
Kāi màn qún dǎo
  • Cayman Islands
  1. 在开曼群岛宜人的气候下,原本应该流下来的钱反而蒸发了。

    Money that was meant to have trickled down has instead evaporated in the agreeable climate of the Cayman Islands .

  2. 它们买了这些公司的开曼群岛(CaymanIslands)母公司的优先股。

    The private equity fund buys preferred stock in the Cayman Islands parent company .

  3. 接收奥林巴斯款项的是注册于开曼群岛的基金公司AxamInvestments,这家关联公司由Axes管理。

    The related Axam Investments was a Cayman Islands-registered fund overseen by Axes that received the payments from Olympus .

  4. 同时,按照开曼群岛(CaymanIslands)法律,马云有责任照顾并忠实于上市公司股东。

    At the same time , under Cayman Islands law , Ma has a duty of care and loyalty to public shareholders .

  5. 这些公司主要把注册地设在开曼群岛(CaymanIslands),并利用一系列协议“模拟”取得中国企业的所有权。

    They are domiciled mainly in the Cayman Islands and have a series of contracts that " simulate " ownership in the Chinese company .

  6. 与此同时,巴黎得分下跌8分,排名跌至第20名;泽西(jersey)和开曼群岛(caymanislands)等离岸金融中心的排名也继续下滑。

    Paris , meanwhile , lost eight points and fell to 20th place , and offshore centres such as Jersey and the Cayman Islands continued their slide .

  7. 最终,MCI的7位客户在6个月内遭到诈骗,向几个在开曼群岛登记的帐户支付了600万美元。

    Ultimately seven customers of MCI were defrauded over a six-month period , resulting in $ 6m in payments to accounts in the Cayman Islands .

  8. 2月,开曼群岛大法院(CaymanIslandsGrandCourt)批准了一项申诉书,申诉者为香港MasoCapital管理的3家基金,它们要求将中国电影发行集团博纳影业(BonaFilm)清盘。

    Earlier this month , the Cayman Islands Grand Court granted a petition on behalf of three funds managed by Hong Kong-based Maso Capital to have Chinese movie distributor Bona Film liquidated .

  9. 由于不愉快的变化,立法或部分VI设计避风港,我们不再推荐,并提供企业和银行在以下地区的税收政策:开曼群岛和巴哈马。

    Due to unpleasant changes in legislation or tax policy in some offshore havens we no longer recommend and offer corporations and banking in the following jurisdictions : Cayman Islands and The Bahamas .

  10. 开曼群岛(caymanislands)准备打破实行数十年的保密原则,使数千家在加勒比海的这些岛上注册的企业和对冲基金受到更大程度的监督。

    The Cayman Islands are poised to break with decades of secrecy by opening thousands of companies and hedge funds domiciled on the offshore Caribbean territory to greater scrutiny .

  11. 例如,在纳斯达克上市、开曼群岛注册的中国公司珠海炬力(actionssemiconductor)在提交给美国证交会的文件中指出,如果股东权利受到侵害,证交会无法对董事或公司提起诉讼。

    In a filing to the SEC , actions semiconductor , a Nasdaq-listed , Cayman incorporated Chinese company , for instance noted that it might be impossible to bring an action against directors or the company if shareholder rights were infringed .

  12. 后来他发现,有两家咨询公司以现金、认股证书和优先股等形式,从奥林巴斯获得了6.87亿美元的费用,他们分别是纽约的AxesAmerica公司以及它在开曼群岛的子公司AxamInvestments公司。

    Woodford then discovered that two advisory companies axes America of New York and its Cayman Islands subsidiary axam investments received $ 687 million in fees through cash , warrants and preferred shares .

  13. 其中许多基金都是在开曼群岛(caymanislands)等避税港注册的,但略多于半数的亚行资金被这些基金投资于中国和印度。

    Many of the funds are registered in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands , but slightly more than half of the ADB money they have invested is in China and India .

  14. 与瑞士一起签署协议的还有至少44个国家,其中包括其他经合组织国家、G20成员国以及开曼群岛和泽西岛等离岸中心。

    Switzerland is joining at least 44 nations in signing the agreement , which includes other OECD members , the G20 group of leading countries and offshore centres such as the Cayman Islands and Jersey .

  15. 直到不久前,大多数私人股本公司进行的投资还是通过与其中国投资目标建立的离岸特殊目的工具(spv)进行的,常常是在开曼群岛(caymanislands)等避税港。

    Until recently most investments by private equity firms were made via offshore special purpose vehicles set up with their Chinese targets , often in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands .

  16. 而是说,只要其他欧洲人能接受,英国可以成为一种“大开曼群岛”(greatercaymanislands)式的离岸避税天堂,对欧洲大陆和世界其他地区只有很小的影响力。

    It would mean becoming a sort of greater Cayman Islands , a tax haven and offshore shelter , as far as the other Europeans would tolerate it , with very little influence inside the continent or in the rest of the world .

  17. 1909年,史洛坎从美国东海岸出发,准备前往大开曼群岛(GrandCayman)过冬,但从此他便了无音讯,并于1924年被宣告死亡。

    In 1909 , Slocum left the East Coast of the United States and headed to Grand Cayman for the winter . Slocum was never heard from or seen again . He wasn 't declared legally dead until 1924 .

  18. 但拥有实权的开曼群岛金融管理局(CIMA)提出的新提案,将对过去的模式做出重大改变。

    New proposals from the islands ' all-powerful Cayman Islands Monetary Authority , however , will make for a significant departure from past form .

  19. GenewatchUK上个月还发布的一份关于Oxitec以及大开曼群岛试验的报告,它在报告中声称该公司是因为财政状况不良而过于匆忙地进行试验。

    Genewatch UK also released a report last December about Oxitec and the Grand Cayman trials in which it claimed the company was driven to excessive speed by a poor financial situation .

  20. 开曼群岛对冲基金CRCFinancialsOpportunity的投资组合经理布拉德戈尔丁(BradGolding)表示:人们去年赔了太多的钱,他们极其渴望挽回自己的损失,为此愿意投资任何东西。

    People lost so much money last year and they are so desperate to recoup their losses , that they are willing to invest in anything , said Brad Golding , portfolio manager of CRC Financials Opportunity hedge fund in the Cayman Islands .

  21. 香港金管局新的反洗钱规定是2012年设立的。不过该机构表示,并未要求银行不要为在特定司法管辖区比如BVI或开曼群岛驻留、创办或开展交易的企业创建账户。

    HKMA introduced new anti-money laundering guidelines in 2012 but said it had not asked banks not to open accounts for corporate customers that are domiciled , incorporated or trade in a particular jurisdiction , such as the British Virgin Islands or Cayman Islands .

  22. 公司的任何离岸重组都得在三个地方征得同意:香港许多债权人的大本营,开曼群岛赛维LDK的注册地,以及纽约债券本身的法定管辖区。

    Any offshore restructuring would have to be agreed in Hong Kong , home for many of the creditors , the Cayman Islands , where the company was registered , and New York & the legal jurisdiction for the bonds themselves .

  23. 维塔·派德拉奇(VitaPedrazzi)曾是伦敦哈罗德百货分管时装的经理,如今住在开曼群岛,她说,她曾经是美容狂人,就算出去倒垃圾也要化妆,部分是由于对自己的粉刺感到害羞。

    Vita Pedrazzi , a former fashion manager at Harrods in London who now lives in the Canary Islands , said she used to be the sort of beauty obsessive who would slap on makeup to take out the trash , in part because of her sheepishness over her acne .

  24. Maso等基金声称,这些公司私有化的目的是要在中国国内以更高价格重新上市,这些基金正试图利用开曼群岛法庭迫使这些公司向以前的少数股东支付更多。

    Funds such as Maso claim that these companies have been bought with the intention to relist them in China at a much higher price and are seeking to use the Cayman Island courts to compel the companies to pay more to former minority shareholders .

  25. 在开曼群岛注册的中资金融工具又当如何?

    What about a Chinese-owned vehicle registered in the Cayman Islands ?

  26. 他们发现了02年我为你建的开曼群岛帐户

    They found the Cayman account I set up for you in 2002 .

  27. 我的医生去开曼群岛打高尔夫了。

    My doctor 's playing golf in the Caymans .

  28. 除了银行业,对冲基金是开曼群岛规模最大的金融业务。

    Alongside banking , hedge funds are the Caymans ' biggest financial business .

  29. 中芯国际于2000年成立,注册于开曼群岛,总部设立于中国。

    Established in2000 , we are a Cayman Islands company strategically located in China .

  30. 此外,瑞士银行还发行在开曼群岛注册的人民币债券基金。

    Swiss banks are meanwhile offering renminbi bond funds domiciled in the Cayman Islands .