
tiáo jiàn fānɡ chénɡ
  • Conditional equation;equation of condition
  1. 依照动力学和运动学原理,建立N体问题共线解所满足的条件方程,把解微分方程组的问题转化为解非线性方程组的问题。

    By the Newton 's dynamic principle and the constraint equations that the collinear N-body systems satisfy , the problem of solving the set of differential equations is transformed into that of solving the nonlinear set of equations .

  2. 航天线阵CCD传感器的严格几何模型,即共线条件方程,虽具有较高的定位精度,但它是建立在理想情况下的模型。

    Though the strict geometric model of linear CCD satellite remote sensing images , ie the collinearity equations , has a high positioning accuracy , but it is set up in an ideal circumstances .

  3. 并根据实际切削过程中工艺参数和加工要求,建立约束条件方程,采用Matlab数学软件的序列二次规划法(SQP)获得正交车铣切削用量的最佳选择。

    Considering practice orthogonal turn-milling process and machining demand , the restrict equations are erected synthetically . The optimal selection of orthogonal turn-milling cutting regimes is obtained by using the method of sequence quadratic programming ( SQP ) in math application software Matlab .

  4. 通过用一组非线性方程组来逼近线性规划的Kuhn-tucker条件方程,从而将求解线性规划问题转化为一个用Newton迭代法来求解非线性方程组的问题。

    By utilizing a band of nonlinear equations that reaching the Kuhn-tucker conditions of the linear programming to propose a new algorithm for linear programming . Hence to convert linear scheme into nonlinear equations by employing Newton approach .

  5. 由条件方程组的原系数进行克吕格分组平差

    Direct Kruger Grouping Adjustment with the Coefficients of Conditional Equations

  6. 聚居态形成的条件方程的基本特性

    The basic properties of conditional equation with accumulative state

  7. 抽象数据类型条件方程的求取

    Solution for conditional equations of abstract data types

  8. 由于水准网网形的多样性,导致条件方程也呈现多样性。

    Because of the diversity of networks , the condition-equation is varying from each leveling-network .

  9. 反应/分离/再循环系统最佳工艺条件方程曲线的微分几何特性

    Differential Geometry Characteristics of Optimal Process Condition Curve for the Reaction / Separation / Recycle System

  10. 空间后方交会是摄影测量学的基本内容,其解算的理论基础是共线条件方程及其线性化。

    Space resection is a fundamental element in photogrammetry which is based on the collinearity equations and linearization .

  11. 但是由于传统的吸收边界条件方程阶数较低,其对大角度入射波的吸收效果不理想。

    However the lower order traditional absorbing boundary conditions are only effective for the incident waves with smaller incident angles .

  12. 在建立星座自主定轨条件方程的基础上,对其求解的可行性进行了分析、论证和仿真计算。

    This paper gives analysis and simulation of problem-solving feasibility based on the conditional equations for establishment of autonomous orbit determination for constellations .

  13. 然后,基于极大极小问题的均衡作用,构造了一个新的效益函数(势函数),并以其梯度为零代替一般内点法中的互补条件方程。

    A new merit function ( potential function ) is constructed in Chapter three , based on the balanced effect of the min-max problem .

  14. 提出两种算法:(1)条件方程转化为坐标角未知数平差法;

    Two kinds of algorithms have been put forward : ( 1 ) The'Adjustment by converting condition equations into coordinate angle unknown : numbers ;

  15. 两种方法的测定原理都是基于物点、摄影中心、像点空间共线的条件方程。

    The measurement principles of the two methods are both based on object point central point of lens and special co-linear equation of image point .

  16. 其次,结合核动力装置一回路的实际情况,给出各部件合理简化处理后的边界条件方程。

    Secondly , according to actual situation of the nuclear power plant primary system , give the boundary equations after reasonable simplification for every part in the whole loop .

  17. 在克吕格分组平差理论的基础上,不改化第二组条件方程的系数可直接进行分组平差,本文用一典型图形平差的实例验证;

    On the basis of Kruger grouping adjustment theory , the adjustment can directly be done without the reduction of the coefficients of the second group of conditional equations .

  18. 建立了模拟会车期间流动的边界条件方程,提出了一种新的跟踪列车运动的网格系统。

    Equations of boundary conditions are built for modeling the flow during the crossing period , and a new grid system for tracking the motion of trains is proposed .

  19. 为此人们提出了各种吸收边界条件方程,但是大部分吸收边界条件都很少专门考虑如何处理好模型边界角点的反射问题。

    To solve this problem , various absorbing boundary conditions have been figured out , which , however , seldom consider how to deal with corner reflections of the model .

  20. 该算法引入传递数矩阵这一概念,通过先构建传递数矩阵,再组成条件方程的方法完成平差计算。

    In this arithmetic a new word " transfer-data-matrix " has been introduced and the adjustment is carried out by constructing the " transfer-data-matrix " and then forming the condition equation .

  21. 确认该条件方程与电负性均等化或绝对硬度均等化原理相符,而且这些原理在聚居态下就已经成立;

    The results indicate that the conditional equation not only is well consistent with the principles of electronegativity and absolute hardness equalization , but also satisfies the bonding of a full - prerequisite condition , e. g.

  22. 综合考虑摆动活齿减速器的外型尺寸、共轭齿廓间的滑动率、强度的可靠性等结构及性能要求,确立约束条件方程,应用灰色聚类分析方法对摆动活齿减速器进行多目标优化设计。

    By considering product size of reducer , specific sliding of conjugate profiles and strength reliability , simultaneously constraint conditions , multi-objective optimized design of swing movable teeth reducer by application of grey clustering analysis method is executed .

  23. 给出了相关公式的推导和建立12参数运动学条件方程,包括3个太阳运动速度分量,3个银河系刚性旋转分量,3个较差旋转分量,以及3个银河系收缩和膨胀运动分量。

    The relative equations has been derived to solve for 12 kinematic parameters : three components of solar motion , three components of rotation , three components of the shear motion , and three components of Galactic contraction or expansion .

  24. 首先根据严格的中心投影共线条件方程,推导出目标飞行器光学特征点坐标和对应的像点坐标与内参数及相对位置和姿态的严格解析关系;

    At first , in the paper the rigorous analytical relations among the feature point coordinates of the target spacecraft , the corresponding image point coordinate , interior parameters , relative position and pose are induced according to rigorous collinear equation of the central projection .

  25. 非局部条件积分方程在Banach空间中的可控性

    Controllability of Integrodifferential Equations in Banach Space with Nonlocal Conditions

  26. 具有Neumann边界条件热方程组的爆破速度

    The Blow-up Rate for a System of Heat Equations with Neumann Boundary Conditions

  27. 本文通过构建GARCH(1,1)模型并在此模型的条件方差方程中加入虚拟变量Dt来考察印花税调整对股市波动性的长期影响。

    We examine the long-term impact by building the GARCH ( 1,1 ) model and adding the dummy variable Dt in the conditional variance equation .

  28. 首先将速度势函数Ф在自由液面处作波高函数η的Taylor级数展开,从而导出自由液面运动学和动力学边界条件非线性方程组;

    First , the Taylor series about wave elevation function η in the liquid free surface of velocity potential function was derived , and the nonlinear equations of free surface kinetic boundary condition and dynamic boundary condition was gained .

  29. 带边界条件声波方程速度提取的摄动方法

    A perturbation approach for velocity extraction from acoustic wave equation with boundary conditions

  30. 求解一类非局部边界条件微分方程的再生核方法

    Reproducing kernel method of solving a differential equation with nonlinear non-local boundary conditions