
shuǐ yuán kū jié
  • exhaustion of water sources;drying up of water sources
  1. 水源枯竭。

    The water source has dried up .

  2. 这里的水源枯竭,严重威胁着农业生产。

    The water source has dried up and agriculture production is severely threatened .

  3. 随着生态系统发生变化,沙漠面积不断扩大,粮食生产日渐减少,水源枯竭,人口也不得不迁移,搬到更适宜居住的地区。

    As ecosystems change and deserts expand , food production diminishes , water sources dry up and populations are pressured to move to more hospitable areas .

  4. 在经济发展,科技进步和人丁兴旺的二十一世纪,伴随而至的是全球变暖臭氧层变薄,空气污染、水源枯竭等环境问题。

    In the twentieth century , the earth is getting warmer and warmer with the development of economics , technology and population . There appear many environmental problems such as the thinner ozone layer , air pollution and dried-up water resources .

  5. 旱灾是自然界的一种异常现象,是在一定时期内降水少于某一量级,导致土壤严重缺水,地表水源枯竭,危及作物生长发育的气象灾害。

    Drought is a natural anomaly Precipitation in a certain period of time less than a certain order of magnitude , resulting in serious water shortage soil , surface water sources drying up , endangering crop growth and development of meteorological disasters .

  6. 一旦城镇周边区域环境遭到破坏,水土流失、土壤板结,水源枯竭,则给城镇提供的食物、水源、原材料等就会减少,从而限制城镇化。

    Once the environment of towns and its surrounding was destructed , soil erosion , soil hardens , water depletion would be appear , which can cause provision of food , water , raw materials for towns to be reduced , and limit the urbanization .

  7. 长时间干旱,水源都枯竭了。

    The long drought dried up the source .

  8. 南湖水源日趋枯竭,存在着干涸的趋势。

    The water source of Nan Lake in Changchun city is drying up .

  9. 本文从水文地质、工程地质以及地下水动力学角度出发,对铁路隧道岩溶涌水涌泥规律进行了分析,对涌水造成的地表塌陷以及地表水和地下水源的枯竭也进行了探讨。

    This paper analyzes the regularity of water inflow and soil leakage into tunnel , and discusses the surface settlement caused by water inflow and the exhaustion of surface water and subsurface water from the angle of the hydrogeology , the engineering geology , and the underground water dynamics .

  10. 这些人类活动污染着水源并使之枯竭,改变着生境并使之退化,并且正在改变全球气候。

    Most of these extinctions are tied to human activities that are polluting and depleting water resources , changing and degrading habitats and altering the global climate .