
  • 网络American politics;American Government
  1. 他的激进观点使他脱离了美国政治的主流。

    His radical views place him outside the mainstream of American politics .

  2. 这部小说是对美国政治的尖锐讽刺。

    The novel is a stinging satire on American politics .

  3. 这部纪录影片着重展现出一场美国政治运动令人眼花缭乱的一面。

    The documentary focuses on the razzmatazz of an American political campaign .

  4. 1987年《国会季刊》出版了一系列美国政治指南读物。

    In 1987 Congressional Quarterly published a series of guidebooks to American politics .

  5. 茶叶党(teaparty)将会对美国政治产生何种影响?

    What will be the influence of the tea party on American politics ?

  6. 但他在西点军校(WestPoint)的演讲丝毫没有打消一种怀疑:奥巴马的优先事项是受美国政治决定,而并非取决于现实条件。

    But his West Point speech has done little to dispel the suspicion that priorities are shaped more by US politics than facts on the ground .

  7. 然后寻找一个名叫“美国政治”(USPolitics)的方框。括号里写着Facebook对你的归类,比如自由派、温和派或保守派。

    Then look for a box titled " US Politics . " In parentheses , it will describe how Facebook has categorized you , such as liberal , moderate or conservative .

  8. 只有一位竞争者:地产大亨、电视真人秀明星唐纳德·J·特朗普(DonaldJ.Trump),他在今年春季颠覆了美国政治的初选中成功胜出,对成为提名人有充分的准备。

    There is a single contender : Donald J. Trump , the property tycoon , reality TV star and - after a successful primary campaign that upended American politics this spring - the man poised to take the nomination .

  9. 感谢我的竞选经理——大卫?普劳夫(DavidPlouffe),我的首席战略官大卫?阿克塞罗德(DavidAxelrod),以及美国政治史上最棒的竞选团队,是你们造就了今天,对你们的付出和牺牲我永远感谢。

    To my campaign manager David Plouffe , my chief strategist David Axelrod , and the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics - you made this happen , and I am forever grateful for what you 've sacrificed to get it done .

  10. 华裔美国人正在尝试进军美国政治。

    Chinese Americans are now dipping their toes into American politics .

  11. 奴隶制度当时成为美国政治生活中的紧迫问题。

    Slavery was now becoming a burning question in American politics .

  12. 马基常常处于美国政治主流之外。

    Mr Markey is often outside the mainstream of US politics .

  13. 不过,他们对于美国政治的失望并不难理解。

    Yet their despair at US politics is easy to grasp .

  14. 这一裁决引发了美国政治人士和游说团体的抗议。

    The ruling provoked protests from US politicians and lobby groups .

  15. 该专栏给她在法国的读者解释美国政治。

    The column explains American politics to her readers in France .

  16. 一九九二年大选与美国政治潮流的新变化

    The 1992 presidential election and new changes in U.S. political trend

  17. 美国政治进程中的利益集团剖析

    The Analysis of Interest Groups in the Development of American Politics

  18. 竞选总统的演讲在美国政治生活中扮演着十分重要的角色。

    The presidential campaign speeches play an important role in American life .

  19. 这个问题在美国政治中仍然具有感召力。

    The issue still carries a charge in American politics .

  20. 挫折之下,她公开的将美国政治比喻成「无耻的粗鄙无文」。

    In her frustration , she publicly likened American politics to'clodhopping boorishness .

  21. 幸运的是,我这次不用教美国政治。

    Luckily , I didn 't have to teach them American government .

  22. 在华盛顿,美国政治的车轮正在转动。

    In Washington , the political wheels have been turning .

  23. 美国政治上优先考虑的事情已然经历了一个大转变。

    AMERICA 'S political priorities have undergone a breathtaking about-turn .

  24. 美国政治文明的政治和社会基础

    The Political and Social Base of Political Civilization in the United States

  25. 总统选举一直是美国政治参与的最高形式。

    Presidential election in America is the most important form of political participation .

  26. 利益集团作用的双重性与美国政治的双重性具有内在的一致性。

    The dualism of interests is consistent with that of American political system .

  27. 语法隐喻在美国政治新闻语篇中的应用研究

    A Study of Grammatical Metaphor and Its Application on American Political News Discourse

  28. 当然,在美国政治系统内也有类似的“占卜者”。

    There are tea-leaf readers in the American system too , of course .

  29. 试论美国政治腐败及其治理(1870-1920)

    A Study on the United States Political Corruption and Governance ( 1870-1920 );

  30. 第二次工业革命的完成对美国政治传统的影响

    The Influence of Accomplishment of Second Industrial Revolution on American 's Political Tradition