
  • 网络european southern observatory;eso;European Southern Observatory,ESO
  1. 在欧洲南方天文台(EuropeanSouthernObservatory)发表的声明中,他表示,“没有什么比这个更令人激动的了。”

    In a statement from the European Southern Observatory , he said , " It doesn 't really get any more exciting than this . "

  2. 天文学家是通过位于智力的欧洲南方天文台高精度径向速度行星搜索器(HARPS)发现该行星的。

    Astronomers found the planet using the European Southern Observatory 's High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher , or HARPS , instrument in Chile .

  3. 高精度径向速度行星搜索器(HARPS)完成了这次发现。HARPS是欧洲南方天文台(国际性天文研究机构)安装在智利拉西亚天文台的。

    This discovery was made by The High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher ( HARPS ), which is installed at the European Southern Observatory 's La Silla Observatory in Chile .

  4. 该望远镜由欧洲南方天文台研制。

    The European Southern Observatory is building the telescope .

  5. 位于智利阿卡塔马的一些大型望远镜幸免于难,负责管理这些望远镜的欧洲南方天文台称。

    Several major telescopes in Chile 's Atacama Desert have escaped damage , according to the European Southern Observatory managing them .

  6. 研究人员通过设在欧洲南方天文台的超大望远镜观测了地球照射在月球的反照光。

    Researchers aimed what 's officially called the Very Large Telescope , housed at the European Southern Observatory , at the moon .

  7. 同时,多亏了欧洲南方天文台的这个录像片,你可以到海卫一上进行一次模拟之旅。

    In the meantime , you can make a virtual visit to Triton , thanks to this video from the European Southern Observatory .