
  • 网络Euclidean metric;Euclidean distance
  1. 在这种情况下,现有的基于欧几里得度量环境的空间数据管理模型就显得过于冗余和低效。

    Under such circumstances , existing Euclidean-based methods are ineffective .

  2. 利用欧几里得距离度量非负矩阵分解的近似度,将其转化为利用最小二乘法求最优问题,在一定程度上降低了复杂度。

    The approximation degree of non-negative matrix factorization was measured by Euclidean distance and the matrix factorization problem has been transformed into least square optimization problem . And it is easily to verify that the computing complexity of this algorithm was reduced to a certain extent .