
xué wèi
  • academic degree
学位 [xué wèi]
  • [academic degree;degree] 教育机构根据学生专业知识和技术水平而授予的称号。一般分学士、硕士、博士三个等级

学位[xué wèi]
  1. 第八十条违反本法规定,颁发学位证书、学历证书或者其他学业证书的,由教育行政部门宣布证书无效,责令收回或者予以没收;

    Article 80 The relevant administrative department of education shall nullify the academic degree certificates , educational qualification certificates or other education certificates that are issued in violation of the provisions of this Law , and shall order their return or confiscation ;

  2. 第二十二条国家实行学位制度。

    Article 22 The State applies a system of academic degree .

  3. 她刚读完法律硕士学位。

    She 's just completed a master 's degree in Law .

  4. 学位是做这级工作必备的先决条件。

    A degree is an essential prerequisite for employment at this level .

  5. 我哥哥有哈佛大学的硕士学位。

    My brother has a master 's degree from Harvard .

  6. 学生获得的学分将计入其学位积分。

    Students gain college credits which count towards their degree .

  7. 她有伦敦大学生物化学的学位。

    She has a degree in Biochemistry from London University .

  8. 申请者须有二级优等以上学位。

    Applicants should have at least a second-class honours degree .

  9. 这些课程旨在与大学学位接轨。

    These courses are designed to articulate with university degrees .

  10. 牛津大学于2001年授予他荣誉学位。

    An honorary degree was conferred on him by Oxford University in 2001 .

  11. 大学学位已经成为在大多数行业谋职的必要条件。

    A university degree has become a requisite for entry into most professions .

  12. 他获得了工商管理硕士学位。

    He has a Master 's in Business Administration .

  13. 她获得一级优等英语学位。

    She was awarded a first-class degree in English .

  14. 我希望攻读化学学位课程。

    I 'm hoping to do a chemistry degree .

  15. 去年只有三十名学生获得汉语学士学位。

    Only thirty students graduated in Chinese last year .

  16. 新的学位课程和现有的证书课程将并行开设。

    The new degree and the existing certificate courses would run in parallel .

  17. 她在攻读法学学位。

    She 's reading for a law degree .

  18. 她获授名誉学位。

    She was awarded a degree honoris causa .

  19. 你的学士学位是哪一科?

    What was your first degree in ?

  20. 她正在攻读博士学位。

    She 's studying for her doctorate .

  21. 他们苦学了11个月的强化课程,拿到了学位。

    They secure their degrees by slogging through an intensive 11-month course

  22. 他通过读夜校获得了法律学位。

    He acquired a law degree by taking classes at night

  23. 该课程比硕士学位课程更注重实践。

    The course is more practically based than the Masters degree

  24. 他凭一篇研究工业机器人的论文获得博士学位。

    He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots .

  25. 他现在就读于萨里大学,攻读数学学位。

    He is now reading for a maths degree at Surrey University .

  26. 如果我想攻读学位,必须先被录取入学。

    I had to matriculate if I wanted to do a degree .

  27. 在此期间的某个时候他拿到了一个工程学学位。

    Somewhere along the line he picked up an engineering degree

  28. 拥有学位并不能保证你就能获得财富。

    A degree does not give you a divine right to wealth .

  29. 该学位课程将为数学和统计学打下扎实的基础。

    The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics .

  30. 他获得了经济学一等荣誉学位。

    He gained a first class Honours degree in economics .