
  • 网络New England;Northeast
  1. 这是一间教室,其所属的教育机构有三个字母组成,即美国东北部的MIT。

    So , here 's a classroom at this little three-letter institute in the Northeast of America , MIT .

  2. 虽然飓风Sandy对美国东北部的一些州带来了严重破坏,并对数以百计的商店造成了毁灭性打击,但是其对就业的影响看起来只是微乎其微。

    Despite wreaking havoc in the Northeast states and devastating hundreds of businesses , Hurricane Sandy 's impact on jobs appears to have been minimal .

  3. “赏叶人”在英语中也可以称为leafer,是新英格兰地区的俚语,常指游客在秋天慢慢开车穿过美国东北部地区,透过车窗欣赏每年的叶色变换。

    A " leaf peeper " , or " leafer " , is the New England regional slang term for a person , usually a tourist , who drives very slowly throughout the north-east portion of the United States during autumn while looking out the windows of their car at the annual foliage1 color change .

  4. 由于在美国东北部开发大型马塞卢斯页岩(marcellusshale)层的经验,挪威国家石油公司可能是一家有吸引力的合作伙伴。

    Statoil could be an attractive partner because of its experience developing the big Marcellus shale formation in the US north-east .

  5. 奥巴马将前往新泽西州,摧毁美国东北部的飓风受灾最严重的地区,由州长克里斯•克里斯蒂(ChrisChristie)陪同。

    Obama will visit New Jersey , the state hardest hit by the storm which devastated much of the northeastern United States , accompanied by Governor Chris Christie .

  6. 一位金融圈的同仁最近在Facebook上宣布,他已退休,搬到了林木茂盛的美国东北部,期待着能在远离华尔街的森林风光中垂钓、徒步,消磨时光。

    A colleague from the financial world recently announced on Facebook that he had retired to the woodsy north-east of the US and that he was looking forward to spending his days fishing and hiking in a sylvan landscape far from Wall Street .

  7. 纽约州立水牛城大学(UB)是美国东北部最好的公立大学之一,为学生提供优异的教育。

    One of the best public universities in the northeastern United States , the University at Buffalo ( UB ) is an outstanding place to receive an education .

  8. 你知道这是什么感觉吗,你没来学校。我打去你家问,你妈妈却说,Connecticut:康乃狄格(美国东北部州名)Serena没告诉你她去康涅狄格了吗?

    Do you know how it felt , calling your house when you didn 't show up at school and having your mom say , Serena didn 't tell you that she moved to Connecticut ? -

  9. 这位毕业于2012年的年轻博士名叫亚当·卡皮塔尼奥(AdamCapitanio),近三年来一直在美国东北部寻找学术性工作,他至少已经申请了60份工作,但连一个面试机会都没有争取到。

    That young Ph.D. , Adam Capitanio , who completed his degree in 2012 , had looked for an academic position for three years , focusing his search on the Northeast and applying for at least 60 jobs . He hadn 't received a single interview .

  10. 虽然香港与哈瓦那(havana)纬度相同,但本周连香港的气温都比美国东北部地区低,这影响了数月前美国订购的御寒服装的销售。

    While Hong Kong is on the same latitude as Havana , this week temperatures in the territory have been colder than they have been in the north-east us , affecting sales of cold-weather gear ordered months previously .

  11. 这种美国东北部的传统盛宴是在沙滩上进行的。

    This traditional Northeastern U.S. feast is prepared on the beach .

  12. 2014年的第一场雪将降临美国东北部。

    The first snowstorm of 2014 is aiming for the Northeast .

  13. 薄皮紫色葡萄,产于美国东北部。

    Slip-skin purple table grape of the northeastern United States .

  14. 美国东北部沿海属大陆性温带阔叶林气候。

    The northeastern United States coast is a continental climate temperate forest .

  15. 美国东北部和加拿大暗黑色鸭子。

    Dusky black duck of northeastern United States and Canada .

  16. 那时超级风暴桑迪席卷美国东北部。

    After Superstorm Sandy slammed into the northeastern United States .

  17. 美国东北部引入的欧洲山柳菊;不易根除的杂草。

    European hawkweed introduced into northeastern United States ; locally troublesome weeds .

  18. 战后美国东北部服务业发展研究

    A Study of the Postwar Development of Service Industry in Northeastern United States

  19. 这些在水域深处生存的大龙虾对美国东北部环境并不陌生。

    The American Northeast is no stranger to clawed beasts of the deep .

  20. 同时,美国东北部九个州已承诺共组一地区性的碳市场。

    Meanwhile nine Northeastern states have promised to form a regional carbon market .

  21. 美国东北部为湿润的大陆性气候。

    A humid continental climate is found in the north-eastern part of the country .

  22. 美国东北部的一种缓慢生长的、夏天开花的鸢尾。

    Low-growing summer-flowering iris of northeastern United States .

  23. 加拿大和美国东北部的一种普通灌木,树枝下端红色。

    Common shrub of Canada and northeastern United States having shoots scattered with rust-colored down .

  24. 周二,似乎漫长无际的冬季寒流仍继续徘徊在大西洋中部和美国东北部地区。

    The seemingly endless winter continued in some parts of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Tuesday .

  25. 美国东北部发生暴风雪,几千次航班被延误。

    Flights are being canceled by the thousands as the northeast deals with a massive snowstorm .

  26. 纽伯里学院是在布鲁克林,马萨诸塞州,在美国东北部的大学。

    Newbury College is a college in Brookline , Massachusetts , in the northeastern United States .

  27. 今天接下来的故事,还记得上周末巨大的暴风雪袭卷美国东北部吗?

    Next story today , remember that massive blizzard that hit the Northeastern America last weekend ?

  28. 美国东北部温度将上升的预报也对价格下跌产生影响。

    Warmer temperatures forecast for the north-eastern US also played a role in the price drop .

  29. 一种产于美国东北部的多年生草本植物,地下茎厚,瘤状,黄色,叶大,圆形。

    Perennial herb of northeastern United States having a thick knotted yellow rootstock and large rounded leaves .

  30. 美国东北部盛产的、早熟的苹果;主要生吃,也适合做苹果酱。

    Early-ripening apple popular in the northeastern United States ; primarily eaten raw but suitable for applesauce .