
Kāi pǔ dūn
  • Cape Town
  1. 他们的第一个停靠港将是开普敦。

    Their first port of call will be Cape Town .

  2. 客轮到达开普敦时,我们暂时分别。

    When the boat reached Cape Town , we said a temporary goodbye .

  3. 他在短短26天内从开普敦横渡到悉尼。

    He made the crossing from Cape Town to Sydney in just over twenty-six days

  4. 我喜欢开普敦的那片地方。

    I like that part of Cape Town

  5. (桑德拉和卢克计划去开普敦。S=桑德拉L=卢克)

    ( Sandra and Luke plan their trip to Cape Town . S = Sandra L = Luke )

  6. 因此,从开普敦一回来,我开始兴奋地写作,最终形成一本和Tom共同完成的书,

    Which is why I started writing feverishly upon my return from Cape Town , resulting in a book co-authored by Tom ,

  7. 安东尼格雷德在南非开普敦市一家名为HonestChocolate的店里制作上等巧克力。

    Anthony Grid makes fine chocolates at a store called Honest Chocolate , in Cape Town , South Africa .

  8. 他举了个例子:开普敦大学(UniversityofCapeTown)一位教授每年来阿什里奇授课两个月,多年来一直如此。

    He cites the example of a professor from the University of Cape Town who has taught at Ashridge for two months a year , for many years .

  9. 开普敦重新焕发活力,邀请全世界来见证它的复兴。—SARAHKHAN

    Cape Town is again reinventing itself , and the world is invited to its renaissance . - SARAH KHAN

  10. 开普敦Metro地区的人口估计数字被用来计算每10万人中具体到各个年龄的死亡率,然后将这些数据作为年龄死亡率标准与分区的相应数据进行对比。

    Population estimates for the Cape Town Metro district were used to calculate age-specific rates per100000 population , which were then age-standardized and compared across subdistricts .

  11. 纳尔逊·曼德拉(NelsonMandela)身陷罗本岛监狱期间,从开普敦获得了无穷的鼓舞。

    When Nelson Mandela was incarcerated at Robben Island prison , he found inspiration in Cape Town .

  12. 我过几天会去开普敦(CapeTown),我将第三次访问维多利亚·恩姆尚盖合作社(VictoriaMxenge)。

    In a few days , I will be in Cape Town and I will visit , for the third time , the Victoria Mxenge cooperative .

  13. YaliweClarke是南非开普敦大学性学研究的一名讲师。

    Yaliwe Clarke is a lecturer in gender studies at the University of Cape Town in South Africa .

  14. 二十世纪初黑死病肆虐开普敦后(CapeTown,南非西南部港市),为了让欧洲人保持健康,人们开始采用一项新的隔离方法。

    In Cape Town , a new effort to divide , aimed at keeping Europeans healthy , began after the arrival of bubonic plague at the start of the 20th century .

  15. 为了克服这个问题,Wreford和一个叫做HOPE(HIVOutreachProgrammeandEducation,艾滋病扩展计划和教育)的非营利组织在开普敦附近的5个区建立了一项计划。

    To overcome this , Wreford and a non-profit organisation called HOPE ( HIV Outreach Programme and Education ) have set up a project in five townships near Cape Town .

  16. 到访开普敦的“恶魔岛”(Alcatraz)需要提前几个星期预订。罗本岛(RobbenIsland)距海岸5英里(约8.05公里),是令人生畏的流放之地。

    Book a few weeks in advance for a tour of Cape Town 's Alcatraz : Robben Island , the grim penal colony five miles off the coast .

  17. MarkTadross是南非开普敦大学环境与地理科学系的高级研究员。

    Mark Tadross is a senior research fellow in the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science at the University of Cape Town , South Africa .

  18. 1964年他被判终身监禁后,在狱中度过了逾四分之一个世纪的岁月,其中大部分时间被关押在开普敦附近罗本岛(RobbenIsland)上一个戒备森严的监狱里。

    After he was sentenced to life in prison in 1964 , he spent more than a quarter-century behind bars , much of it in a maximum-security prison on Robben Island , off the coast of Cape Town .

  19. 本周,Doyle将前往海地,启动一项社会问责项目。他说,该项目直接归功于他在开普敦所学到的知识。

    This week , Doyle will travel to Haiti to start a social accountability project & a direct result , he says , of what he learned in Cape Town .

  20. 开普敦大学分子和细胞生物学系的DionneShepherd正在负责培育能够抵抗这种条纹病毒的转基因玉米。

    Dionne Shepherd of the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at UCT is leading efforts to genetically engineer a type of maize resistant to the streak virus .

  21. 任教于开普敦大学的Picker教授表示,他们是在一项以苍蝇所目标的研究的过程中所意外发现的。

    Professor Picker , who works at the University of Cape Town , today told how the zoologists discovered the insect by chance as they searched for flies during a research project .

  22. 2000年6月23日,一艘名为“宝藏(Treasure)”号的油轮在南非开普敦(Capetown)海岸线附近沉没,造成1300吨燃油外泄,

    On June 23 , 2000 , a ship named the Treasure sank off the coast of Cape Town , South Africa , spilling 1300 tons of fuel ,

  23. 出生于英国Dorset的道格拉斯-汉密尔顿,在南非开普敦的Constantia长大。在他十几岁的时候移居至了苏格兰。

    Born in Dorset , United Kingdom , Douglas-Hamilton grew up in Constantia , Cape Town , South Africa , but moved to Scotland as a teen .

  24. DeBurca补充道,世行目前还在参与一般性儿童方案的政策和讨论活动,并同意遵守开普敦原则。后者确定了儿童兵的定义。

    The Bank is also involved in policies and discussions about child programs in general , and has agreed to abide by the Cape Town Principles , which defines what a child soldier is , says De Burca .

  25. 本周(9月17日至19日)在南非开普敦举行的Bio2Biz生物技术会议上,科学家们公布说,只有一种艾滋病疫苗在泰国进入了最终阶段的试验,也就是III期临床试验。

    This week ( 17 – 19 September ) the Bio2Biz biotechnology conference in Cape Town heard that only one HIV vaccine , in Thailand , has progressed to the final stage , phase III clinical trials .

  26. 塞内加尔达喀尔的CheikhAntaDiop大学和最近的南非开普敦大学都走了这条道路。

    The Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar , Senegal and , more recently , the University of Cape Town in South Africa have both followed this route .

  27. 最终,在整个救助过程中,有12500多名来自世界各地的志愿者参与了此次开普敦(Capetown)的企鹅救援行动。

    Eventually , over the course of this rescue , more than 12-and-a-half thousand volunteers came from all over the world to Cape Town , to help save these birds .

  28. 由于诸多原因,在开普敦大会上结束了全球脉搏氧监测仪项目的三方合作性结构,该项目仍由WFSA医疗安全与质量委员会来监督实施。

    For a variety of reasons , the tripartite structure was wound up in Cape Town and the GO project returned to the oversight of the WFSA Safety and Quality of Practice Committee .

  29. 大约两周前,这条死去的南露脊鲸被冲到位于开普敦南部40公里处宁静的Kommetjie海滩上。

    The dead southern right whale washed up onto the quiet Kommetjie beach , 40 km ( 25 miles ) south of the country 's top tourist city nearly two weeks ago .

  30. 因此我们急需这方面的专家来为志愿者们作培训指导。”就这样两天后,我便与一行企鹅专家坐上了前往开普敦(Capetown)的飞机。

    And we need penguin experts to come train and supervise them . " So two days later , I was on a plane headed for Cape Town with a team of penguin specialists .