
kāi luó
  • Cairo
开罗 [kāi luó]
  • (1) [Cairo]

  • (2) 埃及首都。位于尼罗河畔。重要交通枢纽。人口 600 万(1978),连郊区共 800 万(1976)。该城建于 969 年

  • (3) 美国伊利诺伊州城市

开罗[kāi luó]
  1. 你可以乘船从开罗游览到阿斯旺,也可以从阿斯旺游览到开罗。

    You can cruise from Cairo to Aswan or vice versa .

  2. 他被派往开罗总司令部。

    He was posted to GHQ Cairo .

  3. 开罗对此次攻击表示遗憾。

    From Cairo came expressions of regret at the attack .

  4. 开罗居民的人均绿地面积仅13平方厘米。

    Cairo has only thirteen square centimetres of green space for each inhabitant .

  5. 他们怀疑这是开罗情报人员玩的空城计。

    They suspected this was a double bluff on the part of Cairo Intelligence .

  6. 在开罗不断扩张的都市版图内,这些被悉心照料的花园成了一片世外桃源。

    The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo 's urban sprawl .

  7. 她叔叔背井离乡八年后返回开罗。

    After an exile of eight years her uncle returned to cairo .

  8. 没有人知道古埃及人是如何在开罗附近建造金字塔的。

    No one is sure how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids near Cairo .

  9. 埃及人见证了一场载入史册的盛况,目睹了古埃及统治者们在首都开罗的游行。

    Egyptians have been witnessing a historic procession of their country 's ancient rulers through the capital , Cairo .

  10. 例如,优素里将参加在开罗美国大学(americanuniversityincairo)举办的一个为期5周的课程,以改善自己的基本商业技能。

    MS youssry , for instance , will attend a five-week course at American University in Cairo to improve her basic business skills .

  11. 他们认为在开罗(Cairo)比赛实在太危险。

    They believe it 's too dangerous to play the game in Cairo .

  12. “在开罗,我曾见到过建造中就倒塌的楼房,以及全部未完成的建筑”(威廉H。加斯)

    " In Cairo I have seen buildings which were falling down as they were being put up , buildings whose incompletion was complete "( William H.Gass )

  13. 在非盟峰会上,非洲领导人们可能会批准《开罗宣言》,这包括可能的科学资助机制和建立若干卓越科学中心(Centreofexcellence)。

    Leaders at the AU summit are likely to ratify the Cairo declaration , which includes potential funding mechanisms and'centres of excellence ' .

  14. NPR新闻,我是在开罗梅乐特·肯尼迪。

    For NPR News , I 'm Merrit Kennedy in Cairo .

  15. NPR新闻,金·亚当斯,开罗报道。

    For NPR news , I 'm Kamily Adams in Cario .

  16. NPR新闻,彼得·肯扬开罗报道。

    Peter Kenyon , NPR News , Cairo .

  17. 本月早些时候,群众再度占领开罗市中心解放广场(tahrirsquare),要求审判穆巴拉克。

    Earlier this month crowds reoccupied Tahrir square in central Cairo to demand that Mr Mubarak be put on trial .

  18. 埃及普通市民占领开罗解放广场(tahrirsquare)之时,拉开了穆巴拉克政权倒台的序幕。

    When ordinary citizens occupied Tahrir square , it was the beginning of the end for the Mubarak regime in Egypt .

  19. 据NPR新闻的梅里特·肯尼迪从开罗带来的报道,这是一系列大型审判中最新的一起。

    From Cairo , Merrit Kennedy reports it 's the latest in a series of mass trials .

  20. 正是埃及在开罗的中央公共卫生实验室开展的监测和快速病毒学分析,起初使能对H5N1作出诊断。

    It was Egypt 's monitoring and rapid virological analysis conducted at the Central Public Health Laboratory in Cairo that initially allowed the diagnoses of H5N1 to be made .

  21. 开罗一家法院今天接受重审,NPR新闻的莱拉·法德尔报道此举将有可能受到大多数埃及人的欢迎。

    A court in Cairo order the re-trail today , NPR 's Leila Fadel reports the move will be likely welcomed by most of the Egyptians .

  22. 爱资哈尔(Al-Azhar)一千多年来一直是一座伊斯兰学术的灯塔,开罗大学(CairoUniversity)一百多年来一直是埃及发展的源泉。

    For over a thousand years , Al-Azhar has stood as a beacon of Islamic learning , and for over a century , Cairo University has been a source of Egypt 's advancement .

  23. 但是El-Awady说,可以期待在开罗举行的会议有更多的成就。

    But El-Awady said that even more can be expected from Cairo .

  24. 最有影响力的逊尼派牧师之一,开罗爱资哈尔的Sheikh谴责安全部队袭击在清真寺中避难的抗议者。

    One of the most influential Sunni clerics , the Sheikh of al-Azhar in Cairo , has condemned attacks on protesters taking refuge in mosques .

  25. Haji住在狮身人面像的故乡开罗,那儿是法老的领土。

    Haji lives in Cairo The home of the Sphinx , the land of the Pharaohs .

  26. 美国国际开发署(USAID)已经就创业精神举行了几次听取意见的会议,包括在开罗和一个包括来自150多个国家数以千计的人参与的网上现场活动。

    USAID has already held several listening sessions on entrepreneurship , including in Cairo , and a virtual effort that included thousands of participants from over 150 countries .

  27. 阿巴斯总统计划那一天子开罗与阿拉伯外交部长进行协商,然后宣布是否继续进行对话。1.avertvt.防止,避免

    That is when President Abbas plans to consult with Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo , before announcing his decision on whether to continue negotiations .

  28. 今年27岁的海宁借开罗公开赛,为下个月重返WTA作准备。海宁已经缺席WTA18个月。

    The27-year-old Justine Henin is using her trip to the Egyptian capital as preparation for a return to the WTA tour next month , after an18-month absence from the game .

  29. HodaRashad是开罗美国大学社会研究中心主任和研究教授。

    Hoda Rashad is Director and Research Professor of the Social Research Center of the American University in Cairo .

  30. 有些人像开罗出租车司机S.A。表示美国在没有任何所示的前提下就能重新恢复其形象。

    Some , like Cairo taxi driver S.A.says all is not lost , that the United States can rehabilitate its image .