
  • 网络usaid;Agency for International Development;United States Agency for International Development;AID;US Agency for International Development
  1. 应对气候变化的挑战:美国国际开发署将在2011年年底前在巴布亚新几内亚的莫尔兹比港(PortMoresby)开设一个太平洋办事处。

    Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change : USAID will open a Pacific Office in Port Moresby , Papua New Guinea before the end of2011 .

  2. 更晚些时候,美国国际开发署的高等教育促进发展(HED)项目已经资助了美国和发展中国家大学之间的伙伴关系。

    More recently , USAID 's Higher Education for Development ( HED ) programme has sponsored partnerships between United States and developing country universities .

  3. 你是不是想知道国务院和美国国际开发署(UnitedStatesAgencyforInternationalDevelopment)每天都做些什么,与你有什么关系?

    Do you ever wonder what the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development ( USAID ) do every day and what it means for you ?

  4. JeffHill指导美国国际开发署粮食援助机构的政策。

    Jeff Hill directs policy for the Bureau of Food Aid at the United States Agency for International Development .

  5. 美国国际开发署(UnitedStatesAgencyforInternationalDevelopment)称,已经提供了价值超过1亿美元的保护装备和救援物资,并打算再划拨7500万美元。

    The United States Agency for International Development said that it had spent more than $ 100 million on protective equipment and relief supplies and planned to budget another $ 75 million .

  6. 这项创新竞赛是汇集美国国际开发署、挪威政府、比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会(Bill&MelindaGatesFoundation)、加拿大大挑战(GrandChallengeCanada)和世界银行的资源而发起的。

    The challenge to innovate was issued using the collective resources of USAID , the government of Norway , the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , Grand Challenges Canada and the World Bank .

  7. AlexDehgan上个月(3月11日)被任命为美国国际开发署(USAID)的科学技术顾问。

    Alex Dehgan was appointed USAID 's science and technology advisor last month ( 11 March ) .

  8. Brewer和他的同事分析了未从事性行为、性行为活跃的青少年和成年人的数据,这些数据是由美国国际开发署的人口统计和健康调查计划收集的。

    Brewer and colleagues analysed data on virgins and sexually active adolescents and adults collected by USAID 's Demographic and Health Surveys project .

  9. 将这些数据与USAID(美国国际开发署)在非洲发展中国家的人口健康统计数据结合

    Combine that with a Demographic and Health Survey collected by USAID in developing countries in Africa , for example ,

  10. 美国国际开发署(USAID)的一位专员陪伴代表团一起来访,他被派驻在中东地区,帮助当地充满创业精神的企业实现更大的商业发展。

    Traveling with the delegation was a USAID executive who is assigned to the region to foster more business development with entrepreneurial companies .

  11. 美国国际开发署(USAID)已经就创业精神举行了几次听取意见的会议,包括在开罗和一个包括来自150多个国家数以千计的人参与的网上现场活动。

    USAID has already held several listening sessions on entrepreneurship , including in Cairo , and a virtual effort that included thousands of participants from over 150 countries .

  12. 本文作者是美国国际开发署(USAID)环境和科学政策办公室的高级研究顾问和农业经济学家。

    The author is senior research advisor and agricultural economist at the Office of Environment and Science Policy in the US Agency for International Development ( USAID ) .

  13. 这就是为什么美国国际开发署USAID以及瑞典发展机构SIDA在9月初启动:

    That is why the U.S. Agency for International Development , or USAID , and Sweden 's Development Agency , SIDA , launched , in early September :

  14. 美国国际开发署(简称USAID)表示,美国已承诺向越南提供超过2000万美元与病毒相关的援助。

    The U.S. Agency for International Development ( USAID ) says the United States has promised to provide more than $ 20 million dollars in virus-related assistance to Vietnam .

  15. 这份简报还说,美国国际开发署通过世界卫生组织资助了在托布鲁克(Tobruk)培训32名医疗志愿者,从事急救和运送伤员的工作。

    The fact sheet also said USAID has funded the training of32 medical volunteers in Tobruk through the World Health Organization to perform first aid and transport injured individuals .

  16. 捐助者和金融机构包括世界银行、美国国际开发署和欧盟委员会灾害预案人道主义援助办公室(DIPECHO)已对这项呼吁做出了回应,为卫生机构的安全提供了资助。

    Donors and financial institutions – including the World Bank , USAID and DIPECHO – have answered the call by offering funding to make health facilities safer .

  17. 由美国国际开发署提供资金支持。

    The United States Agency for International Development s the program .

  18. 而美国国际开发署的现任领导人就是盖茨的前雇员拉吉夫沙阿。

    USAID is now headed up by former Gates employee Rajiv Shah .

  19. 美国国际开发署署长萨曼莎·鲍尔正在监督美国帮助海地的行动。

    USAID Administrator Samantha Power is overseeing the U.S effort to help Haiti .

  20. 该组织由美国国际开发署支持。

    This group is supported by the United States Agency for International Development .

  21. 该研讨会是由美国国际开发署资助的。

    The workshop was funded by the United States Agency for International Development .

  22. 她的项目组正和美国国际开发署合作。

    Her group is working with the United States Agency for International Development .

  23. 美国国际开发署星期五宣布了这一决定。

    The U.S. Agency for International Development , USAID , announced the decision Friday .

  24. 直到80年代,美国国际开发署还在为56个国家提供数额不等的援助。

    In the 1980s USAID was still providing assistance in varying amounts to 56 nations .

  25. 世界卫生组织和美国国际开发署共同支付了该项研究所需的费用。

    The W.H.O. and the United States Agency for International Development paid for the study .

  26. 该项目是美国国际开发署旗下的一个公共研究项目。

    The project is a collective research program under the United States Agency for International Development .

  27. 沙阿说,一些美国国际开发署的项目是以与私营公司的类似的伙伴关系为基础的。

    Some USAID projects are based on similar partnerships with private sector companies , Shah said .

  28. 美国国际开发署认为,自从2012年起,这种锈病已经导致了拉丁美洲范围内高达10亿美元的经济损失。

    USAID thinks it has caused $ 1 billion of economic damage in Latin America since 2012 .

  29. 论小布什政府时期美国国际开发署对东盟国家的援助

    Study on the Aid Policy of USAID Towards the ASEAN Countries during George W. Bush 's Administration

  30. 美国国际开发署将提供至少1000张床位应以治疗埃博拉。

    The US Agency for International Development will be providing at least 1000 beds for Ebola treatment .