
  • 【人名】Aaron Kwok
  1. 看看天王们德华,郭富城。

    Look at the heavenly kings , Andy lau , Aaron kwok .

  2. 问她会否买礼物送给绯闻男友郭富城?

    When asked if she would give some gifts to Guo Fucheng ?

  3. 郭富城、罗仲谦、冯绍峰和小沈阳将会领衔主演该电影。

    Aaron Kwok , Chung Him Law , Feng Shaofeng and Xiao Shenyang are starring in the film .

  4. 在这部影片里,她和郭富城演绎了一段发生在中国农村的、患艾滋病的农民的爱情故事。

    She stars alongside Aaron Kwok in a love story about an AIDS-stricken villager in the Chinese countryside .

  5. 主演是以《卧虎藏龙》出名的章子怡和饰演她的爱人香港明星郭富城。

    It stars Zhang Ziyi , of " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon " fame and Hong Kong 's Aaron Kwok as her love interest .

  6. 演员兼歌手郭富城周五出现在他的最新电影《最爱》香港首映的红地毯上。

    Actor-singer Aaron Kwok was seen on the red carpet at the Hong Kong premiere of his latest film " Love for Life " on Friday .

  7. 香港娱乐圈的超级明星郭富城表示,在本部电影当中扮演主角自己压力非常大,因为许多演员都已经塑造了各种类型的猴王了。

    Kwok , a Hong Kong entertainment heavyweight , says he felt enormous pressure playing the main character , as many actors have already created various images of the Monkey King .

  8. 他已经和美国饶舌歌手库力欧共同制作了唐季礼的「雷霆战警」原声带,在这部电影中,这两位歌手和郭富城一起演出。

    Already he is co-producing the original soundtrack to Stanley Tong 's China Strike Force with American rapper Coolio , a movie in which both artists also star , alongside Aaron Kwok .

  9. 在春节这场票房大战中,香港电影制作人周星驰执导的电影《美人鱼》大获全胜,力压另外两位重量级对手周润发和郭富城主演的影片,位居票房榜首。

    Hong Kong film-maker Stephen Chow won the battle at the Chinese New Year box office , with his movie Mermaid topping two others which boasted the heavyweight star power of Chow Yun Fat and Aaron Kwok .

  10. 《西游记之孙悟空三打白骨精》尽管以一线明星郭富城为卖点,还有“大众情人冯绍峰”以及国际巨星巩俐的倾情加盟,但首映日仅获得1.7亿的票房,位居第三。

    The Monkey King 2 landed only at No. 3 , with 170 million yuan on opening , even though it features top actor Kwok in the title role , Chinese heart-throb William Feng Shaofeng and international star Gong Li .