
shuǐ lì zī yuán
  • water resources;hydro-power resources
  1. 建立一个基于GA-ACO算法的模拟水利资源调度系统。

    Establish a GA-ACO algorithm-based simulation of water resources scheduling system .

  2. 对蚁群算法的转换规则,全局和局部更新系数进行重新评定。3.此外,我们根据水利资源调度的自身特点,又再次基础上提出了基于水库节点可靠度的改进策略,完善了GA-ACO算法。

    Conversion rules , global and local update coefficient on ant colony algorithm to re-assess . 3 * Addition , according to the characteristics of water resources scheduling , again on the basis of the reservoir node reliability improvement strategies , improve GA-ACO algorithm .

  3. 开发石油资源、开发水利资源、利用太阳能。

    Exploit oil reserves , water power , solar energy , etc.

  4. 基础设施差,水利资源制约果业发展;

    Incomplete infrastructure and water shortage that are restricting fruit industry development ;

  5. 农业资源主要从水利资源、土地资源、劳动力资源等方面进行分析。

    Agricultural resources are referred to water , soil , and labor .

  6. 唐朝时期新疆地区的水利资源开发初探

    The exploitation for Xinjiang 's water conservancy in Tang Dynasty

  7. 关于水文学和水利资源规划方面利用计算机的巡回座谈会

    Roving Seminar on the Use of Computers in Hydrology and Water Resources Planning

  8. 开发水利资源中应注意的一些问题

    Some problems considered in the development of waterpower resource

  9. 通过这一系统,我们可以实现对水利资源的模拟调度。

    By this system , we can realize the simulation of water resources scheduling .

  10. 从而实现水利资源的充分利用,减少污水排放。

    Thereby it realize the sufficiently use and decease the quantity of the sewage .

  11. 有偿转让、招标拍卖水利资源以获取建设资金;

    Transfering and auctioning water resources in compensated way to gain the fund in construction ;

  12. 但老挝经济正在迅速发展,主要依靠出卖自然矿物资源与水利资源。

    But the economy is growing rapidly , mainly from selling natural mineral and hydropower resources .

  13. 甘肃民族地区的矿产资源、农业资源、水利资源、旅游资源等物质技术基础相当雄厚,但至今还未得到充分开发。

    Minorities Areas of Gansu Province is rich in mineral , agricultural , water , tourism resources ;

  14. 水库的水量调节,是开发水利资源的重要问题之一。

    Water regulation or control by storage capacities is often one of the main water resource problems .

  15. 该流域水利资源的开发,将对促进林芝地区经济发展产生积极而深远的影响。

    The scientific development of water resources of this watershed will generate profound influence to promote the economic development of the Linzhi area .

  16. 西南岩溶石漠化区水资源承载力研究&以贵州省清镇市为例贵州水利资源丰富,有众多大河小溪。

    Carrying Capacity of Water Resources of Karst Desertification Region in Southwest Guizhou is rich in many water courses , streams and rivers .

  17. 美国早期农业的兴旺发展和以后工业基础的奠定,主要应归功于丰富的水利资源。

    The early development of a prosperous agricultural system and the later development of an industrial base were made possible largely by vast water resources .

  18. 该能力的确定,对提高水利资源利用率、机组效率和机组安全运行性都很有意义。

    In this case , it 's important to increase the saving of water resource , the unit efficiency and the unit capability of safe operation .

  19. 而中亚地区的水利资源利用问题,特别是共同利用过境河流资源问题,已经成为威胁中亚区域稳定以及中亚各国实际安全的主要问题之一。

    One of the crucial issues is that how to develop the water resource in central Asia and especially how to cooperate with the frontier rivers .

  20. 搭建这些平台可以实现节约用水与水利资源的综合调度,有利于灌区经济的可持续发展。

    Building the platform can economize water and realize the integrative distribution of water resource . It 's beneficial to the sustainable development of the economy .

  21. 马里是非洲第一产棉大国,土地和水利资源十分丰富,有“西非粮仓”之称。

    As the largest cotton maker of Africa , Mali enjoys a wealth of abundant land and water resources and hence the title " Barn of Western Africa " .

  22. 区内旅游资源、生物资源、水利资源、矿产资源、人文资源极为丰富,是西部大开发中极有前景的地域,亟需加强基础设施建设。

    In the course of the west exploitation , the infrastructure construct in the region should be integrated with the river'control , the later is the base and precondition .

  23. 随着经济的发展,水利资源的不断开发利用,我国的水利水电事业取得了举世瞩目的成就。

    With the development of the economic , more water recourse has been exploited and made use of . Hydroelectric programs in our country had also made a lot of progress .

  24. 文章第一部分从对水利资源的保护、植物的保护和动物的保护等三个方面对秦汉生态保护法令进行探研;

    The first part of the paper probes into the ecological laws and decrees regarding waterpower conservancy , plant protection and animal protection , enforced in the Qin and Han dynasties .

  25. 其丰富的自然资源,不仅有丰富的石油和天然气,而且有反复的煤、木材、土地和水利资源。

    Few people realize that Siberia is extremely rich in natural resources , having not only oil and gas but also vast resources of coal , timber , land and water .

  26. 因此,加快对云南的开发,尤其是矿产资源、水利资源、生物资源和旅游资源的有效和可持续开发,对云南经济,乃至全国经济的发展有重大的战略意义。

    An accelerated development , especially in minerals , water resources , biological resources and tourism resources on a sustainable basis is strategically important both for the province and the whole country .

  27. 将德福科技大厦实际情况与国家建筑节能标准相比较,着重对维护外墙、屋面的保温节能,太阳能热水系统,节水与水利资源利用三个方面进行研究。

    Comparing the DeFu Technology building project with the national building energy saving standard , emphasize three points about preserve heat of the wall , the hot-water system of solar energy and the reprocess of water .

  28. 随着水电事业的发展,水利资源的不断开发利用,坝址地质条件越来越复杂,具有复杂多滑面的重力坝抗滑稳定问题就显得更加突出,是一个值得深入研究的问题。

    With the hydroelectricity is quickly developed and water resource is exploited , dam site geology condition becomes more and more complicated , the anti-sliding stability of the dam is becoming more and more important and is worthy of deep study .

  29. 我国的水利资源十分丰富,因地制宜合理的开发水利资源、建设小水电,不仅利国利民,而且对于加快地区经济发展、缩小地区经济差异起着非常关键的作用。

    Not only is rational water resource development and construction of junior water electricity favorable to country and people , but also can critically speed up region economic development and abridge area economic discrepancy as an abundance of water power in my country .

  30. 浙江省水利旅游资源潜力评价

    Evaluation of the Development of Water Conservancy Tourism Resources in Zhejiang Province