
diàn zǐ cí diǎn
  • see also 电子词典
  1. 文中介绍8位专用单片机SH58216的异步串行接口(UART)在电子辞典系统开发中的实际应用。

    This paper the application of the ASIC microcontroller SH58216'a subsystem UART in the Electronic Dictionary system is introduced .

  2. 通过一个电子辞典用PCB腐蚀失效的分析案例,介绍了PCB的失效现象、分析过程和分析技术,阐述了其失效机理,并提出了相应的改进措施。

    In the case of corrosive failure of a PCB for eletronic dictionary , the failure phenomena , analysis process and failure techniques are introduced . The failure mechanism is discussed and the corresponding corrective action are present .

  3. 手机作为一种移动通讯工具,已不再局限于打电话发短信,还可以作为MP3、MP4播放器,以及电子辞典、数码学习机等。

    As a tool of mobile communication , the cell phone can be used as mp3 and mp4 player , electronic dictionary , digital learning machine besides usual things such as message sending .

  4. 本文从市场营销和渠道管理的角度出发,以本人在公司电子辞典科从事大区销售管理工作为基础,对卡西欧公司电子辞典STP营销及销售渠道的重新构建的相关问题进行分析和研究。

    The thesis basis on marketing management and channel management theory discussed problem on STP marketing and distribution channel rebuild of CASIO electronic dictionary products . Firstly , the paper gives the brief introduction about the CASIO CO.

  5. 我都把我的电子辞典带在身边。

    I think , compare with traditional dictionary , electronic dictionary .

  6. 他在电脑里有电子辞典。

    He had an e-dictionary in the computer !

  7. 我想知道的是使用电子辞典是否将会很重要。

    What I want to know is it will be important to use ane-dictionary .

  8. 还能用作电子辞典。

    And being used as electronic dictionary .

  9. 现在莫奇又高兴了,因为他可以通过电子辞典读故事了。

    Now Mocky was happy again because he could read the story with the e-dictionary !

  10. 昨天闲着没事,用电子辞典翻译了这样一句话:老虎不发威你拿我当病猫啊!

    The tiger doesn 't sends out the Wei you take me and is the cat of disease .

  11. 我的电子辞典中的词条无论质量还是数量都是一流的。

    Yes * my electronic dictionary is quite superb in terms of the quality and quantity of its entries .

  12. 生产,销售为一体的高科技企业。目前公司主要的产品有电子辞典,行业专用电子产品。

    Is a high-tech enterprise which specializes in the electronic product research and development , Production and sell as an organic whole .

  13. 本周的共享时光,我们分享了恐龙,网球,电子辞典,遥控飞机,粘菌处方!

    Sharing time this weekend included dinosaurs , tennis , an electronic dictionary , a radio-controlled airplane , and a recipe for slime !

  14. 电子辞典是一种将传统的印刷辞典转成数码方式、进行快速查询的数字学习工具。

    Electronic Dictionary is a kind of digital learning tool , which transforms traditional printed dictionary into a digital way to query rapidly .

  15. 对原住民文化的电子辞典的需要,因一名兰屿上的达悟族人造访台北引起好奇而受到注意。

    The need for thee-dictionary on indigenous cultures was highlighted by the eye-opening visit to Taipei of a member of the Tao ( Yami ) tribe on Orchid Island .

  16. 随着个人电脑和智能移动设备的出现,电子辞典从流行的电子产品发展为软件产品,具有了软件产品的特性。

    With the emergence of personal computers and artificial brain mobile devices , electronic dictionaries come into software products from the popular electronic products and having as a quality of software products .

  17. 对于信息时代的翻译教学而言,由于电子辞典、搜索引擎、语料库的出现,翻译教学变得更加便捷、准确、可靠。

    In the age of information age , the emergence of electronic dictionaries , search engines and corpus has made translation teaching faster , more reliable and with higher degree of accuracy .

  18. 电子辞典以轻便易携、查询快捷、功能丰富、信息容量大等特点,成为21世纪学生学习生活、社会人士移动办公的掌上利器。

    By its portable take , fast inquiries , rich-function and large-information , Electronic dictionary is becoming a handheld weapon of students for studying and the workers for dealing with official bussiness in the 21st century .