
  • 网络Water room;water house;Waterhouse
  1. 我轻轻的剥去紫罗兰干枯了的枝叶,到水房打了些水。

    I gently stripped of violet dries up the leaves , and into the water room to play a bit of water .

  2. 本实用新型可用于家庭及集体宿舍水房的中水回用,自动清洗效果好。

    The utility model can be used for treating the wastewater in families or the water rooms of dormitories , and the automatic cleaning effect is good .

  3. 水稻子房经固定、脱水、包埋、切片、真空粘片法粘片、荧光抗体标记等处理后,在激光共聚焦扫描显微镜下观察胚囊中的微管并拍照。

    Ovaries of rice were conducted by fixing , dehydrating , embedding by PEG in small centrifuge tube , cutting section by razor , vacuum gluing section , labeling by fluorescence antibody , and then microtubules in embryo sac were observed and photographed by confocal laser scanning microscopy .

  4. 水手们的房屋不是直接与海港相接,而是通过隐蔽而低矮的拱门和弯曲的台阶逐步接近,如同在黑暗和艰难中,他们摸索进人船舱或不便的水下房仓的通道一样。到处是鱼腥味、海藻和破绳索。

    The dwellings not immediately abutting on the harbour are approached by blind low archways , and by crooked steps , as if in darkness and in difficulty of access they should be like holds of ships , or inconvenient cabins under water ; and everywhere , there is a smell of fish , and sea-weed , and old rope .

  5. U型隧道式水产品烘房设计及关键技术

    Design and key techniques on U-shaped tunnel-drying room for aquatic products

  6. 洞道式水产品烘干房的热量衡算

    Heat balance in tunnel driers for fishery products

  7. 碳酸酐酶抑制剂(CAIs)可抑制房水分泌而减少房水的生成,从而起到降眼压、治疗青光眼的作用。

    Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors ( CAIs ) can decrease the generation of the aqueous humor by inhibiting the secretion of it , reducing the intraocular pressure for treatment of glaucoma .

  8. 原发慢性闭角青光眼房水动力学改变与房角关闭范围,眼压及视功能损害的关系

    Aqueous Humor Dynamics and Its Relations to Angle Closure , Intraocular Pressure and Visual Function Damage in Primary Chronic Angle Closure Glaucoma

  9. 本实验在兔眼建立睫状体冷冻术模型,观察了睫状体破坏和减少房水分泌对眼前房免疫赦免状态,以及角膜移植存活的影响。

    To evaluate effects of the decreased secretion of aqueous humor on anterior chamber immune privilege and corneal graft survival , a model of cryocautery of the ciliary body of normal rabbit eye was established .