
zhōng yún
  • medium cloud
中云[zhōng yún]
  1. 在软件行业中云计算(CloudComputing)的领域近来相当忙碌。

    The cloud computing segment of the software industry has been quite busy as of late .

  2. 云对紫外辐照度有很大的影响,而且低云对UV辐照度的削弱作用大于中云的削弱作用。

    And the cloud has an evident influence on the UV irradiance .

  3. KCl晶体中云丝的观察与消除

    Observation and Elimination of Linear Inclusions in KCl Crystals

  4. Vega中云的仿真方法反向工程中数据点云的拼合

    Cloud Simulation in Vega A New Method to Merge Point Cloud in Reverse Engineering System

  5. 提出了一种基于SUSAN算法自动消去主图像中云区遮挡影响的方法。

    A new image fusion scheme that could automate remove the cloud covers in the main image was proposed based on SUSAN algorithm .

  6. 其突破性的3D特效足以让其傲视群雄,但是英语母语的观众却在电影中外星人对话中云里雾里,因为阿凡达在香港上映时只提供了外星人对话的中文字幕。

    It may boast ground-breaking3D effects , but English-speaking viewers of Avatar have been left in the dark by the film 's alien dialogue after Hong Kong cinemas offered only a Chinese translation .

  7. Vega中云的仿真方法

    Cloud Simulation in Vega

  8. 从模式计算和试验的初步结果可以看出:对于低云和中云,地基观测的Tb对CBH的变化有相当的敏感性,因此可以用于CBH的反演。

    The results of simulation and preliminary experiments show that for low and middle clouds , the sky Tb observed on the ground is very sensitive to the variation of CBH , therefore it can be used to estimate CBH .

  9. 意在大数据的环境中云能做一些事情。

    You realize that Big Data gives clouds something to do .

  10. 华南暴雨中云物理过程的数值研究

    Numerical study on cloud physical processes of heavy rainfall in South China

  11. 气候模式中云辐射反馈过程机理的评述

    An evaluation of cloud radiative feedback mechanisms in climate models

  12. 气候模式中云的水平不均匀性对辐射场的影响研究

    Effect of Inhomogeneous Clouds on Radiation Fields in Cloud Models

  13. 云场中云簇的测量

    A measure of cloud clustering in the cloud field

  14. 积云中云滴群凝结增长的数值模拟

    A study on the growth of cloud droplets by condensation in cumulus clouds

  15. 陕西民间刺绣中云纹纹样的载体及文化意蕴

    The Cloud Pattern 's Carrier and Cultural Implication on Folk Embroidery in Shaanxi

  16. 大气中云的分布状况是气象预报的重要依据。

    The cloud distribution in the atmosphere is an important basis for the weather forecast .

  17. 东方天空中云越来越多,他认识的星星一颗颗地不见了。

    The sky was clouding over to the east and one after another the stars he knew were gone .

  18. 事实证明,露水的形成是与晚上天空中云的数量有联系的。

    As it turns out , the formation of dew is linked to the amount of cloudiness in the sky at night .

  19. 特别要听听鸟叫声,欣赏花草,观看天空中云的移动。

    Make a point of listening to the birds , of seeing the flowers , of looking at the movement of the clouds .

  20. 对长白山北坡苔藓红松暗针叶林中云冷杉倒木的分解及其养分元素的含量进行了研究。

    This paper reported the decomposition and nutrient content of fallen woods in the moss-Pinus koraiensis dark-conifer forest at North Slope of Changbai Mountain .

  21. 有些会实现,有些不会;不过这是他们对未来10年中云计算市场的预见和预测。

    Some will come true , some will not ; but this is how they see and predict the market will be in10 years .

  22. 雷达回波和卫星云图中云型的演变为“天鹅”小波动路径提供依据。

    The radar back wave and evolution of cloud types in satellite nephogram provides the basis for the slight fluctuating route of the ′ KONI ′ .

  23. 针对目前大多数的云的模型设计方法难以在普通PC机上快速实现真实感较强的云的模型设计的问题,提出了一种自然景观中云的模型设计方法。

    Given the problem that the most methods can 't produce the realistic clouds model quickly in general PC , a method for modeling cloud is proposed .

  24. 宋遗民词中云意象的解读&兼论佛道思想对宋遗民词的影响

    Explanation for the image " cloud " in the CI verses by the song descendants and the influence of the thought of Buddha and Tao upon them

  25. 总云量在最近20年间呈现出极缓慢的减少趋势,其中低云和高云均有小幅减少,而中云数量略有增加。

    A slightly decreasing trend was found for total clouds , low-clouds and high-clouds , while there is a small increase in middle-clouds during the past two decades .

  26. 应用模式识别中区域聚类法即最近邻简单试探法和K-均值聚类算法来完成高云、中云、低云和地表的区分。

    In this paper , we use direct classification and K means algorithm to distinguish the high cloud , meddle cloud , low cloud and earth ′ s surface .

  27. 通过本次研究进一步梳理服饰中云纹演变发展的特点和脉络,探索影响其演变的主客观因素。

    Through this study we can further comprehend the characteristics evolutiones and developments of cloud-pattern in clothing , explore the subjective and objective factors which affecting the evolutiones and developments .

  28. 对飞机积冰预报的现状进行了分析,介绍了积冰预报中云微物理参数的应用概况,并就积冰预报中云微物理参数的应用前景进行了分析和讨论。

    The developments of aircraft icing forecasting and of research on cloud microphysics parameters is reviewed . The application of the cloud microphysical parameters to aircraft icing forecasting is analyzed and discussed .

  29. 对《神农本草经》中云:“斑蝥性寒”提出疑义,认为斑蝥性热而非性寒。

    This paper doubts the statement " Mylabrisis cold in nature ", which is mentioned in ? Shennong Classic of Materia Medica , and argues that it is heat , not cold .

  30. 天空的模拟,实际上就是对于天空中云的模拟,基本所有气象现象,如阴晴雨雪都是通过云的状态来表现的。

    Simulate the sky , in fact , the simulation for the sky , cloud , because the basic of all meteorological phenomena , such as , Teenage rain and snow through the cloud to the performance .