
kāi pínɡ fānɡ
  • extraction of the square root
  • extract the square root;take a square
  1. 本文扩充了G.浮点数开平方快速算法

    In the letter the result given by G. A Rapid Calculation Method in Extract the Square Root of Floating-Point Number

  2. 浮点数开平方快速算法

    A Rapid Calculation Method in Extract the Square Root of Floating-Point Number

  3. BASIC语言中的双精度开平方

    A Method of Solving Square Roots With Double-Precision in BASIC I Microcomputer Language SUNFLOWER OPENING

  4. 整数开平方快速算法及其定点DSP实现

    Fast algorithm for square root of integer and Realization based on fixed-point DSP

  5. 基于定点DSP的浮点开平方算法的实现

    The Realization of the floating-point Algorithm for square root Based on fixed-point DSP

  6. 一种适合FPGA实现的开平方算法

    A Square Root Algorithm Based on FPGA

  7. 基于ASIC的重置逐比特移位相减开平方计算

    Binary Restoring Shift / Subtract Square-Rooter Bit by Bit Based on ASIC

  8. 相关系数R是通过把R2开平方根求得的。

    The coefficient of correlation , R , is obtained by taking the square root of R2 .

  9. 所以周期为-,2π/ω,等于2π乘以点P转动,惯量除以K开平方根。

    And therefore the period which is two pi divided by omega equals two pi times the square root moment of inertia about point P divided by kappa .

  10. ·研究浮点算法,主要包括加减法、乘法、除法、开平方以及CORDIC(CoordinateRotationDigitalComputer)算法。

    The research work of this thesis mainly includes : Research of floating point algorithm , including addition , subtraction , multiplication , division , evolution and CORDIC ( COordinate Rotation Digital Computer ) .

  11. 目前流行的实时数据库系统,如OSI公司的PI、Honeywell公司的PHD,都提供常用数据处理过程,如量程转换、滤波、开平方、超限处理等。

    Fashionable Real-time Databases at the present time , PI and PHD , provide some general data process functions , such as unit conversion , filter , and evolution .

  12. 电量变送器中开平方算法的研究

    Research The Algorithm of Extracting The Square Root in Electric Transducer

  13. 或者,它可以表现的像个开平方根的机器。

    Or , it could act like a square root machine .

  14. 电量变送器中一种快速高精度的开平方算法

    A fast and high-accuracy square root algorithm in microcomputer electrical quantity transducer

  15. 快速相对移位法浮点多字节开平方运算

    Rapid Relative Shift Algorithm for Floating-Point Multiple Bytes Square Root of Extraction Operation

  16. 关于友循环矩阵开平方的一种算法

    An Algorithm for Computing the Square - Rooting Matrices of the Companion Circulant Matrix

  17. 电力系统微机保护中开平方浮点算法的改进

    Study on Square Root Algorithm in Microcomputer Protection

  18. 浮点多字节混合扫描快速开平方运算

    Multi Scanning Method for Quick Floating Point Multiple Bytes Square Root of Extraction Calculation

  19. 微机保护开平方计算中牛顿迭代法的改进

    The Improvement of Newton Iteration Method in the Square Root Calculation of Microcomputer Protection

  20. r-循环矩阵开平方的两个快速算法

    Two fast algorithms for radication of r-circulant matrix

  21. 有限域中的开平方算法

    Algorithms of square root over finite field

  22. 关于r-循环矩阵的开平方运算

    On radication of r - circulant matrix

  23. 快速相对移位法开平方运算的研究与实现

    Research and Application of the High Speed Square Root Calculation by the Relative Shifting Method

  24. 如果说以上二者已经够糟糕了,那负数开平方又将何以自处?

    And what , too , to make of the square roots of negative numbers ?

  25. 1949年10月,图灵得到了两位助手,协助他编写开平方根之类的标准程序。

    In writing the standard routines for square roots and so forth , he had two assistants after October 1949 .

  26. 随着嵌入式等实时系统技术的发展,越来越多的数字信号处理要求将开平方等运算用硬件实现。

    With the development of embedded real time systems , more and more application areas need hardware implementation of square root algorithm .

  27. 另一种方法是对粒子权重开平方,减小各个粒子之间的权重差异,提高重采样后的粒子多样性。

    The other one is to obtain the square root of particles , which can improve the variety of particles after resampling .

  28. 进行灰色预测时,分别采用对数据开平方、求对数等方式对数据进行预处理,提高了预测精度。

    For gray-system forecasting , the data were pretreated by the way of calculating square root and logarithms to improve forecasting accuracy .

  29. 给出了定点计算三角函数、开平方等初等函数的误差分析,并对该算法进行了改进,使计算精度达到火控总体的要求。

    Also the error analysis of elementary functions , such as trigonometric and square root functions for fixed point computing , is given .

  30. 所以地球的动能,=1/2m地,用这个等式,开平方。

    So the kinetic energy of the Earth * in orbit equals one-half mass So I take this equation and I square it .