
  • 网络Chinese patent;China Patent
  1. 利用Internet免费检索并获取中国专利全文的方法

    Free Retrieval Full Text of Chinese Patent in Internet

  2. 中国专利PSB微电脑控制系统冷凝器排水泵系列产品。

    The Chinese patent PSB microcomputer control system condenser pumps series products .

  3. 中国专利如何面对WTO

    How to Be Faced with WTO for China Patent

  4. 本文介绍Internet上的中国专利信息资源与检索方法。

    In this paper , the information resource of patent of china and its seeking in Internet are introduced .

  5. 要持续不断地改进TRIPS与中国专利法律保护之完善

    TRIPS and Continuous Improvement of Chinese Legal Patent Protection

  6. 中国专利被《SCI》来源刊论文引用情况的统计与分析

    Statistics and Analysis on Chinese Patents Cited by SCI

  7. 尽管文章认为中国专利制度并非朝向有利于中国公司的方向进行构建,但它表示最近“相对不知名的中国公司对苹果、三星(Samsung)和戴尔(Dell)等著名外国科技公司提起了大量广受关注的专利诉讼”。

    While the paper found that China 's patent system was not structured to benefit Chinese companies , it said there had been a number of recent " high-profile patent suits filed by relatively unknown Chinese firms against high-profile foreign tech companies like Apple , Samsung and Dell . "

  8. 据世界知识产权组织(WIPO)统计,2016年中国专利申请数量激增45%,使其有望在两年内成为国际专利制度的最大用户,超越日本和美国。

    Chinese patenting applications surged 45 per cent in 2016 , according to the World Intellectual Property Organisation , putting the country on track to overtake Japan and the US to become the largest user of the international patent system within two years .

  9. 上海知识产权咨询公司罗思(rouse&co)的艾略特帕佩佐治(elliotpapageorgiou)表示:“这种数量级的和解金额,将鼓励中国专利拥有者起诉外国竞争对手。”

    Elliot Papageorgiou , of rouse & Co , an IP consultancy in Shanghai , said : " a settlement of this magnitude will encourage Chinese patent owners to bring suits against foreign rivals . "

  10. 经过中美两国技术发展水平和实际经济发展的需要的对比,笔者认为对于美国这次在KSR案中所做的修正,中国专利法应该根据自身情况有所取有所不取。

    After contrast the level of technological and actual needs of economic development of China and the United State , I think for the changes in the KSR case of United States , the amendments made by the Chinese Patent Law in accordance with its own situation .

  11. 提交中国专利申请需要的文件是什么?

    What documents are required for filing a Chinese patent application ?

  12. 中国专利申请量持续快速增长已延续多年。

    The amount of patent application has increased rapidly for years .

  13. 中国专利权质量估计及分析

    Estimates and Analyses of the Value of Patent Rights in China

  14. 入世后中国专利制度发展研究

    The Developing Research on the Patents System after China 's Entering WTO

  15. 因特网上中国专利检索系统的比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis of China Patent Search Systems in Internet

  16. 中国专利数据库中外国企业名称规范浅议

    The Study on Overseas Enterprise 's Name in Chinese Patent

  17. 中国专利基因数据库的创建

    Construction of The National Bio-Sequence Database of Chinese Patent

  18. 中国专利检索系统的设计与性能分析

    Design and Performance Analysis of China Patent Search System

  19. 中国专利强制许可制度的完善

    The Improvement of Patent Compulsory License system in China

  20. 2001~2002年离子膜电解槽中国专利简介

    Brief introduction of Chinese Patents on ion-exchange membrane electrolyzer

  21. 2004年,中国专利申请中的一半,由外企提出。

    In China half the patent filings in 2004 were by foreign companies .

  22. 基于数据仓库的中国专利审查联机分析处理系统

    The China Patent Examination OLAP Based on Data Warehouse

  23. 中国专利实施许可制度存在的问题及对策

    Existing problems of the enforcement system for the patent license and relevant countermeasures

  24. 该靠垫的关键技术已申报中国专利。

    Have already declared China 's patent in key technology of this cushion .

  25. 第二十七条本条例由中国专利局负责解释。

    Article 27 The right to interpret these Regulations hereof rests with CAP .

  26. 基于国际专利分类法的中国专利布局实证研究

    Empirical Study on Distribution of China 's Patents Based on International Patent Classification

  27. 延迟焦化技术的中国专利分析

    Analysis of Chinese patents concerning delayed coking technology

  28. 中国专利制度的建立与发展

    Establishment and development of china 's patent system

  29. 中国专利引文数据库的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Chinese Patent Citation Database

  30. 水墨国画新势力寂寞并认真者名家推荐上海优秀青年国画家作品展创新路上带头人记中国专利山东优秀发明家蔡漳平

    Masters-recommended Chinese Painting Outstanding by Excellent Young Painters