
xué shù jiè
  • academic circles;community of scholars;academia
学术界 [xué shù jiè]
  • [academia;academic world;academic circle] 学术或学院式的生活;学术或学院式的环境

  1. 新定律获得了学术界的认可。

    The new law has gained acceptance in academic circles .

  2. 他在学术界很有名。

    He is well-known in academic circles .

  3. 年轻的女主人公陷入了学术界钩心斗角的罗网。

    The young heroine steps into a web of intrigue in the academic world .

  4. 英国需要弥合学术界和企业界之间的技术差距。

    Britain needs to bridge the technology gap between academia and industry .

  5. 学术界与工业界有着天壤之别。

    There is a dichotomy between the academic world and the industrial world .

  6. 她的理论已被学术界普遍接受。

    Her theory has become part of academic orthodoxy .

  7. 许多住户都有工程、商业和学术界的背景。

    Many residents have backgrounds in engineering , business and academic circles .

  8. 与此同时,学术界和评论家为其卓越性创造了复杂的理由。

    Meanwhile , academics and critics created sophisticated justifications for its preeminence .

  9. 并非仅有学术界提醒人们人工智能的潜在危险和潜在好处。

    The academic community is not alone in warning about the potential dangers of AI as well as the potential benefits .

  10. 学术界发现了颠覆性创新者的五个共同特点:质疑、实验、观察、联想和建立关系网。

    The academics identify five traits that are common to the disruptive innovators : questioning , experimenting , observing , associating and networking .

  11. 在学术界,人们把衰老研究作为一个兴趣领域,在其中尝试开发干预措施。

    " In academic circles , people take aging research as just an interest area where they can try to develop interventions . "

  12. 劳林本人就是从学术界转到了企业界。

    My ideas received a far heartier and were much more appreciated in the corporate world .

  13. 至于余秋雨的艺术理论著作,亦备受学术界重视和尊崇。

    As for Yu Qiuyu 's artistic theory work , also prepares the academic circles is taken and venerates .

  14. 该中心主办的《中国研究》(TheChinaJournal)杂志得到国际学术界的好评。

    The magazine " The China Journal " hosted by the center receives good remarks by international academia .

  15. 而这一现象也得到学术界的关注,目前学术界对于服务业FDI的相关领域的研究越来越重视。

    The academe also focused on this phenomenon . They paid more attention on researching the fields about services FDI .

  16. 无线传感器网络(WirelessSensorNetwork,WSN)是一项受到学术界和工业界高度重视的新技术,应用前景十分广阔。

    Wireless sensor network ( WSN ) is a new technology which is thought highly of in academic circle and industrial circle and has a bright future of application .

  17. UML作为建模语言事实上的标准,近年来被学术界和工业界广泛地用于软件系统建模。

    In recent years , UML is widely as a standard used in the systematic modeling of the software in academic and industrial circles .

  18. 自MM资本结构定理首次公开之后,西方学术界有关资本结构问题的研究,逐渐成为公司财务研究的重点。

    The research on capital structure in the west has become one of the most critical issues of corporate finance since the MM theorem had been known .

  19. 进入二十世纪,供应链管理越来越成为学术界研究的一个热门领域,而长鞭效应(bullwhipeffect)正是实施供应链管理中的一个重要障碍。

    Supply Chain Management has become a hotspot for scholars since the 21st century , and Bullwhip Effect is just a crucial obstacle to actualize Supply Chain Management .

  20. 如何提高BPR实施的成功率,成为学术界和企业界共同关注的课题。

    How to improve the success rate of BPR has become the focus in both academic and business circles .

  21. 文章首先应用国际货币基金组织(IMF)推荐的实际汇率测算方法测算了1978年以来人民币的实际有效汇率,丰富了我国改革开放以来的实际有效汇率数据,有利于今后经济学术界的研究。

    The paper calculates the Real Effective Exchange Rate ( REER ) of RMB from 1978 according to the method that IMF recommends .

  22. 随着中国加入WTO和中美贸易的不断扩大,美国对华贸易政策逐渐成为国内学术界日益关注的话题。

    With China 's accession to WTO and expansion of bilateral trade afterwards , US trade policy in China gradually becomes one of the most attractive topics in Chinese academic circle .

  23. 股票市场中IPO折价现象已引起学术界的广泛关注,并形成了一系列的理论解释。

    The discount of IPO in the stock exchanges has aroused the wide attention of the academic circles and formed a series of theoretical explanations .

  24. 学术界的人都知道,哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)的专家迈克尔·S·泰特尔鲍姆(MICHAELS.Teitelbaum)说。中国机构提供的机会愈发具有吸引力。泰特尔鲍姆主要研究争夺科学人才的全球竞争。

    Anybody in academe knows , says Michael S. Teitelbaum , a Harvard University expert in the global competition for scientific talent , the offers coming from Chinese institutions are getting more and more attractive .

  25. 然而一个单独的Web服务的能力毕竟是有限的,所以工业界和学术界都希望能够通过组合现有的Web服务来创造出具有新的服务功能的Web服务。

    However , due to the fact that the capability of a single Web service is limited , a considerable number of research efforts are made on the composition of Web services to create Web service with new function both in academia and in industry .

  26. 品牌是企业文化与CIS设计的重要组成部分,品牌研究也是近几年来学术界探讨的热门问题之一。

    The brand is an important part of the enterprise culture and CIS design , the brand research is also one of the hot topics discussed by the academia in recent years .

  27. 近年来,作为CME的重要触发机制之一的日冕磁绳灾变,引起了学术界的普遍关注。

    In recent years , the coronal flux rope catastrophe as one of the important mechanisms for triggering CMEs has attracted a general concern among the scientific community .

  28. HSDPA无线接入资源的合理控制和分配,由于其重要的实用价值及数学上的难处理(NP-hard),长期受到无线移动通信学术界和应用领域的高度重视。

    Because of its important practicality and NP-hard in mathematics , the reasonable allocation of HSDPA wireless access resource gets highly attentions by the wireless mobile telecommunication academia and application researchers .

  29. 最近的研究表明,肾脏局部肾素-血管紧张素系统(Renin-AngiotensinSystem,RAS)激活在肾脏疾病慢性进展中起十分关键的作用,但是其详细作用机制仍是学术界研究的热点问题。

    Recent studies have demonstrated that activation of intrarenal renin angiotensin system ( RAS ) has played a key role in the chronic progression of renal diseases . However , the exact mechanism for how RAS to play its role is still a hot research subject for the nephrologist .

  30. 选取六位学术界专家和企业家对各项指标的重要程度加以排序,进而采取集值迭代法对三级指标进行赋权,采用G1法对二级指标和一级指标确定权重。

    All indicators are sorted by six academic experts and entrepreneurs on the importance of theirs , further to determine the weight of three-level indicators through the method of extreme value iteration and set the weight of two-level and one-level indicators through the method of G1 .