概率。

    Extinction probabilities for the generalized random walk in random environments with the set of non-negative integers as state space .

  12. 本文研究了正整数集直积上的最大公因子矩阵,并利用M(?)

    The thesis is a research on the GCD matrix on the direct product of some finite sets of positive integers .

  13. 一个图的顶点标号是图的顶点集到整数集的映射,而边标号则是图的边集到整数集的映射。

    Vertex labeling is a mapping that maps the vertex set into integer set . On the other hand , edge labeling maps edge set into integer set .

  14. 通过已构造的一个整数集,利用最小数原理将带余除法定理中的商和余数的求法问题转化成求函数的最小值点和最小值问题。

    Based on a set of constructed integers , this paper uses the minimum number principle to use the problem of the method of summation in the quotient and remainder derived from the theorem of division algorithm , for solving the minimum value point and minimum value .

  15. 该文将二进制的人口增量学习算法(PBIL)改进为整数(集值)形式(multiplePBIL),并提出了一种新的基于城市间连接关系的非对称旅行商问题(ATSP)的解法。

    In this paper the binary population-based incremental learning is extended to an integer form , a new approach to the asymmetric traveling salesman problem based on linkage relations between cities is proposed .

  16. 整数和集的渐近密率

    On the asymptotic density of sum of sets of positive integers

  17. 枚举提供了一种替代的方法,不但定义了整数常量集,而且还把它们聚集成组。

    An enumeration is defined using the enum keyword , followed by an optional enumeration name , and a comma-separated list of enumerators enclosed in braces .

  18. 整数维分形集的切线与切平面

    The Tangent Line and Plane of Fractal Sets of Integral Dimension

  19. 整数集合的sum-free集(无和集)分拆的一个注记

    A Note on the Sum-free Sets of Integers

  20. 负整数阶广义M集的内部结构具有对称性;

    The internal structure images for negative integer index number are symmetry ;

  21. 整数规划的有效集割平面法

    The Active Set Cutting Plane Method for Integer Programming

  22. 要将布尔值或整数存储到项目集,需要将该值转换为字符串。

    To store a boolean value or an integer to the item set , the value needs to be converted to a string .

  23. 令v与λ为正整数,K为正整数集。

    Let v and λ be positive integers and K be a set of positive integers .

  24. 特别地,当D是某正整数集合,Z是整数集时,得出了整数距离图G(Z,D)的点荫度的几个上界。

    In particular , some upper bounds of the vertex arboricity of the integer distance graph G ( Z , D ) are obtained when D is a set of positive integers and Z the set of all integers .