
  1. 资本主义统治的确立与整体世界的形成

    Establishment of Capitalist Rule and Formation of the Whole World

  2. 论大英帝国的兴起与整体世界的形成

    On the Uprising of British Empire the Development of the Integrated World

  3. 整体世界的确立对20世纪国际政治经济的影响

    On Influence over the International Politics and Economy Exerted by the Establishment of the World as a Whole

  4. 欣欣向荣的全球资本市场反映了整体世界经济的良好发展。

    The performance of the global equity markets still reflects the good growth scenario and attractive valuation levels .

  5. 审美言说使人与自身、与外部整体世界形成一种对话关系,并确立了审美活动中主客体间的平等交流关系;

    Aesthetic speech makes person form a dialogue relationship between person and oneself , person and the outside world .

  6. 这就是为什么在风险管理中必须尽力做到分析性、综合性并注意整体世界的反馈机制的原因。

    That is why risk management must endeavor to be analytical , comprehensive , and mindful of feedback mechanisms in our integrated world .

  7. 人即不依赖于占有物,又不把自己奉献给自己之外的他人,而是执着地追求自己与整体世界的关系构建。

    The human namely does not rely on holding the thing , own does not offer gives outside oneself other people , but is rigid pursues itself and the overall world relational construction .

  8. 尽管目标崇高,但作为一个整体全世界还是打了败仗。

    But despite the noble aims , the world as a whole is fighting a losing battle .

  9. 道说的渊源是天、地、神、人四重整体的世界;

    The source of Speaking is the World that as a whole consist of Sky , Earth , Divinity and Human ;

  10. 但同时,民族文化的多样性又具有相对性,只有各民族文化充分发展,才能促进作为整体的世界的不断进步。

    And only in the full development of each national culture the continuous progress of the world as a whole is possible .

  11. 他倡导一种宏观的、整体的世界历史,强调各文明之间的交往互动,开创了世界历史写作的新时期。

    He advocates a kind of grand and holistic world history and emphasizes contact and interaction between civilizations , thus ushering in a new era of world history writing .

  12. 自杀的根本原因在于存在失去意义,而意义的丧失则是因为人际联系破裂,作为整体的世界分崩离析了。

    The fundamental cause of suicide is the loss of meaning of existence , the loss of meaning is stemmed from the rupture of interpersonal contact and the disintegration of the world as a whole .

  13. 本文开发的装置作为华北电网继电保护状态检修科技项目的重要成果之一,己通过鉴定,评价为整体处于世界先进、国内领先水平。

    This device has passed the identification of " The most advanced in the world , the leading level in China " as research results in North China Grid relay protection predictive maintenance technology project .

  14. 生态哲学作为整体论世界观,对世界的本原、主体和客体、整体和部分,首要和次要进行新的阐释,这是生态哲学对现代哲学的一个贡献。

    Ecophilosophy , a view considering the world as a whole , gives a new explanation to the world 's origin , its subject and object , whole and part , the chief and the subordinate . This is the contribution to modern philosophy .

  15. 国际货币基金组织(imf)预计,整体而言,世界经济将继续以缓慢的步伐扩张。

    The IMF expects the world economy as a whole to continue to expand at a moderate pace .

  16. 从整体看,世界是一个消费者经济体。

    In the larger picture , the world is a consumer economy .

  17. 目前,我国女子马拉松项目整体水平在世界田坛处于相对落后的地位。

    The whole level of the item has lagged in the world .

  18. 非洲作为整体现在处于世界发展的最低阶段。

    Africa collectively stands at the bottom of the world stage of development .

  19. 亚洲作为一个整体,对世界经济日益重要。

    Asia , as a whole , is increasingly central to the world economy .

  20. 发展中经济体整体兴起与世界经济格局的动态演变

    The Rise of the Developing Economies as A whole and Dynamic Evolution of the World Economic Structure

  21. 中国投掷项群的整体水平与世界的差距逐渐加大。

    The gap between the general level of China 's throwing event-group and the world 's were increasing .

  22. 网络化、信息化和数字化正在从整体上引导世界经济和人类社会发展的进程。

    Networking , informatization and digitizing are promoting the development of the World Economy and Human in the whole .

  23. 这就使公民,尤其是在美国,在整体上对世界有了一个更好的认识。

    That has brought citizens , particularly in the United States , a much better recognition of the world at large .

  24. 结果表明,我国男子跳马的整体实力处于世界较高水平;

    The results show that China Men 's Horse - vaulting on the whole takes the leading place in the world .

  25. 整体而言,世界在物质方面取得了极大进步,美国很幸运,得以引领世界。

    The world as a whole has progressed tremendously material-wise , and we are a fortunate nation in that we are leading the procession .

  26. 我国许多优秀体育工作者都为之付出了很多的心血,并且取得了不错的成绩,但整体上与世界先进水平仍然存在很大差距。

    Many of our outstanding sports workers are paid a lot of effort , and achieved good results , but the whole world there is a big gap between the advanced level .

  27. 主体间之所以能够排除异议和冲突而实现共识,是因为在日常生活中存在着大量背景性的共同信念,这些信念构成了整体的生活世界。

    The common recognition of the preclusion of discrepancy and occlusion can be achieved among the subjective individuals , based on the vast common background belief within the routine life , which forms the whole living world .

  28. 生态旅游区划是揭示全球尺度生态旅游资源与生态旅游业空间布局的重要手段,有助于从整体上把握世界生态旅游的发展。

    Ecotourism regionalization is one of the important means in describing the spatial pattern of ecotourism resources and ecotourism industry at global level , which is helpful to the whole understanding of the world 's ecotourism development .

  29. 当前我国企业的整体竞争力与世界先进水平相比仍有较大差距,在我国市场的进一步开放中将会受到很大冲击。

    Whole competition ability and advanced level in worlds of the current our country business enterprise compare to still have the bigger margin , the market further open the lieutenant general and will be very greatly pound at in the our country .

  30. 论文第一部分着重从哲学史上探究人类中心主义的理论来源,从伦理关怀的深广度上阐发生态整体的新世界观;

    The first part of the paper emphatically researches the theory origin of the human center ism from the history of philosophy , and elucidates the new world view of the ecology whole ism from the depth and the width of ethic solicitude .