
  • 网络Us Virgin Islands;Virgin Islands;U.S. Virgin Islands
  1. 换言之,用营销的概念来说,该集团就像是金融界的麦当劳(McDonald's),向从基多到美属维尔京群岛圣克罗伊岛(StCroix)的各地投资者推销斯坦福品牌。

    In other words , in marketing terms , the group looks like a kind of McDonald 's of finance , selling the Stanford brand to investors from Quito to St Croix in the US Virgin Islands .

  2. 艾伦爵士还准备掷重金为他国际业务的中枢神经选择一个相称的地点,宣布计划在美属维尔京群岛的圣克罗伊岛上为斯坦福金融集团建造一个“全球管理中心”。

    Sir Allen was also splashing out on a suitable setting for the nerve centre of his international businesses , announcing plans for a " global management complex " for Stanford financial on St Croix in the US Virgin Islands .

  3. 美属维尔京群岛未来政治地位会议

    Conference on Future Political Status of the United States Virgin Islands

  4. 美属维尔京群岛问题

    Question of the United States Virgin Islands

  5. 该风暴系统逼近波多黎各和美属维尔京群岛,带来了高达6英寸的降雨。

    The system closed on Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands , carrying up to six inches of rain .

  6. 您可以发送高达100美元(美元)元的货物,作为礼物(200美元从美属维尔京群岛)的人在美国只要你写“不请自来的礼物”包装上。

    You may send up to $ 100 ( USD ) worth of goods as a gift ( $ 200 from the USVI ) to someone in the US provided you write " UNSOLICITED GIFT " on the package .