
  • 网络stefanie sun;stefanie;rise
  1. 她的对手们,如张惠妹和孙燕姿,也都实力强劲,极有获奖可能。

    Her rivals , such as A-Mei Chang and Stefanie Sun were strong enough to beat her .

  2. 本地女歌手孙燕姿,在她六年的演艺生涯中,,很少会表现出她很女人的一面。

    THROUGHOUT her six years in showbiz , homegrown songbird Stefanie Sun seldom showed her feminine side .

  3. 孙燕姿:大陆的歌迷更奔放。

    Ms. Sun : Mainland fans are more direct .

  4. 孙燕姿上月录制了一张新专辑。

    Sun Yanzi cut a new album last month .

  5. 孙燕姿的首张专辑一炮打响。

    Sun 's debut album was a runaway hit .

  6. 孙燕姿是我们新加坡人最宠爱的女儿。

    Stef is Singapore 's favorite daughter , or Sun , if you will .

  7. 后一篇>再次遇见孙燕姿!

    I Met Stephanie Sun Once Again !

  8. 孙燕姿:大陆的歌迷更奔放。有时候他们激动得会哭出来。

    Ms. Sun : Mainland fans are more direct . Some may even cry if they like you .

  9. 后来,李伟菘音乐学校由于培养出了新加坡著名歌手孙燕姿而名声大噪。

    Lee Wei-song ` s school later became famous for grooming one of Singapore ` s most famous singers , Stefanie Sun .

  10. 孙燕姿曾凭借《天黑黑》一举夺得有台湾格莱美奖之称的第12届金曲奖最佳新人奖。

    Sun was named Best Newcomer for her song Cloudy Day at the 12th Golden Melody Award , Taiwan 's equivalent to the Grammys .

  11. (孙燕姿于星期二来到北京录音,作为新加坡歌手,她说对能参与录制非常荣幸。)

    Stefanie Sun kicked off the recording in a Beijing studio on Tuesday . The Singaporean singer said she was honored to be involved .

  12. 自2000年出道以来,孙燕姿早已成为内地最知名的新加坡歌手。

    Since her debut in 2000 , Stefanie Sun has become one of the most widely recognized voices from Singapore in the Chinese mainland .

  13. 2011年5月8日,孙燕姿与荷兰籍印尼裔企业家纳迪姆结婚,并于2012年10月30日诞下他们第一个孩子。

    Sun married Dutch-Indonesian entrepreneur Nadim Van Der Ros on May 8 , 2011 , and gave birth to their first child on Oct 30 , 2012 .

  14. 孙燕姿共发行了11张专辑,不可否认,她是新加坡最成功的歌手之一,仅次于陈洁仪。而后者的才华在内地未受到充分认可。

    With 11 albums under her belt , Sun is arguably the most successful singer from Singapore , second only to Kit Chan , whose talent is somewhat under-recognized .

  15. 蔡健雅也因其创作才能闻名,她曾为著名歌手梁咏琪、王菲和孙燕姿写过许多歌。

    Chua has also made a name for herself in production , as she has written a number of hit songs for Gigi Leung , Faye Wong and Stefanie Sun .

  16. 孙燕姿的上一张专辑《完美的一天》遭到很多批评,也没有抓住大众的耳朵,她将在即将于三月中旬发行的下张专辑中作不少调整。

    With her last album A Perfect Day drawing plenty of flak from critics and failing to hit any sales gongs , Stefanie has a lot of damage control to do with her next release in mid-March .