
zhònɡ ɡè suān jiǎ
  • potassium dichromate
重铬酸钾 [chóng gè suān jiǎ]
  • 俗称“红矾”。化学式k2cr2o7。橙红色晶体。溶于水。为强氧化剂。加热到500°c分解放出氧气。由硫酸酸化铬铁矿石,后加氯化钾,最后经低温结晶而得。用作强氧化剂、分析试剂。用以生产颜料、烟火和鞣革等。溶于浓硫酸配成强氧化性洗涤液,在实验室中用来洗涤玻璃器皿。

  1. 重铬酸钾法测定水中COD问题的探讨

    Some Problems in Determining COD in Water with Potassium Dichromate Method

  2. 重铬酸钾法快速检测COD

    Quick Determination of COD by Potassium Dichromate Method

  3. 结论阿霉素、重铬酸钾和过氧化氢均是强烈的DNA链断裂剂;

    Conclusion Adriamycin , potassium chromate and hydrogen peroxide are violent DNA breaking agent .

  4. 应用依赖随机化末端连接物聚合酶链反应技术研究重铬酸钾对大鼠肺p53基因DNA损伤

    Applying randomized terminal linker-dependent PCR to detect the DNA damage of p53 gene in rat

  5. 在氟化钠、重铬酸钾、丝裂霉素C和秋水仙素等四种环境诱变剂作用下,以上倾向没有变化;

    The difference did not change even under the action of sodium fluoride , potassium bichromate , mitomycin C and colchicine .

  6. 重铬酸钾法测定废水COD条件改进的研究

    Study on Improvement of Determination of COD in Wastewater

  7. 重铬酸钾致N-ras基因DNA损伤作用研究

    Detecting the DNA damage of N-ras gene induced by potassium dichromate

  8. 重铬酸钾法测定水中COD的不确定度分析

    The Uncertainty Analyze of Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand in Water by Potassium Dichromate Method

  9. 采用密封恒温可见光分光光度法测定废水中的COD,研究重铬酸钾氧化测定的适宜条件。

    The seal stable temperature-visible light spectrophotometry has been applied to determination of COD in wastewaters .

  10. 分段重铬酸钾法测定高氯离子废水COD方法研究

    The Study on Measuring COD of Wastewater with High Content of Chlorine by the Means of Potassium Dichromate of Different Concentration

  11. 以稻壳和重铬酸钾为研究对象,通过微波辐射作用,研究生物质对Cr(Ⅵ)的解毒行为,探索微波/生物质解毒Cr(Ⅵ)的实验条件。

    With potassium dichromate as the Cr (ⅵ) source , the detoxification of Cr (ⅵ) by rice hull biomass incorporated with microwave irradiation was used .

  12. 本文对FeNiB超细非晶粉表面加以单宁酸和重铬酸钾处理,并采用了XPS和TEM等对处理后超细粉的表面组成和结构进行了分析。

    Surface composition and structure of amorphous superfine Fe-Ni-B powders processed by potassium dichromate and tannic acid have been investigated by XPS and TEM etc.

  13. 本文回顾了化学需氧量分析方法的发展过程,详述了重铬酸钾法在测定废水中COD方面取得的进展。

    Methods use in the determination of COD in wastewater is reviewed , practical consideration of the dichromate method are discussed in detail .

  14. 沉积物中TOC的测定用重铬酸钾氧化-还原滴定法。在测定结果的基础上采用单项指标标准指数法对沉积物中氮和磷的污染程度进行了评价。

    Single standard index method was used to assess the pollution of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediment .

  15. 采用重铬酸钾法对Cu-Zn-Al形状记忆合金进行钝化。

    The Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloy was passivated by a potassium dichromate method .

  16. 介绍了COD在线快速检测法和重铬酸钾标准测定法,并从装置结构、流程、技术特点等方面说明在线快速检测法的优点。

    Two test methods for COD of wastewater were introduced ,, a comparison was given from the point of apparatus structure , flow , technique characteristics .

  17. 目的检测阿霉素、重铬酸钾和过氧化氢所致中国仓鼠肺成纤维细胞(CHL)DNA的损伤效应及酪醇对真核细胞DNA氧化损伤的保护作用。

    Objective To detect the DNA strand breaks induced by adriamycin , potassium chromate or hydrogen peroxide and to study the effect of p tyrosol on DNA oxidative damage in CHL cells .

  18. Tyrode's人工体液中重铬酸钾法钝化Cu-Zn-Al形状记忆合金的耐蚀性研究

    Study on Corrosion Resistance of Potassium Dichromate Method Passivated Cu-Zn-Al Shape Memory Alloy in Artificial Tyrode 's Solution

  19. 重铬酸钾法测定COD时,一般存在着该法对苯及其芳烃类的有机物氧化率偏低的问题。

    There exists a problem of lower percentage of oxidization to the organic matters of benzene and aromatic hydrocarbons when we determine the COD by the method of potassium dichromate titration .

  20. 采用重铬酸钾法与高锰酸盐指数碱性法对水中化学需氧量(COD)进行了对比测定研究,考察了氯离子浓度对化学需氧量测定结果的影响。

    The effects of ClO ~ - _4 on measurement of chemical oxygen demand ( COD ) of water were studied by comparison of potassium dichromate method and potassium permanganate method .

  21. 重铬酸钾与硫酸的复合溶液的ORP值达到1048mV,对大肠杆菌具有较强的杀灭作用。

    The compound potassium bichromate and sulfuric acid solution with ORP attaining 1048 mV has strong killing effect on E. coli .

  22. 而重铬酸钾处理还在粒子表面形成了致密的Cr2O3层,阻挡了氧原子从表面向体内的扩散,减少了粒子的氧化态数量,从而使其饱和磁化强度得以大大提高。

    Perhaps , it is the oxides that retard the diffusion of oxygen from the surface into the bulk , reduce the content of oxide , and increase the saturation magnetization of the Fe-Ni-B amorphous nanometer particles greatly .

  23. 结果,以重铬酸钾洗液浸泡1h、250℃干热作用2h的最佳组合,去内毒素效果最好。

    Results : The best combination of immersion in potassium bichromate solution for 1 h and exposure to 250 ℃ dry heat for 2 h had the best efficacy in removing endotoxin .

  24. 目前测量水质COD的主要方法是化学法。化学法主要是重铬酸钾氧化法,它测量准确,但所需时间长,操作复杂,容易产生二次污染。

    Currently , the main method to test the COD is potassium dichromate oxidation , a chemistry method , which is exact but time consuming and operation complicated . And this method may lead to secondary pollution easily .

  25. 结果重铬酸钾复合酸液的ORP值为最高、pH值最低,加入中和剂可明显降低溶液的ORP值和增加pH值。

    Results Addition of neutralizer to the compound potassium bichromate acid solution with highest oxidation-reduction potential ( ORP ) and lowest pH value could obviously reduce ORP value and increase pH value of the solution .

  26. 用重铬酸钾滴定法测定铁的结果表明,在摇床转速为160r/min的条件下,pH值1.7,温度30℃时T。

    30 ℃ with the initial pH 2.0.The determination of Fe by the potassium dichromate titration method indicated that at the shaking bath speed of 160 r / min , and pH 1.7 and temperature of 30 ℃ the rate of ferrous iron oxidation by T.

  27. 对Fe-Ni-B非晶纳米粒子表面施加了单宁酸和重铬酸钾处理后,采用X射线光电子能谱和透射电子显微镜等技术对处理后粒子的表面组成和结构进行了分析。

    The surface composition and structure of the Fe-Ni-B amorphous nanometer particles processed by means of potassium dichromate and tannic acid have been investigated using the techniques of XPS and TEM etc.

  28. 结果表明,经硬脂酸封孔后的铝阳极氧化膜表面平整无缺陷,膜的耐蚀性显著提高,在中性NaCl溶液中耐蚀性优于经沸水法和重铬酸钾法封闭的氧化膜。

    Results showed that the film was flat and no defect via stearic acid sealing , corrosion resistance of anodizing film was increased evidently in NaCl solution and better than that sealed by boiling water or potassium dichromate .

  29. 采用重铬酸钾稀释热比色法测定土壤中的有机质,样品加标回收率为95.2%~108.2%,变异系数(CV)为2.67%~3.68%。

    The content of organic matter in soil was determined with the method of potassium bichromate-dilution heat colorimetric . The recovery rate was 95.2 % ~ 108.2 % and the CV was 2.67 % ~ 3.68 % .

  30. 以新疆某化肥有限公司污水COD在线监测仪为例,用在线监测数据与实验室重铬酸钾法测定数据进行比对分析,对污染源在线监测的比对分析方法进行探讨。

    Sewage COD on-line monitoring instrument of so-and-so chemical fertilizer limited company in Xinjiang by way of illustration , this paper compared on-line monitoring datum with laboratory potassium dichromate determined datum , discusses comparison and analyses method of pollutant on-line monitoring .