- 名hydrography

Horton 's Order Ratios of Water Course Network of Drainage Basin and their Fractal Characters in the Loess Plateau
The error analysis of coke moisture measured by neutron moisture gauge
The Development of an Automatic Measuring and Adjusting Apparatus for Stratified Flow in Eccentric Injection Well
Using this method , military hydrographic surveys are not a threat of use of force .
Hydrogeological Atlas of the Caribbean Islands
Studying environment variety caused by mankind activity was decided by academic attributes of Historical Geography ( including Historical Hydrogeography ) .
Textual Research of Several Historical Hydrographic Problems about Tujia Ethnic Districts Recorded in the River Classics of Annotation ; Preparation and in-vitro release of glipizide sustained-release pellets
Whether it was objective and true or not , such restoring study on some historical hydrology problems around Fen and Su Basins could be tested in developing .
As for hight arch dam , the technique of construction is complex , it is difficult to continuously raised many layers , the building structure condition of construction and operation is very complex during construction period , and is directly related to hydrogeologist condition in its position .
Another important geographic work is Notes on Water Classic , written by Li Daoyuan . The comprehensive geographic work recorded the hydrology of the Yangtze River area including detailed records of the source , vegetation , relief and networks of 1252 rivers and watercourses with ample illustrations and maps .
The simulation study for geographical distribution law of some forest hydrologic factors of China
Water is the most active factor in the ecosystem . The natural phenomena that are geology , meteorology , hydrology , geographical are closely related to the water cycle .
After analyzing the range of island ecosystem , three subsystems of insular terrene , tideland and shallow sea are put forward on the basis of hydrological , geographic and biological characteristics and the scopes of them are defined .
Lnad suitability analysis refers to the ecological appropriateness of the land hydrology , geography , topography , geology , biology , and cultural characteristics of the land to determine specific and sustained use of the inherent degree of adaptability .
The technology of HDAS involved the knowledge such as communication , sensor , electronic , weather , hydrology , geography , etc. . It also can realize automation of data acquisition , transmission , data management and information service .
The remarkable trends of watershed hydrological models are the research of physically distributed based models and the use of Geography Information System ( GIS ) and Remote Sensing ( RS ) technology .
Ocean oil production management is a very complicate system , it need many information .
The team in Barcelona provide chemical and geochemical , hydrogeological and geological , environmental assessment and software appliestion capabilities ,
Always being one of the central issues of hydrology and geography , scale is classified into three categories : spatial scale , temporal scale and attribute scale .
The analysis and demonstration are made from such factors as special geologic structures , formation lithology , hydrology , climate , geographical environment , and artifical bad engineering activities ; the harms of geological hazards are clarified ; then the reasonable control suggestions and countermeasures are proposed .
Finally we testify the accuracy of the forecast model by the experimental data . ( 2 ) Constructing a database about the drought information supported by the GIS technique and combined with the information of remote sensing images and the hydrology , weather and geography of the experimental lands .
In this paper , an urban flood control directive and decision system which considers urban flood control characteristics has been constructed .
Based on the analysis of climate , hydrogeologic condition and geographic characteristics the reason of cannot build compound slot dam is elaborated .
Hydro-network is the standardized representation of the watersheds ' river network by the Geographical Information System , and it uses the topological relationship to describe the spatial converge or diffusion of water flows in watersheds .
In a large collection of river terrain , meteorological and hydrological , basic geographic data etc , and on the basis of theoretical study and numerical simulation by , combines the geographical information technology to build rivers flood evolution model and urban water model .
The former consists geology , landform , water quality , climate , hydrology etc , the later includes population , nation etc. This study examines the relationship between human and nature , and the utilization , reforming and protection to the natural environment of human .
Hydrologic Digital Earth ( HDE ) is a comprehensive model which contains a large amount of hydrologic information based on geographic coordinates . This model can handle different hydrological problems in a new manner .
The influential factors of hydrological forecast results are mainly hydrology , meteorology , geography and geology as well as other uncertain factors . They all bear certain randomness .