
měi ɡuó huà
  • Americanization;Americanise
  1. 实质是西方化或美国化。

    The essence is the " westernization " or " Americanization " .

  2. “美国化”已经成为非美国文化所面临的一个严重挑战。

    The Americanization has been a critical challenge that non-American cultures are facing .

  3. 他变得过于美国化了。

    He is getting much too Americanized .

  4. 他为版权法工作,编写教科书,使英语美国化,编辑杂志。

    He worked for copyright laws , wrote textbooks , Americanized the English language , and edited magazines .

  5. 那些于1806年入选的“新词”包括slang(俚语)、surf(冲浪)以及naturally(自然地)、Americanize(美国化)。

    Those " new " words in1806 included slang , surf , psychology and , naturally , Americanize .

  6. 分析人士预计,印度军队会逐渐实现美国化。印度工商业联合会(AssociatedChambersofCommerceandIndustryofIndia)预计,在未来5年内,印度军队将进口价值300亿美元的硬件和软件。

    Analysts anticipate a gradual Americanisation of the Indian military , which is expected to import hardware and software worth $ 30bn in the next five years , according to the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India .

  7. 日本三巨头:在本田的美国化管理团队将新品投放市场之前,该公司还会原地踏步,尤其是它的讴歌NSX超跑,这款车型已经在各大车展上亮相好几年了,但至今仍未上市。

    Japanese Three : Honda treads water while it waits for bold new designs from its Americanized management team to reach market , particularly the Acura NSX super car , which has been on the auto show circuit now for several years .

  8. 然而,一些法国评论人士觉得,他这种美国化有点儿过了,嘲笑他去年早些时候和塞西莉亚度假时穿的卡其布短裤、休闲棉衬衫和戴的过时款ray-bans太阳镜。

    Some French commentators , however , feel he has taken this amerification too far , deriding the Khaki Shorts , casual brush cotton shirts , and vintage Ray-Bans he wore while on vacation with Cecilia earlier this year .

  9. 在爱荷华州生活了一年后,他完全美国化了。

    After a year in Iowa , he has totally Americanized .

  10. 努力使英国英语美国化,此外,他还做过杂志编辑。

    Americanized the English language , and edited magazines .

  11. 移民的美国化,关键在于职业变迁。

    Second , the occupation mobility is the critical element of the Americanization .

  12. 美国化进程:析《典型的美国人》的文化身份

    The process of Becoming Americanization : A cultural identity analysis of Typical American

  13. 当时我想,这种做法真是太没品位,太温情泛滥,太美国化了。

    How vulgar , I thought . How gratuitously chummy . How American .

  14. 伍德岁•威尔逊最大的历史贡献就在于使行政学美国化。

    Maximal historical contribution of Woodrow Wilson lies on Americanizing the public administration science .

  15. 大众文化和世界文化:论“美国化”和文化保护主义政策

    Mass culture and world culture : on Americanisation and the politics of cultural protectionism

  16. 高等教育国际化≠西方化≠美国化

    Higher Education Internationalization ≠ Westernization ≠ Americanization

  17. 有些人变得太美国化,和中国朋友在一起显得格格不入。

    Some people get too Americanized and don 't seem to fit into Chinese companies .

  18. 为什么移民要采用美国化的姓名?

    Why did immigrants take Americanized names ?

  19. 不过,有些利比亚人认为他更像是个外国人,太美国化了。

    But some Libyans believe he is too much of an outsider , too American .

  20. 全球化并不是西方化或美国化。

    Globalization is not Europeanization or Americanization .

  21. 欧洲针对中国的论调正趋向美国化:针锋相对、尖利刺耳。

    European rhetoric aimed at China is becoming American in style : confrontational and shrill .

  22. 但也有一些派对很美国化。

    But some parties are especially American .

  23. 当然,松下公司对它买下的莫托罗达公司的管理显得很“美国化”。

    Certainly , matsushita 's handling of its motorda acquisition looked very " american " .

  24. 关于美国化与全球多元文化发展的思考

    Thoughts on Americanization and Global Multicultural Development

  25. 临街的比萨小店也主要以外卖的形式出售便宜的比萨和美国化的中餐。

    Small storefront pizzerias sold inexpensive pizzas and Americanized Chinese foods on a primarily take-out basis .

  26. 关于全球化与美国化的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on Globalization and Americanization

  27. 美国化的过程。

    The process of Americanization .

  28. 克洛艾甚至似乎对接受护照检查的队伍大为兴奋,这一切都如此&美国化。

    Seems intensely excited even by the passport control queue , It 's all so – American .

  29. 在这部讲述父女关系的电影中,俞飞鸿饰演宜兰,一个刚刚离过婚,被美国化的女孩。

    In the father-daughter relationship movie , Yu plays Yilan , an Americanized girl who has just got divorced .

  30. 但是我们还没有学会的是怎样实现美国化的进程。

    But what we have not yet learned is how to make the process of Americanization work for all .