
shuǐ zhì wū rǎn
  • water pollution
  1. GIS空间分析在水质污染监测中的应用

    Application of Spatial Analysis of GIS to Water Pollution Monitoring

  2. 根据污染指数(PI)将5个断面的水质污染分为两个水平,即重污染和中污染;

    The levels of water pollution of the 5 sampling sections could be divided into heavily contaminated level and moderately contaminated level according to the pollution index .

  3. 由此确定的重要性测度应用于Fuzzy积分对水质污染作综合评价的结果与实况相符合。

    The application of the important measure given by this method to the comprehensive evaluation of the water contamination by using fuzzy integral coincides with practice .

  4. 水质污染危及所有海洋生物。纳米SiO2制备无毒疏水海洋防污涂料

    Preparation of Nontoxic and Hydrophobic Marine Antifouling Paint with Nano-SiO_2

  5. 应用该方法可定量地描述COD浓度在时间和空间上的分布状态,进行水质污染预报和评价。

    This method can be used to describe the time and spacial distribution states of COD concentration for carrying out the prediction and assessment of water pollution .

  6. 在GIS支持下,对上海市的河道及其水质污染的空间格局进行分析,并进一步分析了水质污染面积与景观格局指数之间的关系。

    The spatial pattern of watercourses and its water pollution in Shanghai City were analyzed supported with the Geographic Information System ( GIS ), the relationship between the area of polluted watercourses and its landscape metrics was further analyzed .

  7. 由于受到原水流量、原水浊度、PH值、温度和其他水质污染的影响,投药絮凝过程是一个大时滞、非线性、时变、影响因素众多的复杂反应过程。

    Because of the affect factor of the raw water flow , the turbidity , PH , temperature and other pollutions , the process of coagulant dosage is a very process of time-delay , nonlinear , time-variation , many interference factors .

  8. 本文中开发的基于IDL的水质污染监测可视化系统对于实现快速的遥感图像处理、数据分析和可视化提供了一个很好的解决方法。

    The water pollution detection visual system in this text provide a quite good solution for realizing remote sensing image processing , analysis data and visual frequently .

  9. COD(化学需氧量)是衡量水质污染程度的一个重要指标,是指在一定条件下,水体中的还原性物质被强氧化剂氧化消耗的氧化剂所对应的氧的浓度。

    As an important indicator of the extent of water pollution , COD ( Chemical Oxygen Demand ) is defined as the amount of oxygen equivalents consumed in the oxidation of organic compounds by strong oxidizing agents .

  10. 根据对延河河水连续5a的水质污染因子测定数据,运用模糊数学方法对延河的丰水期、平水期和枯水期的水质现状进行了评价。

    Based on water quality monitored data of Yanhe River for 5 years , water quality of abundant , usual and low water season was evaluated .

  11. 通过对用户层、应用层和数据层实现方法的分析,研究提出了基于三角划分河道动态分段方法和渲染技术,实现了水质污染扩散过程在云端GIS环境下的动画模拟和动态渲染。

    By analyzing the specific realization method of presentation layer , application layer and data layer , a channel dynamic segmentation method and rendering technology based on triangulation was proposed , realizing water pollution diffusion process in the clouds GIS environment of animation simulation and dynamic rendering .

  12. 应用大蒜根尖微核技术检测水质污染的初步研究

    Detection of Water Pollution with Root-tip Micronucleus Technique in Allium sativum

  13. 尔王庄水库水质污染特征和主要问题分析

    Water Pollution Feature And Primal Problem Of Er Wang Zhuang Reservoir

  14. 生活给水设计中水质污染防治

    The Prevention of Water Pollution in Design of Supply Potable Eater

  15. 辽宁省地下水环境质量评价与水质污染防治

    Environmental quality assessment and pollution protection of groundwater in Liaoning Province

  16. 分析了水质污染原因,提出了改善水环境的措施。

    Water pollution causes were analysed , improvement measures were suggested .

  17. 利用臭氧氧化发光光谱特征检测水质污染

    Water Pollution Survey Using the Typical Spectrum of Ozone Oxidation Luminescence

  18. 嘉量原理在河流水质污染控制规划中的应用

    Application of JAR-METRIC principle in control of water pollution for rivers

  19. 酸性矿坑水的水文地球化学成因和其对水质污染的防治方法

    Hydrogeochemical origin and influence of acid mine drainage on natural waters

  20. 抚顺市区段地表水变化及水质污染影响分析

    Analysis of quality trend of Grounder water in FuShun and Pollution Factors

  21. 甘南音河水库水质污染现状及对策

    Situation and Countermeasure of Pollution of Water Quality in Gannan Yinhe Reservoir

  22. 运用生态学原理防治沱江水质污染

    Apply the Ecologic Principle to Control the Water Pollution in Tuojiang River

  23. 设计施工因素对城市供水管网水损和水质污染影响

    Factors of designing and construction that affecting water losing and water quality

  24. 松花湖水质污染变化规律及成因分析

    Change low and cause analysis of water quality pollution in Songhua lake

  25. 界首市水质污染原因分析

    Analysis on the cause of water pollution in Jieshou County

  26. 关于河流水质污染模型之扩散系数的能辨识性

    On Identifiability of a diffusion coefficient in a river water quality model

  27. 测量不确定度在近海水质污染监测中的应用探讨

    Application of uncertainty of measurement to pollution monitoring in offshore water quality

  28. 求解地下水质污染问题的一种纯对流型概率统计模型

    A Probabilistic Model with Pure Convection for Calculating Pollution of Groundwater Quality

  29. 大连市近岸海域水质污染类型及趋势研究

    Study on Pollution Type and Trend of Water Quality in Dalian Inshore

  30. 对余氯在给水系统中的变化情况及其影响因素进行了实验研究,并就如何防止建筑给水系统水质污染问题进行分析和探讨

    This paper is concerned with the experimental studies of the changes and