
  • 网络jocie guo;Jocie Kok;Jocie;Jocie Kwok;baby
  1. 昨天下午,记者致电郭美美的经纪人,对方没有接电话。

    Yesterday afternoon , the reporter Jocie Guo call agent , the other didn 't answer the phone .

  2. 郭美美是首个获权翻唱《老鼠爱大米》的歌手,这首歌在2004年风靡全中国。

    Jocie Kwok was the first artist to be granted copyright to sing Mouse Loves Rice , a song that took China by the storm in 2004 .

  3. 郭美美的页面加V认证说明她的个人信息已通过新浪审核并认证,但近日,她的认证已被取消。

    A " V " sign on Guo Meimei 's page , meaning that her personal information had been checked and verified by Sina Corp , the operator of Weibo . com , has been removed .

  4. 郭美美事件引发了一场关于慈善的大讨论。

    Baby Guo event sparked a great discussion about charity .

  5. 红十字会否认与郭美美有任何关系。

    The Red Cross denies any connection to Ms. Guo .

  6. 这段经历对郭美美而言无疑是一次惩戒。

    There is no doubt that Guo has been chastened by her experience .

  7. 记者未能联系到郭美美置评。

    Ms. Guo could not be reached for comment .

  8. 这个二十岁左右的漂亮女孩叫郭美美。

    Well this is a girl called Guo Meimei & 20 years old , beautiful .

  9. 郭美美说,她本人所招致的憎恶甚至一度让她产生自杀的念头。

    Guo said that the animosity she has stirred up even led to thoughts of suicide .

  10. 经过网友的调查,发现郭美美与中国红十字会有着紧密的关系。

    Users found that Guo and the Red Cross Society of China have a close relationship .

  11. 尽管承认自己不够成熟,但郭美美也得到了沉痛的教训:一切行为都是要付出代价的。

    Despite her admission of immaturity , Guo has learned a hard lesson : all actions have consequences .

  12. 我们只有一个很简单却很敏感的目的,调查郭美美的真实背景到底是什么。

    We just have a simple idea , we wanna know who is the real background of her .

  13. 奢侈的员工餐以及一名高管与郭美美之间的联系严重损害了这个中国最大慈善机构的名声。

    Extravagant staff meals and links between a senior executive and Guo Meimei have seriously damaged the reputation of China 's largest charity .

  14. 网络写手们用各式各样的称谓来形容郭美美:炫富、无耻、小三、丑陋等等。

    Online writers have taken to calling Guo a variety of names : show off , shameless , mistress , ugly and others .

  15. 虽然中国红十字会否认同郭美美有任何关联,但关于这一令人尴尬的事件至今没有完整、公开的说明。

    While the Red Cross has denied any connection to Guo Meimei there has still been no full , public accounting of the embarrassing incident .

  16. 他强调,郭美美利用中国红十字会的名义炫耀自己的财富是很不道德的。

    He added that it did seem immoral of Guo Meimei to flaunt her wealth and use the name of the Red Cross Society of China .

  17. 中国红十字会为了平息这场争议甚至举行了一场记者会来廓清,直至本日,对”郭美美事件“的考察仍在持续。

    The controversy was so heated that the Red Cross had to open a press conference to clarify it , and the investigation is going on .

  18. 2011年中,郭美美在社交媒体上宣称自己是红会某机构经理并公开炫富。

    In mid-2011 , Guo claimed on social media she was a manager of an organization under the charity , and openly flaunted her wealth and extravagance .

  19. 新浪微博向中国红十字会和新浪微博用户道歉,表示没有仔细审核郭美美的个人信息,并保证今后会严格认证程序。

    Weibo apologized to the Red Cross and its users for failing to carefully review Guo Meimei 's information and pledged to tighten up the verification process .

  20. 自引发论战以来,郭美美发现那些与她当面接触的人远没有发表网评的人那么咄咄逼人。

    Since causing the controversy , Guo has found that the people she meets in person are far less aggressive toward her than those who make comments online .

  21. 虽然郭美美同中国红十字会没有正式联系,但她可能利用了其与一家名为“中国商业系统红十字会”的企业的关系为自己牟利。

    While the woman had no official tie to the Red Cross , she may have traded on a presumed connection through a company called Red Cross Commerce .

  22. 郭美美因炫耀自己奢侈的生活方式而出了名,她曾在新浪微博上贴出豪车和奢华配饰的照片。

    She famously bragged of her luxurious lifestyle , posting photos of expensive cars and luxury accessories on Sina Weibo , China 's most popular Twitter-like microblogging service .

  23. 在郭美美事件之后,慈善组织运作问题倍受社会关注,慈善组织运作问题已经影响了慈善组织的公信力。

    After the Jocie-Kok event came out , the operational problems of charitable organizations have been well paid attention to and have affected its credibility for the public .

  24. 尽管大肆炫富,但郭美美穿得和那些20岁左右,喜好新潮的年轻人并无两样&一双黑色高跟鞋,一条做旧的紧身裤。

    Despite her boasts of wealth , Guo dresses just like any other 20-year-old who takes a fancy to fashion , wearing black high-heels and tight , torn pants .

  25. 曾在电视剧中演过一些小角色的郭美美说:但相信我,我并不想要这种出名方式。

    " But trust me , it ` s not the way I wanted it to be ," said Guo , who has already acted in some small TV roles .

  26. 郭因为其中文名郭美美与网络红人郭美美同名,在后者被曝光与红十字会的巨大丑闻后,备受牵连。

    Kwok , whose Chinese name is pronounced Guo Meimei , suffered greatly after an Internet celebrity by the same name stirred a large scandal affiliated with the Red Cross .

  27. 中国红十字会:没有“红十字会商会”,没有“商业总经理”这一职位,也没有名为“郭美美”的工作人员。

    Red Cross society of China : No " Red Cross Commerce ", no " Business General Manager " position , and no employee by the name of " Guo Meimei " .

  28. 本文关注了郭美美事件背后显示出的公众对于慈善事业信任的信任状况,以及对于慈善组织信任的基础方面,哪些因素占主导的问题。

    This article focuses on the status of public trust after the crisis of the charity trust , and further studied the basis of trust for charitable organizations , which factors dominated .

  29. 尽管这二人毫无联系,却因为红十字会丑闻的巨大影响,使得歌手郭美美的商业活动被削减了70%。

    Though the two are in no way related to one another , the impact from the Red Cross scandal was so big that it cut down 70 percent of Kwok 's commercial activities .

  30. 在一项声明中,weibo.com表示,郭美美之前的个人信息透露她是一名演员,在通过认证后她私自将自己的信息更改为中国红十字会商业总经理。

    In a statement , Weibo said Guo had previously said in her personal information that she was an actress and , after approval , she changed it to general manager of Red Cross Commerce .