
  • 网络Preparing;readiness for learning;Ready to Learn;readiness to learn
  1. 幼儿合作学习准备阶段与实施阶段的指导策略研究

    Study on the Strategies of Children Cooperative Learning in the Preparing and Implementing Stage

  2. 如何面对学生学习准备不足的状况?

    How to deal with students ' unenough preparation for learning ?

  3. 她留在市里学习准备考试

    she stayed in the city to study for her exams .

  4. 大副正在学习准备当船长。

    The first mate was studying to Become a master .

  5. 学习准备的质量一定程度上决定学习的质量。

    The quality of learning preparation decides learning quality in some degree .

  6. 结果表明:(1)教育硕士的自我导向学习准备度普遍较高。

    The results indicate that their extent of preparation for self-directed learning is generally large ;

  7. 他在刻苦学习准备期末考试。

    He 's swotting for his finals .

  8. 他正在学习准备明天的考试,因此你最好不要打扰他。

    He 's studying for an exam tomorrow , so you 'd better not interrupt him .

  9. 教育硕士的自我导向学习准备度与其学习成效之间存在极其显著的正相关;

    The extent of preparation for self-directed learning is strongly and positively related to the learning effect ;

  10. 学习准备测验。

    Study for a test .

  11. 教育硕士自我导向学习准备度的积极性、挑战性和自主性对其攻读教育硕士专业学位的学习成效具有显著的正向预测作用。

    The positivity , challenge and self-determination in the preparation for self-directed learning can positively predict the learning effect .

  12. 因此,本文提出探讨在线课程“学习准备期”的设计问题。

    Therefore , this dissertation is aimed at discussing the " duration of preparation to learn " for the online course .

  13. 课堂表现分数建立在在线论坛讨论表现、出勤率(包括准时到课)和课堂学习准备情况上。

    Class performance will be evaluated on the basis of contribution to the discussion forum , on attendance ( including promptness ), and preparedness .

  14. 学生们正在刻苦学习准备考试。不,我不去。我要在家学习准备考试。

    The students are grinding away for an exam . No , I won 't. I 'll stay at home and study for a test .

  15. 采用教育硕士自我导向学习准备度问卷和学习成效问卷对737名正在攻读教育硕士专业学位的中小学教师进行了调查。

    Questionnaires about the extent of preparation for self-directed learning and learning effect were distributed to 737 primary and secondary teachers who are studying for education master degree .

  16. 丹妮卡一家人还收到了当地居民捐助的很多礼物,其中包括为她学习准备的助学金,和帮助她父母开一个杂货店的生活费用等。

    There were also gifts from local benefactors including a scholarship grant for the child 's study , and a livelihood package to enable the parents to start a general store .

  17. 按照不同科学家的标准,认知控制可定义为延迟满足、冲动管理、情绪的自我调节或自我控制、抑制无关思想、集中注意力或学习准备等。

    Depending on which scientist is speaking , cognitive control may be defined as the delay of gratification , impulse management , emotional self-regulation or self-control , the suppression of irrelevant thoughts , and paying attention or learning readiness .

  18. 十多年前,当时在范德比尔特大学工作的认知科学家约翰·布兰斯福德和丹尼尔·施瓦茨发现,年轻人与儿童的区别不在于保留事实或将先前的知识应用于新情况的能力,而在于一种他们称之为"为未来学习做好准备"的品质。

    More than a decade ago , cognitive scientists John Bransford and Daniel Schwartz , both then at Vanderbilt University , found that what distinguished young adults from children was not the ability to retain facts or apply prior knowledge to a new situation but a quality they called " preparation for future learning . "

  19. 在短暂的休息后,所有人都开始用功学习,准备考试。

    After the break , everyone knuckled2 down to prepare for their exams .

  20. ACT和SAT考试是美国两个最普通的高校标准化测试,考察学生进入大学学习的准备程度。

    ACT and the SAT are the two most common college standardized tests in the United States of academic readiness for college level studies .

  21. Hillside的管理人员说,最主要的目的是让学生们做好在正规学校进行有效学习的准备。

    Hillside administrators say the main goal is to prepare students to learn effectively in a regular school .

  22. 他们不是在洛杉矶或奥兰治县买入芭比梦幻屋(BarbieDreamHouse),就是在搜寻最好的美国私立学校,为的是给自己十几岁的孩子将来进入常青藤学习做准备。

    If they 're not buying up LA and Orange County Barbie Dream Houses , they 're out scouring the best American private schools to prepare their teens for the Ivy Leagues .

  23. 通过一些步骤使您的应用程序成为生产级应用程序,然后学习如何准备Web服务器,让它能够为Django应用程序提供服务。

    Explore some steps that need to be taken to make your application production-ready , then learn what 's involved in preparing your Web server for serving up your Django application .

  24. 流行的认证Web站点,像CertificationMagazine和CertCities上的讨论表明大多数IT专业人员平均花两到六个星期的学习来准备一门考试。

    Discussion on popular certification web sites like Certification Magazine and CertCities indicate that most IT pros take from two to six weeks studying for each test .

  25. 平假名-汉字版教科书可以帮助你学习和准备。

    Kana-Kanji Version of the text helps you learn and prepare .

  26. 难道你还没有学习,准备明天的考试吗?

    Haven 't you started studying for tomorrow 's test yet ?

  27. 物理学习心理准备的正确引导

    On the proper guidance of psychological preparation in physics learning

  28. 用功[刻苦学习]准备考试她在刻苦学习中文。

    Grind for an exam She is making painstaking efforts to learn Chinese .

  29. 我必须学习以准备考试吗?

    Do I have to study for the test ?

  30. 很不错,但我得学习,准备考试。

    I 've get to study for the exam .