
tiáo xíng mǎ
  • bar code
条形码[tiáo xíng mǎ]
  1. 通用产品代码符号,亦称“条形码”,印在出售的商品上,其中含有计算机能识别的信息。

    The Universal Product Code symbol , also known as the ‘ bar code ’ , is printed on products for sale and contains information that a computer can read .

  2. 如果她觉得她爸爸穿着短裤、戴着墨镜,靠追拍SMAP的照片谋生一点都不酷,那如果她爸爸梳着条形码发型,整天坐在办公室处理各种文件,她会怎么想?

    If she thinks her father , who wears shorts and shades and takes pictures of SMAP for a living , is uncool , how would she feel if he sported a “ bar code ” hairstyle and pushed papers at the local ward2 office ?

  3. 产品上的条形码是用激光读取的。

    The bar codes on the products are read by lasers .

  4. 日本学生用bar-codehairstyle来形容男士将头顶仅有的几缕头发梳开盖住头顶的发型,因形状类似条形码而被称为“条形码发型”。

    Bar-code hairstyle is a term used by Japanese students to describe a style in which a man ’ s last few strands1 of hair are combed across the top of his head , thus resembling a bar-code pattern .

  5. 用VISUALBASIC开发图书馆常用条形码打印软件

    To Develop Barcode Printing Software Used in Libraries with Visual Basic

  6. 适合中药材DNA条形码分析的DNA提取方法的研究

    DNA Extraction Method Research for DNA Bar Code Analysis of Chinese Medicinal Materials

  7. 3个地方鸡种线粒体DNACoⅠ基因条形码遗传多样性研究

    Genetic Diversity of CO ⅰ Gene as DNA Barcodes in Three Indigenous Chicken Breeds

  8. QRCode二维条形码的图像识别

    Image Recognition in 2-D Bar Code Based on QR Code

  9. VB程序中利用图形方式实现条形码的打印

    Realization of barcode 's print using design way in VB program

  10. 可以使用条形码生成API利用提供的数据生成条形码。

    Barcode generation APIs can be used to generate barcodes with the data provided .

  11. 这些API以图像的形式生成条形码。

    These APIs generate the barcodes as images .

  12. 3D条形码阅读器通过你的手机摄像头,扫描出条形码,并能找出商品。

    3D bar code readers use your phone 's camera to literally scan bar codes and search for products .

  13. 一体化条形码库存MIS的设计思想

    Structure of Integrative Inventory MIS Using Bar Code Technique

  14. 丹参品质鉴定和评价的HPLC指纹条形码技术

    Development of HPLC fingerprint bar code technique for authentication and quality assessment of Radix Salvia Miltiorrhiza

  15. 在公司的DNA芯片具体化过程中条形码模式以0.5微米的分辨度显示出来。

    In the current incarnation of the company 's DNA chips , the bar-code patterns are read at a resolution of0.5 micrometers .

  16. 基于以上研究,应用分子系统学、DNA条形码和形态特征统计进行翅茎草属种间关系的研究。

    Furthermore , we focused on the genus Pterygiella to explore the species'circumscription by molecular phylogeny , DNA barcodes and morphological studies .

  17. 本文以DataMatrix(DM)二维条形码为例,研究基于摄像头的二维条码图像自动识别所涉及到的图像预处理技术。

    This thesis researches on the image pre-processing techniques involved in automatic recognition of data matrix barcode captured by camera as an example .

  18. 条形码作为商品的唯一ID,在我们生活中扮演着重要的角色。

    As the only identifier of commodity , it plays an important role in our lives .

  19. CRM与条形码的集成应用研究

    Integration Application Research of CRM and Bar Code

  20. 因此,ups员工能够更快速地获取及处理条形码图像。

    This allows UPS employees to capture and process barcode images more quickly .

  21. 基于条形码和RFID技术的高校固定资产管理系统设计

    The Design for University Fixed Assets Management Systems Based on Bar Code and RFID Technology

  22. 该研究将会给其他植物类群DNA条形码研究提供参考并最终促进植物标准DNA条形码的确定。

    Our work contributes valuable information for identifying species in other plant taxonomic groups and promotes the determination of the standard DNA barcode for plants .

  23. RFID条形码的更新换代技术

    Updating Bar Code with RFID

  24. 若要创建标签格式的条形码,可以使用微软的标签网站或他们的API。

    In order to create Tag-style barcodes , people have to either use the Microsoft Tag website or their API .

  25. 通过将RFID技术和条形码技术的综合应用,实现了仓储操作的全方位监控和管理。

    Through integrated application of RFID and bar code technology , realizing all-round monitoring and management in warehouse .

  26. 以后的研究可以在DSP中直接把条形码图像译码,再通过1394设备上传。这样,整个系统将有更广的生命力。

    Decoding from original image in DSP in the system is good for study after that . So , the system is better .

  27. 业务标识符的例子包括产品代码,例如GlobalTradeIdentificationNumber(GTIN),股票代号和条形码编号。

    Examples include product codes , such as the Global Trade Identification Number ( GTIN ), ticker symbols , and bar code numbers .

  28. 利用六个简单输出的颜色传感器配合模糊控制器实现了移动机械手的路径跟踪,GPS以及条形码传感器的混合使用实现了移动机械手在不同工作环境下的定位。

    Six simple color sensors and a fuzzy controller realize the road following . And GPS and barcode made the robot local its position clearly .

  29. DNA条形码支持者希望确立一种短的基因序列作为辨别除基于外部生理特征的传统方法可以辨别的物种外的物种。

    Proponents of DNA barcoding seek to establish a short genetic sequence as a way of identifying species in addition to traditional approaches based on external physical features .

  30. 具有专利“绿点”的直接位于条形码上,罩盖顶部和背面的双正常阅读LED增加了任何角度的可见性。

    The patented'Green Spot'directly on the code , and dual Good Read LEDs on the top and back of the cap add increased visibility at any angle .