
  • 网络Masayoshi Son
  1. Sprint主席孙正义曾公开表示他想成为美国第一大运营商。

    Sprint chairman Masayoshi Son has talked openly about he wanted to become the No.1 player in the US .

  2. 后来,日本软银(SoftBank)的孙正义(MasayoshiSon)投资了2000万美元,成为了公司的最大股东。

    Later , Masayoshi Son of Japan 's SoftBank invested $ 20 million , making it Alibaba 's largest shareholder .

  3. 孙正义跟我有同一个观点,一个方案是一流的Idea加三流的实施;

    Masayoshi Son told me there is the same point of view , a program is the leading Idea plus three streams implementation ;

  4. 孙正义称,从本月开始,该公司对Pepper的月产量目标为1000台。

    Mr Son said the company would aim for monthly production of 1,000 units of Pepper , starting this month .

  5. 除了通信集团软银(softbank)的创始人孙正义(masayoshison)以外,准企业家们几乎没有行为榜样。

    Would-be entrepreneurs have few role models apart from Masayoshi son , founder of Communications Group Softbank .

  6. 软银发起了价格战,并引入了新的服务和产品,包括苹果公司(Apple)的iPhone。孙正义比所有人提前许多年意识到,iPhone将颠覆日本较为高端但封闭的电信市场。

    It also introduced new services and products , including Apple 's iPhone , which years before anyone else Mr Son realised would upend Japan 's sophisticated but isolated market .

  7. 一名接近软银创始人孙正义(MasayoshiSon)的人士表示,这种安排并不合孙正义的心意。

    That did not please Masayoshi Son , according to a person close to the Japanese group 's founder .

  8. 孙正义与阿里巴巴创始人马云(JackMa)预测未来的机器人将会比人类更聪明,他们称与互联网连接的机器人将会是创新的未来方向。

    Mr Son and Jack Ma , the founder of Alibaba , predicted a future when robots would become smarter than humans , saying robots connected to the internet would be the future of innovation .

  9. 7年前,孙正义(MasayoshiSon)坐在一间会议室里,很快就为谈判桌对面那位思维敏锐的高管所吸引。

    Sitting in a conference room seven years ago , Masayoshi Son was immediately drawn to the sharp-minded executive across the negotiating table .

  10. 最近到访美国时,孙正义承诺,假如监管机构允许他收购T-MobileUS、将其与Sprint合并,他将在美国移动电话市场上发起一场大规模价格战。

    During a recent trip to the US he promised to launch a massive price war in the US mobile market if regulators allow him to acquire T-Mobile US and merge it with Sprint .

  11. 在监管机构否决这项并购交易之前,孙正义曾表示,如果没有T-Mobile,Sprint只能打一场伪战斗。

    Before the deal was scuppered by regulators , he said that , without T-Mobile , Sprint lacked the scale for anything but a pseudo fight .

  12. 孙正义强调了Pepper的技术进步,声称该机器人不仅可以识别人类情感,还可以表达自己的情感并随着人类与之的互动而发生情感变化。

    Mr Son highlighted technological advances in Pepper , claiming that the robot could not only read human emotions , but also express feelings of its own that change according to how people interact with it .

  13. 他与阿里巴巴创始人兼主席马云以及日本软银(SoftBank)首席执行官孙正义(MasayoshiSon)同为阿里巴巴董事。

    Mr Yang sits on Alibaba 's board alongside founder and chairman Jack Ma , and Masayoshi Son , chief executive officer of Japan 's SoftBank .

  14. 美国监管机构已表示,出于反垄断方面的考虑,他们或许会反对Sprint在软银的支持下收购T-MobileUS。但孙正义仍在试图说服美国监管部门。

    US regulators have indicated they would probably oppose a SoftBank-backed bid by Sprint for T-Mobile US because of antitrust concerns , although Mr Son has not yet given up trying to get regulators on side .

  15. 一年前,孙正义向世界介绍了1.2米高的人形机器人Pepper。该机器人靠轮子移动,看起来就像是胸前挂着iPad。

    A year ago , Mr Son introduced the world to the androgynous 1.2 metre tall machine called Pepper , which moves on wheels and looks as if it is wearing an iPad as a pendant .

  16. 时任谷歌(Google)高管的尼克什•阿罗拉(NikeshArora)虽对合作提议有所怀疑,但他同样被孙正义激起了兴趣,后者对他说:“咱们试试看!”

    Nikesh Arora was sceptical of the tie-up , but the then Google executive was also intrigued by Mr Son , who told him : " Let 's try ! "

  17. 在监管机构否决这项并购交易之前,孙正义曾表示,如果没有T-Mobile,Sprint只能打一场“伪战斗”。

    Before the deal was scuppered by regulators , he said that , without T-Mobile , Sprint lacked the scale for anything but a " pseudo fight . "

  18. 孙正义也是雅虎和阿里巴巴的早期投资者,并在滴滴快的、GrabTaxi和Ola均有持股。

    Mr Son was also an early investor in both Yahoo and Alibaba , and has stakes in Didi Kuaidi , GrabTaxi , and Ola .

  19. 由日本亿万富翁孙正义(MasayoshiSon)创办的科技集团软银(Softbank),正在与电商集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)及苹果(Apple)供应商富士康(Foxconn)成立机器人合资企业,大举押注于智能个人机器人的未来增长。

    SoftBank , the tech group founded by Japanese billionaire Masayoshi Son , is forming a robotics venture with ecommerce group Alibaba and Apple supplier Foxconn , betting big on the future growth of intelligent personal robots .

  20. 身为亿万富翁,电信集团软银(Softbank)的创始人孙正义(MasayoshiSon)是经过艰苦奋斗成就一番事业的,他或许也是全日本最成功的“美式企业家”。

    Masayoshi Son , the billionaire founder of the telecommunications group SoftBank and perhaps Japan 's most successful example of an American-style entrepreneur , has made a career out of beating the odds .

  21. 今年7月,软银挖来谷歌(Google)负责商业运营的尼克什•阿罗拉(NikeshArora),请其出任集团副总裁兼美国某子公司的首席执行官,旨在执行其颠覆战略——孙正义的全球抱负从中可见一斑。

    To underline Mr Son 's global ambitions , in July SoftBank poached Nikesh Arora , Google 's head of business operations , as group vice-chairman and chief executive of a US-based unit aimed at executing his disruptive strategy .

  22. 以昵称Masa闻名的孙正义不但凭借其巨大成就而成为日本最知名的企业家,他还是一名杰出的投资者。

    Besides the improbable achievement of becoming the most recognizable entrepreneurs in Japan , Son , known by the nickname Masa , has proven to be an extraordinary investor .

  23. 不过,据报道,Sprint公司担心搭载谷歌的访问量过大,该公司董事长孙正义(MasayoshiSon)表示,其与谷歌达成协议,同意在谷歌服务量过大的情况下,进行流量限制。

    Still , Sprint reportedly had concerns about carrying Google 's traffic , with chairman Masayoshi Son said to have agreed to the deal under the condition of volume limits that allow for renegotiation if Google 's service becomes too big .

  24. 软银是日本两家出售苹果产品的运营商之一。当倒计时结束、这部更细长的手机开售时,软银创始人兼CEO孙正义(MasayoshiSon)率领众人一起欢呼庆祝。

    Masayoshi Son , the founder and CEO of Softbank Corp. ( 9984 . TO ) - one of two carriers that service Apple products in Japan-led a ceremonial cheer when the count reached zero and people could buy the slimmer , longer device .

  25. 软银首席执行官孙正义(masayoshison)昨日表示,由于亚洲互联网人口的增长速度快于西方,对于力图占据全球领先地位的互联网公司来说,亚洲已取代美国成为最关键的市场。

    Masayoshi son , Softbank chief executive , said yesterday that as Internet populations in Asia were growing faster than those in the west , Asia had replaced the US as the key market for Internet companies to becoming global leaders .

  26. 孙正义崇拜本田宗一郎(SoichiroHonda),视他为榜样。本田宗一郎从制造自行车的马达起家,最终打造起了一家全球领先的汽车制造商。孙正义喜欢回顾本田宗一郎是如何对抗日本的国家规划者的。

    He casts himself in the mould of his hero , Soichiro Honda , an outsider who began making motors for bicycles and ended up building one of the world 's leading car manufacturers .

  27. 软银(SoftBank)的老板孙正义(SonMasayoshi)表示,在中国政府对科技行业的打击力度在未来几年变得更加明朗之前,他正在抑制他的企业集团投资中国初创企业的热情。

    Son Masayoshi , the boss of SoftBank , said he was curbing his conglomerate 's enthusiasm to invest in Chinese startups until the extent of the Chinese government 's crackdown on the tech industry becomes clearer in the coming years .

  28. 和孙正义共事的一个困难之处是要忍受疯狂的工作时间。

    One catch to dealing with Mr Son is the crazy hours .

  29. 57岁的孙正义不会在短时间内退休。

    The 57-year-old Mr Son will not be retiring soon .

  30. 与本田宗一郎一样,孙正义是一个搅局者。

    Like Honda , Mr Son is a disrupter .