
zhēn zhí biǎo
  • truth table
  1. 用真值表进行抢答器PLC梯形图的辅助设计

    Assistance Design of the PLC Ladder Diagram of First Answer Device with the Truth Table

  2. 主从JK触发器真值表的扩展

    Expansion of the Truth Table of Master-Slave JK Flip-Flop

  3. 在真值表中为X的输入或输出,表示该状态是无关状态。

    Inputs or outputs that appear in truth tables as X , meaning that the state is irrelevant .

  4. 也就是说,如果有命题p和q,则p与q的真值表可以表示为:

    For if p and q were propositions , then the following ' truth-table ' would show in what circumstances ' p AND q ' was true :

  5. 首先分析了三工位开关的3个工作位置的相互关系,给出了表示三工位间的状态转换关系的真值表,然后介绍了根据所给真值表设计的VHDL语言程序。

    By analy-zing the relations of the three positions , a truth table is given , from which the VHDL program is made .

  6. 编制了C语言程序,运用操作元件真值表来划分负荷点的停运类型,使得停运类型的判定比前一方法更简单。

    The preparation of the C language program and using of the operating elements " truth table " to divide the load point outage type makes it much simpler than previous method to the judgment of the outage type .

  7. 采用基于PLA的并行算法,在PLA中存储了以编码码字为输入,码值和码长为输出的各个变长码真值表。

    Each Variable Length Code truth-table whose input is the bit stream code and output is the value and length of code is stored into different PLA respectively .

  8. 对于一个由k次单项式生成的MRS函数,推广了一个寻找其真值表递归的算法,也就是其汉明重量齐次递归的算法。

    Here expanded an algorithm for finding a recursion for the truth table of any kth rotation symmetric Boolean function generated by a monomial , as well as a homogeneous recursion for its weight .

  9. 用极小项的性质给出了真值表求法的证明,用公式相等的定义证明了求G的主析取范式的定理。

    To support the truth table method , the properties of the minimal form are cited . Besides , it proves the theorem of the main disjunctive normal form of seeking G with the definition of formula equality .

  10. 实质上,我们需要编写一组UDF,实现下列位操作真值表。

    Basically we need to write a set of UDFs that will realize the following bit operation truth tables .

  11. 本文最后利用Visualc++开发了一个试验平台,并对真值表生成测试案例的方法和优先级数组合生成案例方法分别进行分析,验证了其优化的性能。

    At last , this paper introduces how to develop a tool which can create test cases of Modified Condition / Decision Coverage using these two ways by Visual C + + , and analyzes these two ways , proofs their excellent capability .

  12. 测试出来的真值表再经由BooleanMinimizer软件进行逻辑简化,最终得到了最简的输入输出之间的逻辑关系。

    Finally , the acquired true table was simplified by the Boolean Minimizer software to get the most simple logic function between the inputs and the outputs .

  13. 本文介绍了利用真值表来实现CARR工程低压供电系统进线和联络开关联锁电路的设计方法。

    The paper introduces the design method using truth table to realize interlock circuit between incoming and coupling breaker of low-voltage power supply system for China Advanced Research Reactor ( CARR ) .

  14. 本文讨论了Searle运算的逻辑特征,给出了交错式真值表,并用布尔逻辑的分析方法提出了Searle运算、与等的异或逻辑转换公式。

    The logical feature of Searle operations is discussed , an intricate truth table is given , and by using an analytic method of Boolean logic , a series of EXCLUSIVE-OR logical transforming formulas of Searle operations , , and , etc is presented .

  15. 本文首先讨论了多值逻辑函数的分解方法,这种分解方法可以利用真值表的分解较方便地实现。然后给出了利用T门实现多值逻辑函数的一种方法。

    In the paper , a decomposition approach of multiple-valued lo -

  16. 编码器真值表与逻辑表达式的关系探讨

    Discuss the relation between encoder truth table and logical expression

  17. 真值表在数理逻辑中的重要作用

    Important Action of True Values ' Table in Mathematical Logic

  18. 表3-25是8251总线控制信号的真值表。

    Table 3-25 is a truth table of the 8251 bus control signals .

  19. 系统重构中真值表格式及预处理研究

    On truth table format and pre-processing in system restructure

  20. 三值T门组合网络化简的一种方法&真值表分割法

    A method of simplifying three-valued T-gate combinational networks & the truth table splitting method

  21. 真值表在形式逻辑中的功能

    Function of truth value table in formal logic

  22. 真值表方法是命题逻辑的一种重要的方法。

    Using a truth table is one of the important ways for proposition logic .

  23. 在线测试设备采用真值表来测试数字集成电路。

    An in-circuit tester tests a digital IC using the IC 's truth table .

  24. 关于判定命题推理有效性真值表化简方法的引申

    On Extended Ways of Simplified Truth Table to Judge the Validity of Determining Proposition Inference

  25. 更改条件/判定覆盖最小真值表生成算法及其应用

    Algorithm for making minimum truth-table based on modified condition / decision coverage and its application

  26. 命题公式真值表的生成与公式类型的机械判定

    Generating Algorithm of Truth Value Table and Type 's Mechanical Decision to a Propositional Formula

  27. 布尔函数最基本的特性就是真值表,重量以及其非线性。

    The most basic properties of Boolean functions are their truth table , weights and nonlinearity .

  28. 真值表与假言命题

    Truth Table and Hypothetical Proposition

  29. 掌握真值表化简方法对判定命题推理是否有效显得尤为重要。

    To learn using this way is specially important to judge the validity of determining proposition inference .

  30. 对其工作原理进行了详细的分析,并给出了相应的真值表或仿真结果。

    The theories of operation are analyzed in details and simulation results or truth tables are offered .