
  • 网络academic lecture;Academic Presentation;dissertation;Public Speaking
  1. 从高中到大学我一直活跃于学术演讲活动。

    My activities in high school as well as college centered round public speaking .

  2. 政治演讲和学术演讲是两类不同的演讲。

    Political speeches differ from academic speeches in terms of content and purpose .

  3. 你会去听今晚的学术演讲吗?

    Are you going to the lecture tonight ?

  4. 此外,政治演讲中表示义务和意愿的情态词比学术演讲多。

    In addition , in political speeches there are more modality words used to express obligation and willingness .

  5. 第五章评价胡适的学术演讲既是传播文明的利器,又是中西方文化交流史上一座跨语际的桥梁。

    Hu Shi academic speech was a good weapon in spreading civilizations and a bridge over Chinese culture and west culture .

  6. 生命科学的未来掌握在我们中国人手中生命之美美在细胞&在第二次世界中西医结合大会烧伤卫星会议上的即席学术演讲

    The human body life relies on the cells : A Speech at the Satellite Meeting of the 2_ ( nd ) World Integrative Medicine Congress

  7. 身为教学医院,我们采用临床床边教学及众多的学术演讲,来训练见习医师和实习医师更有实力和独立性。

    Being an educational hospital , we train the clerks and the interns to be more qualified and independent by bedside teaching and variable medical lectures .

  8. 罗布一直在剑桥大学担任客座讲师,并获得了由古生物协会和自然历史博物馆颁发的奖励,以表彰他在研究上出色的学术演讲。

    Rob has also been a guest lecturer at Cambridge University and has been awarded prizes for his presentations from the Palaeontological Association and the Natural History Museum , London .

  9. 组织与学术相关的演讲与讲座;收集和发布与就业、签证、金融等相关信息。

    Organize speeches and seminars and collect information about job hunting , changing visa status , financing , etc.

  10. 近年来,各单位为了会议、学术交流、演讲、新闻发布等功能需求,修建了许多用于满足上述功能的会议室、报告厅等。

    In recent years , for functional requirements such as meetings , academic exchanges , speeches , press releases and so on , many units constructed a number of the meeting rooms , auditoriums and so on to meet the features designed .

  11. 本文是作者在2008第二届媒介批评国际学术论坛上的演讲稿文本。

    This paper is originated from a keynote speech of2008 International Forum on Media Criticism .

  12. 1996年的夏天,我被邀请到在法国尼斯举办的一个国际性学术研讨会上发表演讲。

    In the summer of1996 , I was invited to speak at a large international scientific meeting being held in Nice , France .

  13. 欢迎凡符合本刊发行宗旨的学术论文(以中文为主)、学术演讲稿或书评稿件。

    All academic articles , theses , lectures , and book reviews in Chinese or English which meet the demands of TC will be welcomed .