- 网络Gravity separation;gravitational separation

Pre-aerated tube oil-water separators have the enhanced function of flotation and gravity separation with surface loading of 4 m 3 / ( m 2 · h ) .
Principle of the Oil-Water Gravity Separation and Elementary Researches on Coalescent Demulsification Composite Pipes with Interior Coating of a-Al_2O_3 Ceramics Produced by Gravitational Separation Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis
Influence of SiO_2 on macrostructure of Al_2O_3 / Fe composite pipe fabricated by gravitational separation-SHS method
Result shows that they are basically in the stokes settlement area .
Cracks Formation Mechanism in Lined ceramics Produced by Gravitational Separation SHS Method
Interface phenomenon in ceramic - lined composite pipe produced by G-T SHS technique
Densification of Ceramic Layers Made by SHS G-T Process
Study on Sythesis Process of Ceramic lined Composite Pipes Using Gravitational Separation SHS Method
The Predetermination of the Gravitational Separation SHS Process
The roles of sio_2 in the ceramic - lined pipes produced by SHS granitational separation thermit method
Influences of CrO_3 on Curved Ceramic-Lined Pipes Produced by Gravitational Separation SHS Process
On the basis of using gravitational separation SHS process to produce ceramic-lined composite pipes , the influence of Ni content on combustion characteristics and mechanical properties is investigated .
It was found that reasonable additive system and improvement of synthesis technology are the keys to improve quality of the ceramic lined pipes .
Two groups of comparative experiments were carried out . It was found out that presence of Nd-Fe-B magnet gave much shorter free settling and pressing time in gravitational separation and shorter pressing time in centrifugal separation .
Ceramic-lined steel pipes were prepared by SHS gravitational-thermite process The effect of the glass powder on the preparation of the ceramic-lined pipe was studied The structure of the ceramics coat was analyzed by metallographical microscope ?
Before and after heat-treatment in reductive gas , transformation of microstructure morphology and distribution of the coatings and interface in pipes produced by SHS gravitational separation method are studied in details .
An automation equipment for combustion synthesis curved ceramic - line composite pipes was designed and manufactured according to the principle of CS ( Combustion Synthesis ) thermit - gravitational separation process .
ZrO2 ( 4mol % Y_2O_3 ) of various contents being introduced into the main combustion system , the composite pipe lined ( Al_2O_3 + ZrO_2 ) multi-phase ceramics can be fabricated with the SHS gravitational separation technique .
It was obtained that synthesis process underwent three basic processes in the consequence of combustion synthesis , liquid liquid phase separation and ceramic solidification , and densification of ceramic layers run through the three processes .
The microstructure of lined ( Al 2O 3 + ZrO 2 ) multi phase ceramics of gravitational separation SHS composite pipes is investigated , and the formation mechanism of the multi phase ceramics is also analyzed .
Abstract Based on ceramic lined composite pipes produced by gravitational separation SHS method , the effect of SiO_2 additions on combustion process , liquid liquid phases gravitational separation process and ceramic densification during synthesis of the composite pipes has been investigated .
The curved ceramic lined pipes have been produced by gravitational separation SHS method in combination with rotating technology . Based on SiO 2 addition the influences of NaF additive on synthesis process , structure and properties of curved pipes have been investigated .
On basis of using gravitational separation SHS process to produce ceramic lined composite pipes , CrO 3 + Al + ( TiO 2 + C + Al + NiO ) combustion system is used with three layer structure of steel , intermediate alloy and ceramics .
Using uniform design , the influence of additions SiO 2 and CrO 3 on the combustion velocity of gravitational separation SHS in producing ceramic-lined composite pipes has been studied and an equation has been gotten by regression analysis .
The method for producing big diameter metal pipes with ceramic lining by gravitational separation SHS method is described . The influence of the reactant and additives CrO 3 and SiO 2 on combustion synthesis , microstructure and properties of the ceramic layer is investigated .
Study and Application on the mathematical model of gravity separation
He paper raises the theory of the earth gravitational separation dynamics .
The Technology of Gravity oil Water Separation Equipment s and its progress
Ceramic Lined Steel Pipes Made by Thermite-gravitational Separation Process
Experimental Study on Rising Behavior of Oil Droplets in Oil-Water Gravity Separation Process