
  • 网络Innovation;Innovative Thinking;creative thinking;TRIZ
  1. 第五部分借用约束理论的TP思维法开发流程管理的创新思维。

    The fifth part borrows the TP of The theory of Constraints to develope innovation thought for business process management .

  2. 创新思维是创新型QC小组的重要特征,创新思维方法是创新思维的关键环节。

    The thought of innovation is one important characteristic of innovation type the QC group , creative thought method is a key link to thought of innovation .

  3. 教育引导学生树立高远志向,历练敢于担当、不懈奋斗的精神。教育引导学生培养综合能力,培养创新思维。帮助学生在体育锻炼中享受乐趣,提高学生审美和人文素养,在学生中弘扬劳动精神。

    Efforts should be made to educate and guide the students to set their sights high , foster their sense of responsibility , striving spirit , comprehensive capability taste and hard-working spirit .

  4. 本文从构建DP与CP有机结合的训练模式着手,并在有机结合的模式化训练中有效地促进了创新思维品质的培养。

    The paper tries to use the training mode of the combination of DP and CP and promotes its fostering of innovative thinking quality effectively .

  5. 创新思维与SIED刀具设计理念

    Innovative Thinking and the Design Idea of SIED Cutting Tools

  6. 一种新方法要求大量的创新思维。

    A new approach involves a great deal of innovative thinking .

  7. 创造性思维是现代新思维的主要特征,科学思维就是创新思维。

    Creative thinking is the feature of modern mode of thinking .

  8. 灵感是一种奇妙的创新思维方式。

    Inspiration is a wonderful form of bringing forth new ideas .

  9. 物理学习中创新思维的特点及其表现

    The Features and Manifestations of the Creative Thought in Physics Learning

  10. 浅谈在昆虫研究法教学中加强对学生创新思维的培养

    Training of creative thoughts to the students in entomological research teaching

  11. 体育大学生创新思维的个性特征

    Individual characteristics of innovative thinking of university students majoring in sports

  12. 浅谈创新思维在金工实习中的培养与训练

    Elementary discussion on cultivating and training innovative thinking during metalworking practice

  13. 体育专业教师创新思维的建构途径

    The Constructing Approaches of the Creative Senses of the Physics Teachers

  14. 科学创新思维需要范畴、概念。

    Scientific creative thinking ( SCT ) needs categories and concepts .

  15. 古典诗歌鉴赏与创新思维的养成

    It is formed that classical poem is appreciated with innovative thinking

  16. 精心设计实验习题培养学生创新思维

    Elaborately Designing Experiment Praxis to Cultivate Student 's Innovational Thought

  17. 《医用高等数学》教学的思考和建议医用高等数学教学中学生创新思维能力的培养

    Cultivation of Students ' Creative Thinking Ability in Medical Advanced Mathematics Education

  18. 创新思维是培养创新能力的核心。

    Innovate thinking is the core of cultivating innovate capacity .

  19. 创新思维与常规思维相比较具有新的特征。

    Innovative thought has new characteristics in comparison with the routine thought .

  20. 小学体育教学中创新思维灵活运用

    Flexible Application of the Creative Ideas in the Primary School Physical Teaching

  21. 多媒体双语课件教学;创新思维培养教学。

    Multimedia - aided and bilingual teaching and cultivation of innovation ability .

  22. 纳米材料与技术教学中创新思维的培养

    Training of Innovation Thinking in Teaching Nanometer-sized Materials and Technology

  23. 基于创新思维的现代产品设计探索

    Exploring Modern Product Design on the Basis of Creative Thinking

  24. 它们共同构成了科学创新思维的两极。

    They both constitute the two poles of scientific innovation .

  25. 培养大学生创新思维能力的目标体系

    The Target System to Train College Students ' Innovative Ability

  26. 作为一名企业精英,他/她必须具备创新思维。

    An outstanding business man should have got Innovational thought .

  27. 开展启发式教学,培养学生创新思维能力

    Conducting heuristic teaching & Cultivating students ' innovative thinking ability

  28. 公理设计下基于系统创新思维的解耦方法

    Structured approach to decouple coupled design in Axiomatic Design Based on sit

  29. 作文教学中培养创新思维的思考

    Reflections on the Cultivation of Innovative Thinking in Composition Teaching

  30. 论体育专业学生创新思维能力的培养

    How to Develop the Innovative Thinking of Physical Education Majors