
  • 网络labor department;Department of Labor;U.S. Department of Labor;US Department of Labor;DOL
  1. 8月31日,美国劳工部(LaborDepartment)公布了最新的就业数据。

    On Friday , the Labor Department releases the latest jobs figures .

  2. 美国劳工部(labordepartment)2月1日发布的数据显示:1月份美国非农就业人数减少1.7万人,为2003年3月份以来的首次下降。

    On February 1 , the labor department released figures showing that the US had lost 17000 jobs in January the first decline since March 2003 .

  3. 据美国劳工部的数据,有多达十分之一的员工将在今年或明年退休。

    The US Bureau of Labor4 Statistics reports that as many as one out of ten workers will retire either this year or the next .

  4. 根据美国劳工部的数据,大约700万到800万美国人(约占所有员工人数的5%)从事多种职业(通常被称为从事第二职业,或者有两份或三份工作)。

    According to the US Department of Labor1 , about 7 to 8 million of us -- about 5 + percent of all workers -- work multiple jobs ( which is often referred to as moonlighting and dual2 or multiple jobholding ) .

  5. 据美国劳工部(TheDepartmentofLabor)预测,未来几年,STEM岗位空缺将增加17%。

    The Department of labor forecasts a 17 % rise in stem job openings over the next few years .

  6. 本-阿兹在向美国劳工部(departmentoflabor)的另一份投诉中称,德银解雇他是对其投诉的报复。

    In a separate complaint to the Department of labor , he says his dismissal was retaliation for his allegations .

  7. 上周美国劳工部(LaborDepartment)公布,27个州和哥伦比亚特区报告失业率下降,7个州失业率上升,16个州持平。

    Last week , the Labor Department reported that 27 states and the District of Columbia reported a drop in the unemployment rate , while seven states reported rate increases and 16 had no change .

  8. 根据美国劳工部(LaborDepartment)公布的数据,总体说来,4月份美国拥有学士学位的20岁至24岁年轻人的失业率为6.4%,而总人口的失业率为8.1%。

    Overall , the unemployment rate among 20 - to 24-year-olds with bachelor 's degrees was 6.4 % in April , compared with 8.1 % for the overall population , according to the Labor Department .

  9. 依照美国劳工部(DepartmentofLabor)的新规,420万根据联邦法律不符合条件的美国人将获得加班保护。美国白宫(WhiteHouse)预测,此举将让美国劳动者的年工资收入增加12亿美元。

    The Department of Labor rules will extend overtime protection to 4.2m Americans who are not eligible under federal law , in a move that the White House predicts will boost wages by $ 1.2bn a year .

  10. RetailMetrics编制的同店销售指数9月份上升1.1%。与此同时,美国劳工部公布,上周申请失业救济金人数降至今年以来的最低水平。

    The 1.1 per cent rise in Retail Metrics ' September comparable sales index emerged as the Labour Department reported that the number of workers claiming jobless benefits fell last week to the lowest level this year .

  11. 让索菲娅·维加拉(SofiaVergara)扮演一位心地善良的黑客,似乎是一个可能会遭人白眼的建议。但据美国劳工部(LaborDepartment)估计,在2010-2019年,美国将出现140万个与计算机相关的就业缺口。

    Casting Sofia Vergara as a hacker with a heart of gold may seem an eye-roll-worthy suggestion , but the Labor Department has estimated that there will be 1.4 million job openings for computer-related occupations this decade .

  12. 隶属美国劳工部的osha在方案中要求,雇主需跟踪并向卫生官员报告员工的“肌肉骨骼疾病”。

    The proposal by OSHA , a division of the Department of labor , would require employers to track and report " musculoskeletal disorders " to health officials .

  13. 美国劳工部说,许多申请者来自在美国东北部,

    The Labor Department says many were filed in the Northeast ,

  14. 据美国劳工部今天发布的数据显示,上周申请救济金的人数下降至335000人。

    Labor Department reveals today benefit applications drop to 335000 last week .

  15. 美国劳工部报告称,上个月美国的失业率升至8.9%。这是1983年以来美国最高的失业率。但是,当月失去的工作职位并不像预期的那么多。

    US Jobless Rate Up to 8.9 Percent , Highest in 26 Years

  16. 哪位总统成立了美国劳工部?

    Which president established the U.S. Department of Labor ?

  17. 美国劳工部9月就业报告在周五公布。

    The Labor Department 's jobs report for September is due out Friday .

  18. 美国劳工部称,经季节性调整,首次申请人数为355000人,下降了8000人。

    The Labor Department says applications fell by 8000 to a seasonally-adjusted 355000 .

  19. 美国劳工部表示建筑业增加了30000个工作岗位,这是在15个月中的最大数值。

    The Labor Department says construction added 30000 , the most in 15 months .

  20. 艾滋病工作场所教育项目捐助机构为美国劳工部。

    The program in China is funded by the United States Department of Labour .

  21. 美国劳工部表示,失业是现在8.8个百分点,为两年来的最低水平。

    The Labor Department says unemployment is now8.8 percent , the lowest in two years .

  22. 成立于1970年的它隶属于美国劳工部。

    It was established in 1970 , and it 's part of the U.S. Labor Department .

  23. 美国劳工部,管理州劳动力活动并且提供资金的联邦部门。

    United States Department of labor , the federal department which regulates and funds state workforce activities .

  24. 美国劳工部还把2008年12月的新增失业人数修改为68万1千人。这个数据引起来自纽约州的众议员毛利斯.欣奇的注意。

    New York Congressman Maurice Hinchey called attention to the revised 688000 job lost in December 2008 .

  25. 根据美国劳工部今天早上的报告,9.4%的失业率略有下降%。

    According to the Labor Department this morning , unemployment is slightly down at 9 . 4 % .

  26. 美国劳工部报告称美国的失业率在11月跌至10%,仍然是两位数。

    The Labor Department says the unemployment rate for November fell to 10 % , still double digits .

  27. 美国劳工部星期五报告说,全国的平均失业率在2月份达到25年来的最高峰8.1%。

    The unemployment rate rose to 8.1 percent in February , the highest rate in over 25 years .

  28. 戴尔公司遵循美国劳工部及专业投资人士提供的建议,对员工在单个公司或行业的投资予以限制。

    Dell followed Dept. of labor and investment professionals recommendations for limiting investment in a single company or industry .

  29. 美国劳工部称,上月美国失业率下降到4年以来最低点7.7%。

    The Labor Department reports unemployment fell to a four-year low last month and now stands at 7.7 % .

  30. 美国劳工部的数据显示,美国雇主上月减少了6.3万个职位,为5年来最多。

    US employers shed 63000 jobs last month , the highest number for five years according to the US labour department .